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Word List 18
Eulogy - Faculty
Word | Definition |
Eulogy | expression of praise, often on the occasion of someone’s death |
Euphemism | mild expression in place of an unpleasant one |
Euphony | sweet sound |
Euphoria | feeling of exaggerated happiness |
Euthanasia | mercy killing (killing someone painlessly) |
Evanescent | fleeting; vanishing |
Evasive | not frank; eluding |
Evince | to show clearly |
Evenhearted | impartial; fair |
Evocative | tending to call up |
Evoke | to call forth |
Ewe | female sheep |
Exacerbate | to worsen; to embitter |
Exacting | extremely demanding |
Exalt | to raise in rank or dignity; to praise |
Exasperate | to vex |
Exceptionable | objectionable |
Excerpt | selected passage |
Exchequer | treasury |
Excise | to cut away; to cut out |
Exclaim | to cry out suddenly |
Excoriate | to scold with biting harshness; to strip the skin off |
Exculpate | to clear from blame |
Execrable | very bad |
Execrate | to curse; to express abhorrence for |
Execute | to put into effect; to carry out |
Exegesis | an explanation or critical interpretation (especially of the Bible) |
Exemplify | to show by example to furnish an example |
Exempt | not subject to a duty or obligation |
Exertion | effort; expenditure of much physical work |
Exhilarating | invigorating and refreshing; cheering |
Exhort | to urge |
Exhume | to dig out of the ground; to remove from the grave |
Exigency | urgent situation |
Exiguous | small; minute |
Existential | pertaining to existence; pertaining to the philosophy of existentialism |
Exodus | departure |
Exonerate | to acquit; to exculpate |
Exorbitant | excessive |
Exorcise | to drive out evil spirits |
Exotic | not naive; strange |
Expansive | outgoing and sociable; broad and extensive; able to increase in size |
Expatiate | to talk at length |
Expatriate | exile; someone who has withdrawn from his native land |
Expedient | suitable practical; politic; speedy (obsolete) |
Expedite | to hasten |
Expenditure | payment or expense; output |
Expertise | specialized knowledge; expert skill |
Expiate | to make amends for (a sin) |
Expletive | interjection; profane oath |
Explicate | to explain; to interpret; to clarify |
Explicit | totally clear; definite; outspoken |
Exploit | deed or action |
Exploit | To make use of selfishly or unethically |
Expository | explanatory; serving to explain |
Expostulation | protest; remonstrance |
Exposure | risk, particularly of being exposed to disease or to the elements; unmasking; acty of laying something open |
Expropriate | to take possession of |
Expunge | to cancel; to remove |
Expurgate | to clean; to remove offensive parts of a book |
Extant | still in existence |
Extemporaneous | not planned; impromptu |
Extenuate | to weaken; to mitigate |
Extirpate | to root up |
Extol | to praise; to glorify |
Extort | to wring from; to get money by threats |
Extradition | surrender of prisoner by one state to another |
Extraneous | not essential; superfluous |
Extrapolation | projection |
Extricate | to free; to disentangle |
Extrinsic | external; not essential; extraneous |
Extrovert | person interested mostly in external objects |
Extrude | to force or push out |
Exuberance | overflowing abundance |
Exude | to rejoice |
Fabricate | to build; to lie |
Facade | front (of building); superficial or false appearance |
Facet | small plane surface (of a gem); a side |
Facetious | joking (often inappropriately); humorous |
Facile | easily accomplished; ready or fluent; superficial |
Facilitate | to bring about; to make less difficult |
Faction | a party; a clique; a dissension |
Factious | inclined to form factions; causing dissension |
Factitious | artificial; sham |
Factotum | handyman; person who does all kinds of work |
Faculty | mental or bodily powers; teaching staff |