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Leaving Certificate weather terms
Term | Definition |
pocos cambios | small changes / few changes |
la previsión | the forecast |
nubosidad | cloudiness |
lluvias débiles | light rains |
vientos soplando | winds blowing |
altas presiones | high pressures |
cielos despejados | clear skies |
cubierto | overcast |
chubascos de nieve | snow showers |
nocturnas | nightly |
diurnas | daily |
se esperan | are expected |
vientos flojos | light winds |
el país Vasco | the Basque Country |
tormentas eléctricas | electrical storms |
intervalos nubosos | cloudy intervals |
permanecerá inestable | will remain unstable |
la primer mitad | the first half |
Cueta y Melilla | North African Spanish Cities |
caluroso | hot |
un potente borrasca | a strong storm |
la mitad norte | the northern half |
un aumento | an increase |
tormentosa | stormy |
un descenso | a decrease |
en la cara norte | in the northern half /face |
inundaciones | floods |
predomino del sol | Mainly Sunny |
salvo en | except in |
el previsto | the forecast |
habrá chubascos | there will be showers |
de componente norte | northerly |
oscilarán | will fluctuate |
parcialmente nuboso | partially cloudy |
se espera mucho sol | lots of sun is expected |
un ligero descenso | a slight decrease |
tormentas | storms |
los Pirineos | the Pyrenees |
soplarán | will blow |
disminuirá | will diminish |
a lo largo de | throughout |
precipitaciones | rains |
soleado | sunny |
habrá nubes | there will be clouds |
los sistemas montañosos | the mountain ranges |
semejante a | similar to |
tormenta eléctrica | electrical storm |
subirán | will rise |
pueblos interiores | inland towns |
pueblos costeros | coastal towns |
parcialmente nubosos | partially cloudy |
un descenso moderado de temperaturas | a moderate decrease in temperatures |
ligeras brisas del mar | light sea breezes |
vientos leves | light winds |
heladas de madrugada | early morning frosts |
un poco nuboso | a little cloudy |
la valle | the valley |
habrá | there will be |
un ambiente | an atmosphere |
soleado | sunny |
agradable | nice |
un ligero descenso | a light decrease |
continuará | will continue |
casi veraniegas | almost summery |
traerá nubosidad | will bring cloudiness |
lluvias débiles | light rains |
perderá un poco de intensidad | it will lose a little intensity |
el cielo estará cubierto | the sky will be overcast |
se mantendran | they will remain |
nieve | snow |
nevará | it will snow |
niebla | fog |
neblina | mist |
helada | ice |
escarcha | frost |
borrasca | squall |
bruma | mist |
suave | mild |
templado | mild |
caluroso | warm |
húmedo | humid |
marejada | rough sea/swell |
un descenso térmico | a thermal decrease |
no se descarta | don't rule out |
el granizo | hailstone |
está granizando | it is hailing |
arco iris | rainbow |
llovizna | drizzle |
soplar | to blow |
alcanzar | to reach |
se disiparán | they will dissipate |
dando paso a | giving way to |
y seguiremos viendo | we'll continue to see |
se nublará | it will be cloudy |
cálida | warm |
alcanzarán | they'll reach |
en el interior | inland |
se prevén | are anticipated |
no se descarta | is not ruled out |
alguna lluvia débil y dispersa | some light and scattered rain |
dispersa | scattered |
rondarán | will remain around... |
el litoral | the coast |