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Vocabulary Unit 2

5th Grade Journies 6-10

Vocab WordDefinitionSynonymAntonym/Opposite
juvenile young aninal or person young old or elderly
marine living in or connected to the sea or ocean aquadic or ocean land
analyzing to break into parts and learn the parts study or dissect overlook
stunned to make someone or something senseless to what is going on. dazed/ senseless oversensitive
ordeal An experience so difficult that tests the ability of trying. problem Cinch
fatal causing death deadly Lively
intensive Complete and carried out with care. energetic Causual
treating To give medical care to a person or animal. Caring Ignoring
calling job, profession, passion Job Unemployment
basking to rest in and enjoy a pleasant warmth. Resting Working
romp energetic playing frolic serious task
strained worked as hard as possible labored played
picturing forming a mental image seeing hearing
wheeled move it on wheels moved stayed
shouldered to accept a responsibility took on ignored
frantic wild with excitement of worry panicky relaxed
lunging sudden form of movement dashing retreat
checking limit control of a person or thing examining ignoring
stride the rhythm of ones working step stand
bounding leaping at a face pace bouncing still
endangered in danger of dying out threatened relaxing
unique only one of its kind individual similar
adapted especially designed for that purpose designed unmodified
vegetatian the plant life in an area plant-life baron
conserving using it carefully so as not to waste it maintain waste
restore return it to its original state bring back damage
guardians people who protect or take care of others caretakers children
attracted to have your attention or interest drawn to drawn to repelled by
regulate control or direct according to the rules control uncontrollable
responsibility a duty or job duty freedom
critical something of great importance significant insignificant
demolished something that has been completely destroyed destroyed built
elite the best at what you do select worst
commotion a lot of noise or confusion noisy calm
bundle dress or wrap someone warmly wad thin
annoyance something that is irritating irritate help
secured held down tightly tie unsecure
squalling a very loud crying crying quiet
clammy an object that is sticky, cold, and moist sticky clean
realization sudden awareness understanding unclearness
resemble to look like someone or something similar different
detecting discovering that it exists or is present uncovered unnoticed
keen very quick, sharp clever dopey
vary to change differ match
unobserved something unseen unnoticed observe
mature to grow and develop grow up immature
particular specific or distinct from others specific vague
available ready to be used accessible unavailable
ferocious a person or an animal that is fierce and savage vicious gentle
contentment a feeling of satisfaction gladness dissatisfied
Created by: Jybilc
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