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Which is least likely to lead to back problems? Poor Coordination
Which of the following is considered poor standing alignment? Pelvis tipped forward
When sitting at a desk all day, what is a safe guideline to prevent posture, back, and neck problems? Rest your back firmly against the chair.
Which of the following statements is true regarding core musculature? Core stabilizers are deeply located muscles which provide local spinal support and stiffness.
Resistance exercise can help postural and back problems because it: corrects muscle imbalances.
Exercising with physioballs is useful for back pain because they: require balance and stabilization in different positions.
Which of the following is true regarding backaches? Most Americans experience back pain sometime in their life.
Poor posture can be caused by which of the following? environmental factors
Which of the following combination of exercises might you recommend for an individual with back pain and excessive lumbar lordosis? Hip flexor stretching and abdominal strengthening
Dan is a 56 year old male who is unable to maintain a regular exercise routine due to frequent injuries. What modifications would you recommend to help him reduce injury risk? Use a warm up and reduce exercise speed, frequency and resistance.
Training simultaneously for strength and cardiovascular fitness may: prevent maximum results in both
Power is described as: combination of strength and speed
Hyperkinetic conditions result from the fol too much activity and insufficient rest
What sequence of exercises should one follow when training all major muscle groups in a workout? both A & B
Which should be emphasized in a workout designed to build muscular endurance? many repetitions with lighter weights
Based on figures in the book, approximately what percent of American adults are overweight. 66%
The term "essential fat" means the: minimum amount of body fat essential for good health.
Which of the following best characterizes the clinical term of "Obesity" excessive body fat
The body mass index (BMI) is based on which two variables? Height and weight
From a health perspective, being is more important than being . fit, fat
Which of the following is the accepted gold standard or criterion measure for body composition measurements.Which of the following is the accepted gold standard or criterion measure for body composition measurements. DXA
Active people with a high BMI are at less risk than: inactive people with normal BMI levels.
Waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) provides an estimate of: fat distribution
Which of the following is true of body fat? Abdominal body fat poses greater health risks than fat in other locations
Which of the following is true about obesity? It is a result of eating more calories than you expend.
hich of the following is most likely to be the cause of “creeping obesity”? Decreased exercise with age
The best way to control body fatness is to: combine diet modification and exercise.
A pound of body fat contains how many calories? 3,500
Health risks associated with obesity include: all of the above
Which of the following has been shown to work in resetting the "set-point". Exercise
The 2010 dietary guidelines recommend reducing which of the following? both A & B
Which of the following statements is true regarding fiber intake among Americans? Few Americans consume the recommended amount of fiber on a daily basis.
For a healthy diet, an individual should reduce: fat intake to no more than 35% of total calories.
Saturated fats should comprise no more than of your total calories. 10%
What type of unhealthy fat is created when hydrogen is added to liquid oil? Trans fats
High-protein diets are damaging on the kidneys because the body must: process a lot of extra nitrogen
is necessary for the blood to carry adequate oxygen Iron
__________ is necessary for proper muscle function. Potassium
Which of the following fats have the ability to produce unhealthy cholesterol level? saturated fats
Which of the following foods are good sources of calcium? green leafy vegetables
Which of the following is a plant source of omega – 3 fatty acids? all of the above
What is a key reason why physical activity should be combined with diet for weight loss (instead of relying on diet alone)? It prevents the loss of lean muscle tissue.
The best dietary guideline for reducing body fat is to: moderately reduce caloric intake.
"Empty calories" refers to: food that is low in nutrients and high in calories.
Which of the following is good advice for weight/fat control? Space meals equally throughout the day
Reducing consumption of snacks in vending machines is an example of which weight control technique? Practicing dietary restraint
Which of the following is the most appropriate recommendation for long-term weight control Eat a low-fat diet and perform regular exercise.
Which of the following is a useful strategy for making food choices conducive to weight control? read food labels to compare foods
What strategy is most important for long term weight control? an approach that includes both diet and physical activity
What is the most important consideration for long term fat-loss diet? Making small changes that can be maintained over a long period of time.
The most frequent and important stressors affecting humans are: emotional
Which of the following is considered a "major" stressor? Financial problems
Ambiguous stressors are more problematic because: fewer clear-cut solutions exist
Which body system is associated with the "fight-or-flight" response? autonomic nervous
What is another name for an optimal amount of stress? Homeostatic
Certain characteristics that have been found to influence a person's reaction to stressful situations are collectively referred to as: hardiness
Willingness to put up with adversity to keep pushing toward desired goals best defines: commitment
Stress can lead to changes in behavior such as: altered eating and sleeping pattern
Excessive stress can cause which of the following? a and b
Physical symptoms of stress include: a and b
The first step in managing stress is to: recognize the causes and be aware of the symptoms
Which of the following is NOT a dimension of hardiness? Desire to escape stress by avoiding stressful situations
How does exercising before experiencing a stressor affect the magnitude of the stress response? it is reduced
Which of the following strategies is most likely to help someone with insomnia sleep better? Go to bed and get up at the same time each day
During the last 10 years, annual working hours in the U.S. have: increased
Compared to the 1960s,______ married women with children work full time today. three times more
Which of the following is most likely to be neglected when time is at a premium? Both relationships with children and personal health
Regular physical activity has been found to be effective at relieving stress by: both reducing the intensity of the stress response and decreasing the likelihood of developing stress disorders
“ Recreation” is different from “leisure” because it: is done for a specific purpose
Which of the following is NOT one of the “three Rs” of relaxation? regulate body temperature
Which type of cancer accounts for the most cancer deaths? lung
Which of the following can help control Type II diabetes? achieving a healthy body fat level
Which is a true statement concerning major causes of death? The leading causes of death are largely preventable.
Which is NOT one of the effective ways to relieve depression? use of sleeping pills
Injuries are the ________ leading cause of death in the United States among people of all ages. fifth
What percentage of diabetics have the type II variety? 95
What is it called when cancer cells spread to other parts of the body? metastasize
College students have a relatively high risk for all of the following EXCEPT: prostate
Spot-reducing is: not possible.
______ is the most effective and safe way to burn fat. General aerobic exercise
How do companies get away with providing misleading information in infomercials? they take advantage of freedom of speech laws
Quacks: support their claims by testimonials.
Which of the following statements is LEAST likely to be true regarding information found on the Internet? The Federal Trade Commission is charged with making sure that government agencies follow strict guidelines related to health care policies.
When concerned about questionable food supplements, which questions are important to ask yourself? what are the long term effects and are they dangerous?
Which type of web address is more likely to contain incorrect information? .com
Which of the following is a way to identify a “quack”? they do not use the scientific method of controlled experimentation, which can be verified by other scientists
Which of the following is a public health goal for 2020 related to consumerism? Improve health literacy in the population
In the HP 2020, the broad vision is to create a society in which all people do what? Live long, healthy lives
After years of age, a yearly preventive physical exam is recommended. 40
Being supportive of family, friends, and co-workers is an example of wellness. social
Created by: j.borseth



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