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Literary Terms

Glossary of Literary Terms

alliteration When two of more words in a group begin with the same sound (usually, the same letter or group of letters). For Example, Anne's awesome appple, Fred's Frozen French Fries.
antagonist The opponent or enemy of the main character (protagonist)
aside Words spoken to the audience by a character in a drama that are not supposed to be heard by the other characters onstage and is usually used to let the audience know what the character is thinking about.
characterization The means or ways through which an author reveals a character's personality.
climax The point in a play, novel, short story, or narrative poem at which the conflict reaches its greatest intensity and is then resolved.
conflict A struggle between opposing forces.
dialogue The conversation between characters in a work of literature.
dynamic chacter A character who undergoes a significant internal change over the course of a story
figurative language Words used in some way other than for their literal meaning to make a comparison, add emphasis, or say something in a fresh and creative way. Examples include: alliteration, hyperbole, idiom, imagery, metaphor, onomatopoeia, personification, and simile.
flashback A scene in a story that occurs before the present time in the story. Provides background info about events during current narration. May be presented as memories, dreams, or stories told by past characters.
hyperbole Extreme exaggeration used for emphasis, usually used in humorous writing. E.g. "I almost died from boredom."
idiom An expression that cannot be understood from the meanings of its individual word. E.g. "Its raining cats & dogs"
irony (situational) when something happens that is the reverse of what you expected.
major character a character who plays a large role in a story
metaphor Comparison of two unlike things to illuminate a particular quality or aspect of one of those things, state that one thing is something else. E.g. "Karen was a ray of sunshine"
minor character a character who plays a small role and are there to help advance the plot
mood The feeling the reader gets from a work of literature.
onomatopoeia The use of words whose sounds imitate the sounds of what they describe, such as hiss, murmur, growl, honk, buzz, woof, etc.
personification Describing nonhuman animals, objects, or dieas as though they possess human qualities or emotions. For example, "The moon smiled down on her"
plot The sequence of events in a story
point of view The perspective from which a story is told or who is telling the story.
protagonist The main character of a work of literature
setting The environment in which a story takes place, including the time period, the location, and the physical characteristics of the surroundings.
simile When two unlike things are compared using "like" or "as".
static character A character who does not undergo a significant change over the course of a story
symbol An object, setting, event, animal, or person that has another meaning
theme A story's main message or moral
tone The author's attitude toward the subject matter or toward the reader or audience.
Created by: tran2014
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