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9th Grade English I - Short Story Notes

Fiction works that have imaginary elements in them. Although some is based on historical events, it primarily comes from the imagination of the writer.
Examples of Fiction Realistic Fiction, Historical Fiction, Science Fiction
Other examples of fiction Mystery, Fantasy, Horror
Setting time and place a story takes place
Diction the author's word choice; helps reveal voice.
Connotation Attitudes and feelings connected to a word.
Denotation Actual dictionary definition of a word.
Syntax The way words are arranged to create meaning. Includes purposeful use of sentence structure, capitalization, and punctuation.
Voice A writer's unique use of language that allows a reader to "hear" a human personality in his writing. It is created through diction, imagery, syntax, and tone.
Irony Contrast between appearances and reality where reality is often the opposite of what it seems.
Situational Irony When there is a contrast between what the reader or character expects and what actually happens.
Dramatic Irony When the reader knows something that the characters do not.
Verbal Irony When someone knowingly exaggerates or says one thing and means another.
Mood Feeling or atmosphere that the reader feels.
Tone The attitude the writer has toward the subject which is developed through specific diction.
Narrator character or voice from whose point of view a story is told
Point of View the method of narrating a short story
First-Person Point of View the narrator is a character in the story
Third-Person Point of View the narrator is an observer outside the action of the story
Third-Person Omniscient Point of View an all-knowing narrator
Third-Person Limited Point of View The narrator only knows what one character thinks and feels
Theme the underlying message of the story. It takes the form of a statement.
Imagery Language that appeals to one or more of the five senses. (Sight, smell, touch, taste, hearing)
Figurative Language Language that is not literal in nature. Used to create a special effect in literature.
Simile Comparison using the words "like" or "as".
Metaphor Comparison implying that one thing is another.
Personification Giving something non-human human characteristics.
Oxymoron Combining two seemingly opposite words together to create special meaning.
Onomatopoeia Words that imitate sounds
Idiom A figure of speech in which the literal meaning is not related to the actual meaning.
Hyperbole Extreme exaggeration.
Flashback When a character thinks back to an event that happened earlier.
Foreshadowing Use of hints or clues to indicate what might occur later in the plot.
Motif A reoccurring symbol or idea giving unity to a piece of literature
Surprise Ending Unexpected twist in the plot at the end of a story.
Suspense Excitement or tension that readers feel as they become involved in a story.
Symbol A person, place, thing, activity that can stand for something beyond itself. Light = good ; Dark = evil
Allusion A reference in literature to some other literary work, art, famous person, place or event.
Character Individuals who take part in the action of a literary work.
Protagonist the main character of a story. Not necessarily the "good guy."
Antagonist the character in conflict with the protagonist
Minor Characters less developed supporting roles in a story
Dynamic Characters Characters who change over the course of a story
Static Characters Characters who remain the same throughout the course of a story
Round Characters Well developed (filled-out) characters.
Flat Characters Not fully developed characters.
Foil Provides a striking contrast to another character. Characters with opposite traits.
Stereotype a simplified or stock character
Characterization A character's nature can be revealed through: 1) A description of their physical appearance, 2) Their speech, 3) Their body language, 4) Their thoughts or feelings, 5) Their actions, 6) How other characters relate to them through speech, thoug
Plot The sequence of events in a story
Exposition (Introduction) the early part of a story that sets the tone, established the setting, introduces the characters, and gives the reader important background information.
Conflict (Problem) struggle between opposing forces
External Conflicts The character is opposed by some outside force. Character v. Character, Character v. Nature, Character v. Society
Internal Conflicts the conflict takes place within the mind of the character. Character v. Himself
Rising Action The events in a story that move the plot along by adding complications or expanding the conflict.
Climax (Turning Point) the moment when the reader's emotions reach their highest point. This usually occurs toward the end of the story.
Falling Action Reveals the outcome of the story's climax. Resolves the conflict.
Resolution (Denouement) Reveals the final outcome and ties up any loose ends.
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