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Word List 27

Inveterate - Laggard

Inveterate deep-rooted; habitual
Invidious designed to create ill will or envy
Invincible unconquerable
Inviolable secure from corruption, attack, or violation; unassailable
Invocation prayer fro help; calling upon as a reference or support
Invoke to call upon; ask for
Invulnerable incapable of injury
Iota very small quantity
Irascible irritable; easily angered
Irate angry
Iridescent exhibiting rainbow-like colors
Irksome annoying; tedious
Ironic occurring in an unexpected and contrary manner
Irony hidden sarcasm or satire; use of words that seem to mean the opposite of what they actually mean
Irreconcilable incompatible; not able to be resolved
Irrefutable indisputable; incontrovertible; undeniable
Irrelevant not applicable; unrelated
Irremediable incurable; uncorrectable
Irreparable not able to be corrected or repaired
Irrepressible unable to be restrained or held back
Irreproachable blameless; impeccable
Irresolute uncertain how to act; weak
Irretrievable impossible to recover or regain; irreparable
Irreverence lack of proper respect
Irrevocable unalterable; irreversible
Isotope varying form of an element
Isthmus narrow neck of land connecting two larger bodies of land
Itinerant wandering; traveling
Itinerary plan of a trip
Jabber to chatter rapidly or unintelligibly
Jaded fatigued; surfeited
Jargon language used by a special group; technical terminology; gibberish
Jaundiced exhibiting prejudice, as from envy or resentment; yellowed
Jaunt a trip; a short journey
Jaunty lighthearted; animated; easy and carefree
Jeopardize to endanger; to imperil; to put at risk
Jettison to throw overboard
Jibe to agree; to be in harmony with
Jingoist extremely aggressive and militant patriot; warlike chauvinist
Jocose characterized by joking
Jocular playful
Jocund merry
Jollity gaiety; cheerfulness
Jostle to shove; to bump
Jovial good-natured; merry
Jubilation rejoicing
Judicious sound in judgment; wise
Juggernaut any large, overpowering, destructive force or object, as war, a giant battleship, or a powerful football team <Nothing could survive in the path of the juggernaut.>
Juncture a crisis; joining point
Junket a trip, esp. one taken for pleasure by an official at public expense
Junta a group of person joined in political intrigue; Cabal
Jurisprudence science of law
Justification good or just reason; defense; excuse
Juxtapose to place side by side
Kaleidoscope tube in which patterns made by the reflection in mirrors of colored pieces of glass, produce symmetrical effects
Ken range of knowledge
Kernel central or vital part; whole seed of corn
Killjoy a grouch; a spoilsport
Kindle to start a fire; to inspire
Kindred related; similar in nature or character
Kinetic producing motion
Kismet fate
Kleptomaniac person who has a compulsive desire to steal
Knave untrustworthy person; rogue; scoundrel
Knead to mix; to work dough
Knell tolling of a bell, esp. to indicate a funeral disaster
Knit to contract into wrinkles; to grow together
Knoll little, round hill
Knotty intricate; difficult; tangled
Kudos honor; glory; praise
Labile likely to change; unstable
Laborious demanding much work or care; tedious
Labyrinth maze
Laceration a torn, ragged wound
Lachrymose producing tears <His voice had a lachrymose quality….>
Lackadaisical lacking purpose or zest; halfhearted; languid
Lackluster dull
Laconic brief and to the point
Laggard slow; sluggish
Created by: triwaingle
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