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PMA exam

where and when was Joseph pilates born Dec 8 1880, Düsseldorf Germany
As a child Joseph suffered from what diseases? rickets, asthma, and rheumatic fever
To overcome his childhood diseases joseph undertook which activities? body building, gymnastics, skiing, diving.
what were his parents occupation father gymnast, mother naturopath
when and why did pilates travel to England? 1912 to either pursue boxing or join the circus.
In what year was pilates interned? 1914.
In what year did joseph travel to america? 1925
what are the names of joe's two books and year they were published your health 1934, return to life 1945
in what year was the fire that burned his studio at 939 8th ave? jan 1966
when did Joe pilates die? october 1967 at age 87
what year did clara pilates retire and when did she die? retired 1970, died 1976
What are the 3 guiding pilates priciples whole body health, whole body commitment, breath
what are the 8 pilates movement principles whole body movement,breathing, balanced muscle development, concentration, control, centering, precision, rhythm
name the 13 goals and benefits coordination,strenth,mobility,efficient movement,flowing movement,proper posture,mental/spiritual rejuvenation,selfawareness,selfconfidence,restoration of animal movement, integration of mindbodyspirit, sense of well being, enhanced quality of life
what is the front of the chair? the pedal side
what is the front of the reformer? the bar side
what is the physiology and structure of bones? calcified connective tissue consisting of osteocytes, ground substance and collagen fibers
what are long bones? list some examples longer than they are wide. include clavivle humerus, radius, ulna, femur, metacarpales and phalanges
what are short bones? list some examples shaped like cuboids and found in the wrist and ankle
list some examples of flat bones ribs, sternum, scapulae, skull
what are irregular bones? list some examples bones of mixed shapes. Skull, vertebrae and coxal bones
what are sesamoid bones? develop in certain tendons and work to reduce friction on the tendon, protecting them from excessive wear.
what is osteomechanics? voluntary movements: flexion, abduction, rotation ect
what is a component motion? accompany active motion, but are not voluntary. eg: upward rotation of scaps, rotation of fibula that occurs with ankle motion.
what is arthrokinematics? joint play between joint surfaces as well as distendibility in a joint capsule. eg:distraction, sliding, compression, rolling, spinning.
where is hyalin cartilage found? between the manubrium and the sternum
Where is fibrocartilage found? it is the disc between the vertebrae
name the 6 muscles of respiration diaphragm, intercostals, scalenes, levator costarum, transverse abdominus, pelvic floor
name the 5 spine extensors erector spinae, quadratus lumborum, multifidi, trapezius, rhomboids
name 4 spine flexors rectus abdominus, external and internal obliques, transverse abdominus
name 6 hip flexors psoas,illiacus,TFL,IT band,sartorius, rectus femoris
name 4 hip extensors glutes,biceps femoris, semimembranosis, semitendonosis
name 4 internal hip roators glute min, glute med, TFL, gracilis
name 6 external hip rotators piriformis, obturator internus, obturator externus, gemellus inferior, gemellus superior, quatratus femoris
name 5 arm flexors anterior deltoid, pec major, coracobrachialis, biceps brachii, subscapularis
name 3 arm extensors posterior deltoid, latissimus dorsi, teres major
name 4 arm abductors deltoid, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, long heads biceps
sagittal plane. divedes body into left and right sides. flexion and extension
frontal/coronal plane divides body into front and back. adduction and abduction
transverse plane divides body into top and bottom. medial and lateral rotation.
agonist produces a given movement. brings two bones closer together. a bicep curl produces "agony"
antagonist produces the opposite movement. muscle relaxes and lengthens. "anti-agony"
spodylolisthesis an instability in the lower lumbar which causes an anterior vertebral displacement. avoid all spinal extension
stenosis narrowing of the spinal canal or nerve root canals, compromising the spinal cord or nerve roots. avoid extension of the spine.
contraindications for herniated or bulged disc spinal flexion, or strong spinal rotation
contraindications for osteopenia and osteporosis avoid flexion, rotation and side bending
Created by: olson_lauren



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