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2nd Sem Final Vocab

Vocabulary from Classical Roots Book A End-of-Year Final

duplicate to make an identical copy or double of something; to repeat
monologue a long speech made by one performer o by one person in a group
decathlon an athletic contest in which each contestant takes part in ten events
trilogy a group of three literary or musical works that have a related theme
quartet a musical composition for four voices or instruments; a set of four, especially four musicians
triumverate a group of three, especially in authority
omnipotent having unlimited power; all-powerful
Catholic referring to the Roman Catholic church
recluse a person who avoids mixing with people
pandemonium uproar
totalitarian a form of government in which one person or party holds absolute control
omnivore feeding on both plants and meat
panacea a cure-all for diseases or troubles
vacuous empty, espeically of meaning or purpose
renegade one who deserts a group, cause, faith, etc.; an outlaw
vaunt to boast; to brag about
miniscule extremely small
comply to do as one is asked or ordered
expletive an exclamation or oath, often obscene
magnanimous noble and generous, especially in forgiving; not petty
polygons flat shapes with many straight sides (more than 2)
preposterous absurd; contrary to nature or reason
antecedent a thing or event that comes before; a noun to which a pronoun refers
prime first in rank, excellence, quality, importance, or time; most important; to prepare someone for action
parody a humorous imitation of a piece of literature or music; to mimic an idea for comic effect
recant to take back a statement or belief previously made known
ode a poem usually addressed to a particular person or event that has deep feelings from the poet
artisan a skilled craftsperson
artifice craftiness; trickery; cleverness; skill
context the parts before or after a word/statement that influence its meaning; the circumstances surrounding an event or situation
facile acting, working, or processing with ease; fluent
beneficence doing good or causing good to be done; kindly action
ambiance environment; the surrounding atmosphere
translucent permitting light to pass through, but not see-through
obituary notice of death with biographical information
erratic irregular or inconsistent in movement, habit, quality, or ideas
transgressions breaking rules; to go beyond or over set limits
exodus mass departure or emigration
deviate to turn aside from a course, norm, pattern, or subject
interjection a word or phrase sometimes inserted between other words, often expression strong emotion
precursor forerunner
conjecture a guess; an opinion formed from inconclusive evidence
valor bravery; heroic courage
exult to rejoice greatly; to be triumphant
voluble talkative; speaking in a steady, easy flow of words
evolve to develop gradually
equestrian one who rides or performs on horseback; pertaining to a rider of a horse or skill in riding
zoology the science dealing with animals
lionize to regard or treat a person as a celebrity
pretentious showy; pompous; claiming unjustified distinction
Created by: ocmsEnglish
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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