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Word List 12

Counterpart - Decelerate

Counterpart one that closely resembles another; one that serves as a complement
Coup highly successful action or sudden attack; coup d'etat
Couple to join; to unite
Courier a messenger
Covenant an agreement
Covert secret; hidden; implied
Covetous avaricious; eagerly desirous of
Cow to terrorize; intimidate
Cower to shrink away, as from fear
Coy shy; modest; coquettish
Cozen to cheat; to hoodwink; to swindle
Crabbed sour; peevish
Crass very unrefined; grossly insensible
Craven cowardly
Credence belief
Credo creed
Credulity belief on slight evidence; gullibility; naivete
Creed system of religious or ethical belief
Crescendo increase in the volume or intensity, as in a musical passage; climax
Crestfallen dejected; dispirited
Crevice crack; fissure
Cringe to shrink back, as if in fear
Criteria standards used in judging
Crone hag
Crotchety eccentric; whimsical
Crux secret recess or vault usually used for burial
Cryptic mysterious; hidden; secret
Cubicle small chamber used for sleeping
Cuisine style of cooking
Culinary relating to cooking
Cull to pick out; to reject
Culmination attainment of highest point
Culpable deserving blame
Culvert a drain or channel crossing under a road, sidewalk, etc.; sewer; conduit
Cumbersome heavy; hard to manage
Cumulative growing by addition
Cupidity greed
Curator superintendent; manager
Curmudgeon a crusty, ill-tempered, and usually old man
Cursive flowing, running
Cursory casual; hastily done
Curtail to shorten; to reduce
Cynical skeptical or distrustful of human motives
Cynosure center of attraction or attention
Dabble to work at in a nonserious fashion; to plash around
Dais a raised platform
Dally to trifle with; to procrastinate
Dank damp
Dapper neat and trim
Dappled spotted
Daub to smear (as with paint)
Daunt to overcome with fear: intimidate; to lessen the courage of: dishearten
Dauntless bold
Dawdle to loiter; to waste time
Deadlock standstill; stalemate
Deadpan wooden; impassive or expressionless
Dearth scarcity
Debacle a sudden downfall; a complete disaster
Debilitate to weaken; to enfeeble
Debonair friendly; aiming to please
Debris remains of anything broken down: rubble
Debunk to expose as false
Debutante young woman making formal entrance into society
Decadence decay
Decant to pour off gently; to transfer from container to another
Decapitate to behead
Decelerate to slow down
Created by: triwaingle
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