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abound to be plentiful
ameliorate to make or become better, improve
analogous similar or comparable in certain respects
fortuitous happening by chance
genocide the systematic killing of a whole people
glean to collect gradually
grotesque distorted in appearance, shape, ridiculous
gusto zest, relish, great vigor
hapless unlucky
homogenous composed of similar or identical parts
idyllic like a poem describing simple pleasant rural life
impetuous sudden and thoughtless, impulsive
impresario the manager of an opera
incipient just beginning to exist
incisive sharp, keen, acute
indict to charge with a crime
indolent lazy
integral a necessary part, essential, forming a whole from parts
interloper one who meddles in others' affairs
lethargic an abnormal drowsiness, sluggishness, apathy
mammoth huge, big, enormous
nuance slight variations in tone, meaning...
promulgate to make known officially, to make widespread
schism a split because of differences in opinion
unwieldy awkward to move because of size or shape
Created by: rangerlove13
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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