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Word List 15
Dishearten - Duplicity
Word | Definition |
Dishearten | to discourage |
Disheveled | untidy |
Disinclination | unwillingness |
Disingenuous | insincere; pretending to be sophisticated |
Disinter | to dig up; unearth |
Disinterested | unprejudiced |
Disjointed | disconnected |
Disjunction | an act or state of separation; disunity |
Dislodge | to remove (forcibly) |
Dismantle | to take apart |
Dismember | to cut into small parts |
Dismiss | to eliminate from consideration; to reject |
Disparage | to belittle |
Disparate | basically different; unrelated |
Disparity | difference; condition of inequality |
Dispassionate | unaffected by passion; impartial |
Dispatch | speediness; prompt execution; message sent with all due speed |
Dispel | to disperse; to drive away; to cause to vanish |
Disperse | to scatter |
Dispirited | lacking in spirit |
Disport | to amuse |
Disputatious | argumentative; fond of arguing |
Disquietude | uneasiness; anxiety |
Disquisition | a formal systematic inquiry; an explanation of the results of a formal inquiry |
Dissection | analysis; cutting apart in order to examine |
Dissemble | to disguise; to pretend |
Disseminate | to distribute; to spread; to scatter (like seeds) |
Dissent | to disagree |
Dissertation | formal essay |
Dissident | dissenting; rebellious |
Dissipate | to squander; to waste; to scatter |
Dissolution | disintegration; looseness in morals |
Dissonance | discord; opposite of harmony |
Dissuade | to persuade not to do; discourage |
Distant | reserved or aloof; cold in manner |
Distend | to expand; to swell out |
Distill | to purify; to refine; to concentrate |
Distinction | honor; contrast; discrimination |
Distort | to twist out of shape |
Distrait | absentminded |
Distraught | upset; distracted by anxiety |
Diurnal | daily |
Diva | operatic singer; prima donna |
Diverge | to vary; to go in different directions from the same point |
Divergent | differing; deviating |
Diverse | of a different form, character; various |
Diversion | act of turning aside; a distraction: a pastime |
Diversity | variety; dissimilitude |
Divest | to strip; to deprive |
Divulge | to reveal |
Docile | obedient; easily managed |
Docket | a list of cases in court for trial; a book of trial entries |
Doctrinaire | dogmatic (opinionated); unyielding; unable to compromise about points of doctrine |
Doctrine | teachings in general; particular principle taught |
Document | to provide written evidence |
Doddering | shaky or trembling, as from old age <a doddering old woman> |
Doff | to take off <doff his hat to a lady> |
Dogged | determined; persistent in effort; stubborn <a dogged worker> |
Doggerel | poor verse |
Dogmatic | opinionated; arbitrary; doctrinal |
Doldrums | state of inactivity or stagnation; blues: a dull, listlessness, depressed mood; slack period |
Dolorous | sorrowful |
Dolt | a stupid person; blockhead |
Domicile | home |
Domineer | to rule over arbitrarily; tyrannize |
Don | to put on |
Dormant | state of inactivity; sleeping; lethargic; latent (present but not visible <latent ability>) |
Dormer | window projecting from roof |
Dorsal | pertaining to, or situated on the back or dorsum |
Dossier | a collection of files on a subject |
Dotage | a period of senile decay |
Dote | to be excessively fond of; show signs of mental decline |
Dour | sullen; stubborn |
Douse | to plunge into water; drench; extinguish |
Dowdy | untidy (slovenly); old fashion |
Downcast | dishearten; sad |
Drab | dull; lacking color; cheerless |
Draconian | extremely severe <Draconian forms of punishment.> |
Dregs | sediment; worthless residue |
Drivel | nonsense; foolishness |
Droll | queer and amusing |
Drone | idle person; male bee |
Drone | to talk dully; buzz or murmur like a bee |
Dross | waste matter; worthless impurities |
Drudgery | menial work |
Dubious | questionable; filled with doubt |
Ductile | malleable; flexible; pliable |
Dulcet | pleasant to the ear; melodious; sweet sounding <dulcet sound |
Dumbfound | to astonish |
Dupe | someone easily fooled |
Duplicity | double-dealing; hypocrisy |
Dither | to act nervously or indecisively; to vacillate |