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GRE test prep


abate subside, moderate, lessen in intensity
aberrant abnormal, deviant
abeyance temporary inactivity, suspended action
abstemious sparing in eating and drinking
adulterate make impure by adding inferior or tainted substances; contaminate
aggregate sum total, gross amount, whole mass
alacrity promptness, cheerful willingness, eagerness
amalgamate combine, unite in one body, blend, merge
ameliorate improve, make better or more bearable
anachronistic chronologically out of place, out of its proper time period
anomaly irregularity, abnormality
antipathy hatred, intense dislike
apocryphal spurious, not authentic, invented rather than true, mythical
apostate one who abandons his religious faith or political beliefs, turncoat, deserter, defector, renegade, traitor
apprise inform, make aware of, advise of, notify
approbation approval, good opinion, commendation, praise
ascetic one who practices self-denial, hermit, abstainer
asperity sharpness of temper, harshness of manner, severity, acrimony, acerbity, roughness of surface
aspersion slanderous remark, abusive attack, disparaging comment, slur
assiduous diligent, industrious, unremitting, persistent
assuage alleviate, mitigate, ease or lessen, satisfy or appease
astringent harshly biting, sharp and penetrating, bitter in taste
attenuate weaken or lessen, make thinner or finer, become weak or fine, rarefy
autonomy political or personal independence, self-governance
aver assert confidently, affirm, declare, avow, profess
baleful deadly, having a malign influence, ominous
banality lack or originality, triteness, a commonplace expression
bane cause of ruin or misery, blight, curse,
beneficent producing benefits, charitable, generous
blithe carefree, happy, lighthearted
bolster support, prop up, reinforce
bombastic pretentious and long-winded, pompous, using inflated language
boor someone who acts in rude or insensitive way, lout, oaf
brook allow, tolerate, put up with
burgeon develop rapidly, flourish, send out new buds
burnish make shiny by rubbing, polish
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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

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