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Question | Answer |
debilitate | weaken or impair |
decimate | destroy large numbers of; inflict great damage upon |
decry | denounce or criticize |
defamation | malicious or abusive attack on one's character |
delve | deeply search through |
demagogue | leader or speaker who appeals to the emotions or prejudices of the people |
demise | end of existence; death |
demur | express opposition |
denigrate | speack ill of; belittle |
depict | represent or describe |
deplore | condemn; disapprove of or regret |
deposition | testimony given under oath |
derision | contempt or scorn |
derivative | copied or adapted; something derived |
desiccant | substance used as a drying agent |
desiccated | dried up from a lack of moisture |
desultory | inconsistent and irregular, aimless |
deterrence | negative emotional influence |
dexterity | skill and ease of movement, especially hands; cleverness |
diatribe | abusive, insulting verbal attack |
didactic | intended for the purposes of teaching or instructing |
dilate | make larger; expand |
diligent | continuously putting in great effort |
disabuse | free someone of believing something that is untrue |
discern | differentiate or distinguish; perceive |
disconcerting | unsettling |
disinter | bring up into view |
dislodge | remove from former position |
disparity | state of being different or unequal |
disperse | scatter or spread out |
dissemble | disguise or conceal |
dissident | disagreeable |
dissipate | drive away; scatter |
dissonance | lack of harmony; discord |
diverge | move apart or extend in different directions; differ in opinion |
divest | get rid of |
docile | easy to train or teach |
doctrinaire | stubbornly persistent or impractical person, particularly with regard to a specific theory |
dogmatic | characterized by a strong belief in a certain unproven doctrine or opinion |
dubious | unsure, skeptical |
deign | condescend |
digress | stray |