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Vocabulario Esp 2

50 Advanced english/spanish vocabulary

gatos moteados spotted cats
heder to stink
amamantar to breast feed, suckle, etc.
destetados weaned
rastrear to track down
arrastrar to drag
destrozar to shatter, break
las garras claws
manar en bobotones to flow in spurts
la ribera river bank
es sobrecogedor it's surprising or shocking
pulir to polish
barajar to shuffle cards
la baraja the deck of cards
adherir to adhere
el previo the previous, prior
las esclusas the floodgates
tipear to type
un lecho bed of salt
un tajo hack, slash
la ingle the groin or crotch
el saco the sack
el dardo dart
el lío the mess, trouble, hassle, etc.
asentir to nod
un lote the batch, lot, etc.
la maniobra maneuvering
¿como se le ocurre? how could you?
la dentellada the bite
propinar to give charity
la ubicación location
los calambres cramps
las funditas bags
los legumbres vegetables
el guión o el libreto the sript
el periodísmo jounalism
la tregua the truce, let up, etc.
el trámite the process, procedure, etc.
la matriculación registration
la gestión the management, conduct, arrangement, etc.
la garepata tick
paladear to relish
plasmar to capture (on a page)
una lupa magnifying glass
los mobiliarios furnishings
la hornilla the burner
el cervecero brewer
el queroseno kerosene
Created by: 1277078993
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