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In die Stadt

Places, Vehicles, and Verbs!

Bank ~money ~withdrawl ~convert ~currency die Bank ~das Geld ~die Abbuchung ~(ein) Wechseln ~die Währung
Movie Theater ~movie ~snacks ~Where do you want to sit? das Kino ~der Film ~die Kleinigkeit/die Kleine Zwischenmahlzeit ~Wo willst du sitzen?
Church ~steeple ~dome ~catacombs die Kirche ~der Kirchturm ~die Kuppel ~
Hotel ~room ~check in ~check out ~breakfast das Hotel ~das Zimmer ~ ~ ~
Restraunt ~food ~drinks ~What would you like to eat? das Restraunt ~das Essen ~die Getranke ~Was möchtest du essen? ~
School ~subject ~teacher ~classroom ~desk die Schule ~das Fach ~der Lehrer/die Lehrerin ~das Klassenzimmer ~der Schreibtisch
Train Station ~food ~ticket ~one way ~round trip der Bahnhof ~das Essen ~die Fahrkarte ~einfache Fahrt ~hin und zurück
Airport ~airplane ~luggage ~arrival ~departure ~suitcase der Flughafen ~das Flugzeug ~das Gepäck ~die Ankunft ~der Abflug ~der Koffer
Library ~book ~magazine ~newspaper die Bibliothek ~das Buch ~die Zeitschrift ~die Zeitung
Museum ~exhibit ~visitor ~do not touch das Museum ~die Ausstellung ~der Besucher/die Besucherin ~Bitte nicht berühen!/Bitte nicht anfassen!
Stadium ~soccor ~team ~goal ~jersey das Stadion ~ ~ ~ ~
Post Office ~letter ~postcard ~mailbox ~stamp die Post ~der Brief ~die Post Karte ~der Briefkasten ~die Briefmarke
Hospital ~ambulance ~doctor ~What is wrong with you? das Krankenhaus ~der Krankenwagen ~der Arzt/die Ärztin
Marketplace ~food stand ~church ~municipal building der Marktplatz ~der Imbiss ~die Kirche ~das Rathaus
Car das Auto
Motorycle das Moped
Airplane das Flugzeug
Subway die U-bahn
Foot zu Fuß
Bus der Bus
Train der Zug
Ship der Schiff
Bicycle das Fahrrad
Trolley die Straßenbahn
Created by: sydneywaves
Popular German sets




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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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