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Vocab for GRE

vocabulary for the verbal section of the GRE

astride with one leg on each side
sacrosanct extremely sacred
demarcation boundary
laconic expressing much in few words; pithy
garrulous prone to talking too much
ascetic extreme in self restraint or self denial; recluse or hermit
tempestuous stormy; tumultuous
bombast high-sounding, extravgent, or stilted words
aprocryphal of doubtful authorship or authenticity
execrable detestable
domineering overbearing
objectionable causing dispproval
eminent high in rank,office,worth
expediency serving to promote a desired object; advisable
regency ruling when the legitimate ruler cannot
sovereignty a monarchy
transient temporary
prodigious huge
stolidity impassive, solid
incredulous skeptical
sidereal pertaining to the stars; based on fixed stars
etoliate grow weaker
circumscribed restrain within fixed bounds
comportment behavior
autonomy self-government; independence
intransigence unwilling to compromise
ensconced settle firmly or snugly
ineluctable not to be eluded or overcome
plangent resounding loudly as a bell
nugatory worthless
contentious argumentative
denouement the solution of a plot
antediluvian dating from before the Flood, hence very old
pusillanimous mean spirited; cowardly
jejune juvenile;immature;childish
ludology the study of games
superannuation retirement
ichthyologist the study of fish
herpetologist the study of reptiles and amphibians
antedates to be older than
belies the contradict; to misrepresent
disencumber to free from a burden or other encumbrance; disburden.
imbuement to inspire
discordance disagreement
inured to accustom to hardship
turgid swollen
cowed to frighten with threats or violence
inveterate settled or confirmed in a habit, practice, feeling, or the like:
timorous full of fear
repatriate to return to one's own country:
interdict to forbid; prohibit
expurgate to return to one's own country:
decorous characterized by dignified propriety in conduct, manners, appearance, character, etc.
indite to write or compose
deleterious injurious
pernicious highly destructive
precocity prematurely developed
parsimony excessuve frugality
ignobility low in character
antipathy dislike
probity integrity
odium hatred; disgrace
predeliction partiality; liking
florid ruddy complexion
prolific pruducing much work
maladroit inexpert;awkward
astute keen in discernment; cunning
physiognomy face
poignant keenly distressing to the feelings
lachrymose suggestive of or tending to cause tears; mournful.
concomitant existing or occurring with something else, often in a lesser way; accompanying; concurrent:
erudite characterized by great knowledge; learned or scholarly:
compatriot a native or inhabitant of one's own country
ponderous of great weight; heavy; massive.
esoteric 1. understood by or meant for only the select few who have special knowledge or interest;
promulgated to make known by open declaration; publish; proclaim formally or put into operation
laudatory containing or expressing praise:
deride to laugh at in scorn or contempt;
ionosphere the region of the earth's atmosphere between the stratosphere and the exosphere, consisting of several ionized layers and extending from about 50 to 250 miles (80 to 400 km) above the surface of the earth.
inexorably unrelenting
quarry place where stone is excavated
ferreted searched
taciturnity usual silence
trodden to set down the foot or feet in walking; step; walk.
indignation anger at an unjust or mean action
Created by: mquynh
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