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Word List 22 - 27

Gouge - Laggard

Gouge v. tear out; overcharge
Gourmand n. epicure; person who takes excessive pleasure in food and drink
Gourmet n. connoisseur of food and drink
Graduated adj. arranged by degrees (of height, difficulty, etc.)
Granary n. storehouse for grain
Grandeur n. impressiveness; stateliness; majesty
Grandiloquent adj. pompous; bombastic; using high sounding language
Grandiose adj. pretentious; high flown; ridiculously exaggerated; impressive
Granulate v. to form into grains
Graphic adj. pertaining to the art of delineating; vividly described
Grapple v. wrestle; to come to grips with
Grate v. to make a harsh noise; to have an unpleasant effect; shred
Gratify v. to please
Gratis adj. free
Gratuitous adj. given freely; unwarranted; uncalled for
Gratuity n. tip
Gravity n. seriousness
Gregarious adj. sociable
Grievance n. cause of complaint
Grill v. question severely
Grimace n. a facial distortion to show feeling such as pain or disgust
Grisly adj. ghastly
Grotesque adj. fantastic; comically hideous
Grotto n. small cavern
Grouse v. complain; fuss
Grovel v. crawl or creep on the ground; remain prostrate
Grudging adj. unwilling; reluctant; stingy
Gruel n. thin liquid porridge
Grueling adj. exhausting
Gruesome adj. grisly and horrible
Gruff adj. rough mannered
Guffaw n. boisterous laughter
Guile n. deceit; duplicity; wiliness; cunning
Guileless adj. without deceit
Guise n. appearance; costume
Gull v. trick; hoodwink
Gullible adj. easily deceived
Gustatory adj. affecting the sense of taste
Gusto n. enjoyment; enthusiasm
Gusty adj. windy
Guy n. cable or chain attached to something that needs to be braced or steadied
Gyroscope n. apparatus used to maintain balance, ascertain direction, etc.
Habituate v. to accustom or familiarize; addict
Hackles n. hairs on back and neck, especially of a dog
Hackneyed adj. commonplace; trite
Haggard adj. wasted away; gaunt
Haggle v. argue about prices
Halcyon adj. calm; peaceful
Hale adj. healthy
Hallowed adj. blessed; consecrated
Hallucination n. delusion
Halting adj. hesitant; faltering
Hamper v. obstruct
Hap n. chance; luck
Haphazard adj. random; by chance
Hapless adj. unfortunate
Harangue n. long, passionate, and vehement speech
Harass v. annoy by repeated attacks
Harbinger n. forerunner
Harbor v. provide refuge for; hide
Hardy adj. sturdy; robust; able to stand inclement weather
Harping n. tiresome dwelling on a subject
Harrowing adj. agonizing; distressing; traumatic
Harry v. harass, annoy, torment; raid
Hatch n. deck opening; lid covering a deck opening
Haughtiness n. pride; arrogance
Haven n. place of safety; refuge
Hazardous adj. dangerous
Hazy adj. slightly obscure
Headlong adj. hasty; rash
Headstrong adj. stubborn; willful; unyielding
Heckler n. person who verbally harasses others
Hedonist n. one who believes that pleasure is the sole aim in life
Heedless adj. not noticing; disregarding
Hegemony n. dominance, especially of one nation over others
Heinous adj. atrocious; hatefully bad
Herbivorous adj. grain-eating
Heresy n. opinion contrary to popular belief; opinion contrary to accepted religion
Hermetic adj. sealed by fusion so as to be airtight
Hermetic adj. obscure and mysterious; occult
Hermitage n. home of a hermit
Herpetologist n. one who studies reptiles
Heterodox adj. unorthodox; unconventional
Heterogeneous adj. dissimilar; mixed
Hew v. cut to pieces with ax or sword
Heyday n. time of greatest success; prime
Hiatus n. gap; pause
Hibernal adj. wintry
Hibernate v. to sleep throughout the winter
Hierarchy n. arrangement by rank or standing; authoritarian body divided into ranks
Hieroglyphic n. picture writing
Hilarity n. boisterous mirth
Hindmost adj. the furthest behind
Hindrance n. block; obstacle
Hinterlands n. backcountry
Hireling n. one who serves for hire (usually used contemptuously) (blank)
Hirsute adj. hairy
Histrionic adj. theatrical
Hoard v. stockpile; to accumulate for future use
Hoary adj. white with age
Hoax n. trick; practical joke
Holocaust n. destruction by fire
Holster n. a pistol case
Homage n. honor; tribute
Homeostasis n. tendency of a system to maintain relative stability
Homespun adj. domestic; made at home
Homily n. sermon; serious warning
Homogenous adj. of the same kind
Hone v. sharpen
Hoodwink v. deceive; delude
Horde n. crowd
Hortatory adj. encouraging
Horticultural –adj. pertaining to cultivation of gardens (blank)
Hostility n. unfriendliness; hatred
Hovel n. shack; small wretched house
Hover v. hang about; wait near by
Hubbub n. confused uproar
Hubris n. arrogance; excessive self-conceit
Hue n. color; aspect
Hue and cry n. outcry
Humane adj. marked by kindness or consideration
Humdrum adj. dull; monotonous
Humid adj. damp
Humility n. humbleness of spirit
Hummock n. small hill
Humus n. substance formed by decaying vegetable matter
Hurtle v. crash; rush
Husband v. use sparingly; conserve; save
Husbandry n. frugality; thrift; agriculture
Hybrid n. mongrel; mixed breed
Hydrophobia n. fear of water; rabies
Hyperbole n. exaggeration; overstatement
Hypercritical adj. excessively exacting
Hypochondriac n. person unduly worried about his health; worrier without cause about illness
Hypocritical adj. pretending to be virtuous; deceiving
Hypothetical adj. based on assumption or hypotheses; supposed
Ichthyology n. study of fish
Icon n. religious image; idol
Iconoclastic adj. attacking cherished traditions
Ideology n. system of ideas characteristic of a group or culture
Idiom n. expression whose meaning as a whole differs from the meanings of its individual words; distinctive style
Idiosyncrasy n. individual trait usually odd in nature; eccentricity
Idolatry n. worship of idols; excessive admiration
Idyllic adj. charmingly carefree; simple
Igneous adj. produced by fire; volcanic
Ignite v. kindle; light
Ignoble adj. unworthy; not noble
Ignominy n. deep disgrace; shame or dishonor
Illicit adj. illegal
Illimitable adj. infinite
Illuminate v. brighten; clear up or make understandable; enlighten
Illusion n. misleading vision
Illusive adj. deceiving
Illusory adj. deceptive; not real
Imbalance n. lack of balance or symmetry; disproportion
Imbecility n. weakness of mind
Imbibe v. drink in
Imbroglio n. complicated situation; painful or complex misunderstanding; entanglement; confused mass (as of papers)
Imbue v. saturate; fill
Immaculate adj. spotless; flawless; absolutely clean
Imminent adj. near at hand; impending
Immobility n. state of being immovable
Immolate v. offer as a sacrifice
Immune adj. resistant to; free or exempt from
Immure v. imprison; shut up in confinement
Immutable adj. unchangeable
Impair v. injure; hurt
Impale v. pierce
Impalpable adj. imperceptibility; intangible
Impartial adj. not biased; fair
Impassable adj. not able to be travelled or crossed
Impasse n. predicament from which there is no escape
Impassive adj. without feeling; imperturbable; stoical
Impeach v. to charge with crime in office; indict
Impeccable adj. faultless
Impecunious adj. without money
Impede v. hinder; block
Impediment n. hindrance; stumbling-block
Impel v. drive or force onward
Impending adj. nearing; approaching
Impenetrable adj. not able to be pierced or entered; beyond understanding
Impenitent adj. not repentant
Imperative adj. absolutely necessary; critically important
Imperceptible adj. unnoticeable; undetectable
Imperial adj. like an emperor; related to an empire
Imperious adj. domineering; haughty
Impermeable adj. impervious; not permitting passage through its substance
Impertinent adj. insolent; rude
Imperturbable adj. calm; placid
Impervious adj. impenetrable; incapable of being damaged or distressed
Impetuous adj. violent; hasty; rash
Impetus n. moving forth; incentive; stimulus
Impiety n. irreverence; lack of respect for god
Impinge v. infringe; touch; collide with
Impious adj. irreverent
Implacable adj. incapable of being pacified
Implausible adj. unlikely; unbelievable
Implement v. put into effect; supply with tools
Implicate v. to incriminate; show to be involved
Implication n. something hinted at or suggested
Implicit adj. understood but not stated
Implode v. burst inward
Implore v. beg
Imply v. suggest a meaning not expressed; signify
Impolitic adj. not wise
Imponderable adj. weightless
Import n. significance
Importunate adj. urging; demanding
Importune v. beg persistently
Imposture n. act of assuming a false identity; masquerade
Impotent adj. weak; ineffective
Imprecation n. curse
Impregnable adj. invulnerable
Impromptu adj. without previous preparation; off the cuff; on the spur of the moment
Impropriety n. improperness; unsuitableness
Improvident adj. thriftless
Improvise v. compose on the spur of the moment
Imprudent adj. lacking caution; injudicious
Impudence n. impertinence; insolence
Impugn v. dispute or contradict often in an insulting way; challenge; gainsay
Impuissance n. powerlessness; feebleness
Impunity n. freedom from punishment or harm
Impute v. attribute; ascribe
Inadvertently adv. unintentionally; by oversight; carelessly
Inalienable adj. not to be taken away; nontransferable
Inane adj. silly; senseless
Inanimate adj. lifeless
Inarticulate adj. speechless; producing indistinct speech
Inaugurate v. begin formally; install in office
Incandescent adj. strikingly bright; shining with intense heat
Incantation n. singing or chanting of magic spells; magical formula
Incapacitated v. disable
Incarcerate v. imprison
Incarnate adj. endowed with flesh; personified
Incarnation n. act of assuming a human body and human nature
Incendiary n. arsonist
Incense v. enrage; infuriate
Incentive n. spur; motive
Inception n. start; beginning
Incessant adj. uninterrupted; unceasing
Inchoate adj. recently begun; rudimentary; elementary
Incidence n. rate of occurrence; particular occurrence
Incidental adj. not essential; minor
Incipient adj. beginning; in an early stage
Incisive adj. cutting; sharp
Incite v. arouse to action; goad; motivate; induce to exist
Inclement adj. stormy; unkind
Incline n. slope; slant
Inclined adj. tending or leaning toward; bent
Inclusive adj. tending to include all
Incognito adv. with identity concealed; using and assumed name
Incoherent adj. unintelligible; muddle; illogical
Incommodious adj. not spacious; inconvenient
Incompatible adj. inharmonious
Incongruity n. lack of harmony; absurdity
Inconsequential adj. insignificant; unimportant
Inconsistency n. state of being self-contradictory; lack of uniformity or steadiness
Incontinent adj. lacking self restraint; licentious
Incontrovertible adj. indisputable; not open to question
Incorporate v. introduce something into a larger whole; combine; unite
Incorporeal adj. lacking a material body; insubstantial
Incorrigible adj. uncorrectable
Incredulity n. tendency to disbelief
Incredulous adj. withholding belief; skeptical
Increment n. increase
Incriminate v. accuse; serve as evidence against
Incrustation n. hard coating or crust
Incubate v. hatch
Incubus n. burden; mental care; nightmare
Inculcate v. teach
Incumbent adj. obligatory; current holding an office
Incur v. bring upon oneself
Incursion n. temporary invasion
Indefatigable adj. tireless
Indelible adj. not able to be erased
Indemnify v. make secure against; compensate for loss
Indentation n. notch; deep recess
Indenture v. bind as servant or apprentice to master
Indeterminate adj. uncertain; not clearly fixed; indefinite
Indicative adj. suggestive; implying
Indices n. signs; indications
Indict v. charge
Indifferent adj. unmoved; unconcerned by; mediocre
Indigence n. poverty
Indigenous adj. native
Indigent adj. poor; destitute
Indignation n. anger at an injustice
Indignity n. offensive or insulting treatment
Indiscriminate adj. choosing at random; confused
Indisputable adj. too certain to be disputed
Indissoluble adj. permanent
Indite v. write; compose
Indolent adj. lazy
Indomitable adj. unconquerable; unyielding
Indubitable adj. unable to be doubted; unquestionable
Induce v. persuade; bring about
Inductive adj. pertaining to induction; proceeding from the specific to the general
Indulgent adj. humoring; yielding; lenient
Industrious adj. diligent; hardworking
Inebriated adj. habitually intoxicated; drunk
Ineffable adj. unutterable; cannot be expressed in speech
Ineffectual adj. not effective; weak
Ineluctable adj. irresistible; not to be escaped
Inept adj. lacking skill; unsuited; incompetent
Inequity n. unfairness
Inerrancy n. infallibility
Inert adj. inactive; lacking power to move
Inevitable adj. unavoidable
Inexorable adj. relentless; unyielding; implacable
Infallible adj. unerring
Infamous adj. notoriously bad
Infantile adj. childish; infant like
Infer v. deduce; conclude
Infernal adj. pertaining to hell; devilish
Infidel n. unbeliever
Infiltrate v. pass into or through; penetrate (an organization) sneakily
Infinitesimal adj. very small
Infirmity n. weakness
Inflated adj. exaggerate; pompous; enlarged (with air or gas)
Influx n. flowing into
Infraction n. violation (of a rule or regulation); breach
Infringe v. violate; encroach
Ingenious adj. clever; resourceful
Ingenuous adj. naïve and trusting; young; unsophisticated
Ingrained adj. deeply established; firmly rooted
Ingrate n. ungrateful person
Ingratiate v. become popular with
Inherent adj. firmly established by nature or habit
Inhibit v. restrain; retard or prevent
Inimical adj. unfriendly; hostile; harmful; detrimental
Inimitable adj. matchless; not able to be imitated
Iniquitous adj. wicked; immoral; unrighteous
Initiate v. begin; originate; receive into a group
Injurious adj. harmful
Inkling n. hint
Innate adj. inborn
Innocuous adj. harmless
Innovation n. change; introduction of something new
Innuendo n. hint; insinuation
Inopportune adj. untimely; poorly chosen
Inordinate adj. unrestrained; excessive
Inquisitor n. questioner (especially harsh); investigator
Insalubrious adj. unwholesome; not healthful
Insatiable adj. not easily satisfied; unquenchable; greedy
Inscrutable adj. impenetrable; not readily understood; mysterious
Insensate adj. without feeling
Insensible adj. unconscious; unresponsive
Insidious adj. treacherous; stealthy; sly
Insightful adj. discerning; perceptive
Insinuate v. hint; imply; creep in
Insipid adj. lacking in flavor; dull
Insolence n. impudent disrespect; haughtiness
Insolvent adj. bankrupt; lacking money to pay
Insomnia n. wakefulness; inability to sleep
Insouciant adj. indifferent; without concern or care
Instigate v. urge; start; provoke
Insubordination n. disobedience; rebelliousness
Insubstantial adj. lacking substance; insignificant; frail
Insularity n. narrow-mindedness; isolation
Insuperable adj. insurmountable; unbeatable
Insurgent adj. rebellious
Insurmountable adj. overwhelming; unbeatable; insuperable
Insurrection n. rebellion; uprising
Intangible adj. not able to be perceived by touch; vague
Integral adj. complete; necessary for completeness
Integrate v. make whole; combine; make into one unit
Integrity n. uprightness; wholeness
Intellect n. higher mental powers
Intelligentsia n. intellectuals; members of the educated elite [often used derogatorily]
Inter v. bury
Interdict v. prohibit; forbid
Interim n. meantime
Interloper n. intruder
Interminable adj. endless
Intermittent adj. periodic; on and off
Internecine adj. mutually destructive
Interpolate v. insert between
Interregnum n. period between two reigns
Interrogate v. question closely; cross-examine
Intervene v. come between
Intimate v. hint
Intimidate v. frighten
Intractable adj. unruly; stubborn; unyielding
Intransigence n. refusal of any compromise; stubbornness
Intrepid adj. fearless
Intrinsic adj. essential; inherent; built in
Introspective adj. looking within oneself
Introvert n. one who is introspective; inclined to think more about oneself
Intrude v. trespass; enter as an uninvited person
Intuition n. immediate insight; power of knowing without reasoning
Inundate v. overwhelm; flood; submerge
Inure adj. accustomed; hardened
Invalidate v. weaken; destroy
Invective n. abuse
Inveigh v. denounce; utter censure or invective
Inveigle v. lead astray; wheedle
Inverse adj. opposite
Invert v. turn upside down or inside out
Inveterate adj. deep rooted; habitual
Invidious adj. designed to created ill will or envy
Invincible adj. unconquerable
Inviolable adj. secure from corruption, attack, or violation; unassailable
Invocation n. prayer for help; calling upon as reference or support
Invoke v. call upon; ask for
Invulnerable adj. incapable of injury
Iota n. very small quantity
Irascible adj. irritable; easily angered
Irate adj. angry
Iridescent adj. exhibiting rainbow like colors
Irksome adj. annoying; tedious
Ironic adj. occurring in an unexpected and contrary manner
Irony n. hidden sarcasm or satire; use of words that seem to mean the opposite of what they actually mean
Irreconcilable adj. incompatibly; not able to be resolved
Irrefutable adj. indisputable; incontrovertible; undeniable
Irrelevant adj. not applicable; unrelated
Irremediable adj. incurable; uncorrectable
Irreparable adj. not able to be corrected or repaired
Irrepressible adj. unable to be restrained or held back
Irreproachable adj. blameless; impeccable
Irresolute adj. uncertain how to act; weak
Irretrievable adj. impossible to recover or regain; irreparable
Irreverence n. lack of proper respect
Irrevocable adj. unalterable; irreversible
Isotope n. varying form of an element
Isthmus n. narrow neck of land connecting two larger bodies of land
Itinerant adj. wandering; traveling
Itinerary n. plan of a trip
Jabber v. chatter rapidly or unintelligibly
Jaded adj. fatigued; surfeited
Jargon n. language used by a special group; technical terminology; gibberish
Jaundiced adj. prejudiced (envious, hostile, or resentful); yellowed
Jaunt n. trip; short journey
Jaunty adj. lighthearted; animated; easy and carefree
Jeopardize v. endanger; imperil; put at risk
Jettison v. throw overboard
Jibe v. agree; be in harmony with
Jingoist n. extremely aggressive and militant patriot; warlike chauvinist
Jocose adj. given to joking
Jocular adj. said or done in jest
Jocund adj. merry
Jollity n. gaiety; cheerfulness
Jostle v. shove; bump
Jovial adj. good-natured; merry
Jubilation n. rejoicing
Judicious adj. sound in judgment; wise
Juggernaut n. irresistible crushing force
Juncture n. crisis; joining point
Junket n. trip, especially one taken for pleasure by an official at public expense
Junta n. group of persons joined in political intrigue; cabal
Jurisprudence n. science of law
Justification n. good or just reason; defense; excuse
Juxtapose v. place side by side
Kaleidoscope n. tube in which patterns made by the reflection in mirrors of colored pieces of glass produce interesting symmetrical effects
Ken n. range of knowledge
Kernel n. central or vital part; whole seed (as of corn)
Killjoy n. grouch; spoilsport
Kindle v. start a fire; inspire
Kindred adj. related; similar in nature or character
Kinetic adj. producing motion
Kismet n. fate
Kleptomaniac n. person who has a compulsive desire to steal
Knave n. untrustworthy person; rogue; scoundrel
Knead v. mix; work dough
Knell n. tolling of a bell, especially to indicate a funeral, disaster, etc.; sound of the funeral bell
Knit v. contract into wrinkles; grow together
Knoll n. little round hill
Knotty adj. intricate; difficult; tangled
Kudos n. honor; glory; praise
Labile adj. likely to change; unstable
Laborious adj. demanding much work or care; tedious
Labyrinth n. maze
Laceration n. torn ragged wound
Lachrymose adj. producing tears
Lackadaisical adj. lacking purpose or zest; halfhearted; languid
Lackluster adj. dull
Laconic adj. brief and to the point
Laggard adj. slow; sluggish
Created by: fiutobot
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