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Word List 2

Adulation - Amend

Adulation flattery; high praise
Adulterate to corrupt or make impure
Advent arrival
Adventitious accidental; casual
Adversary an opponent; an enemy
Adverse unfavorable; hostile
Adversity poverty; misfortune
Advert to refer: to remark or comment
Advocacy act of supporting, pleading, or recommending
Advocate to urge; to speak in favor of
Aegis shield; defense
Aerie nook or bird nest built high in the air
Aesthetic artistic; pertaining to beauty or art
Affable approachable; friendly
Affected artificial; pretentious
Affidavit written statement made under oath
Affiliation act of joining; state of being associated
Affinity fondness; liking; similarity (kinship)
Affirmation positive assertion; confirmation; solemn pledge by one who refuses to take an oath
Affix to attach or add on; to fasten
Affliction state of distress; cause of suffering
Affluence abundance; wealth
Affront to insult; to cause offense to
Agape open-mouthed
Agenda items of business at a meeting
Agglomeration process of collecting; a heap or cluster
Aggrandize to make larger or greater in power
Aggregate to gather; to accumulate
Aggressor an attacker
Aghast horrified
Agility moving quickly and easily: nimbleness; ability to think and draw conclusions quickly: intellectual acuity
Agitate to shake; to disturb
Agnostic one who is skeptical of the existence of a god
Agog eager; keen; full of excitement or interest
Agrarian pertaining to land or its cultivation
Alacrity cheerful promptness; eagerness
Alchemy medieval chemistry
Alcove nook; recess
Alias an assumed name; moniker
Alienate to separate; to make hostile
Alimentary providing nourishment
Alimony payments made to an ex-spouse after divorce
Allay to calm; to ease; to pacify
Allege to state without proof
Allegiance loyalty
Allegory story in which characters are used as symbols; fable; symbolic representation
Alleviate to relieve
Alliteration repetition of the beginning sounds of words
Allocate to assign
Alloy (N) a mixture of metals
Alloy (V) to mix; to make less pure; to lessen or to moderate
Allude to refer indirectly
Allure to entice by charm; to attract
Allusion an indirect reference
Alluvial pertaining to soil deposits left by running water
Aloof distant; apart; reserved
Aloft (adv) upward; (prep) on top of: above <The sailor climbed aloft into the rigging.>
Altercation a heated dispute
Altruistic generous; concerned for others
Amalgamate to combine; to unite in one body
Amass to collect
Amazon female warrior
Ambidextrous capable of using both hands equally well
Ambience or Ambiance environment; atmosphere
Ambiguous unclear or doubtful in meaning
Ambivalence the state of having contradictory or conflicting emotions; uncertainty
Amble to walk about in a leisurely manner: saunter
Ambrosia food of the gods
Ambulatory able to walk about (not bedridden); itinerant: traveling from place to place <an itinerant soldier>
Ameliorate to improve <Many social workers have attempted to ameliorate the conditions of people living in the slums.>
Amenable agreeable, cooperative
Amend to correct; to change, generally for the better
Created by: triwaingle
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