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Benefits Financial help in time of sickness, old age, disability, or the like
Bias To preduce or present information in a slanting manner
Career Outlook The number of jobs that will be available in a certain field in the future
Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) Book that describes thousands of jobs in detail
Entrepreneur A person who runs a business, a self-employed person.
Entreprenuership The ownership organization and management of a business
F4K A web portal developed to provide career amd educational resources with industry and mentor support
Free enterprise system Allows private ownership profit, motive, competition and freedom choices
Guide to Occupational Education (GOE) Book that contains 12 main interest area and careers that suit people with those interest
Inflation A sharp increase in the costs of goods and service
Informational Interview Talking to a person about hi/her job
Long-Term goals Those things that a person wants to accomplishment that may take several months to several years to accomplish.
Mentor A trusted advisor
NC Website which contains career information specific to North Carolina. Helps match interests with possible occupations
Nontraditional occupations Occupations in which men/women compromise 25 percent or less of the work time
O/Net The occupational information network (O/Net) is a comprehensive, interactive database developed byu the US Department of Labor to identify and describe important information about occupations, worker characteristics, work skills and training requirements.
OOH Occupational Outlook Handbook, leading guide for national occupational and career information from the US Department of Labor. It describes the nature of work, earning outlook, education, and job requirements and related occupations for admissions for...
Promotion Advance an employee earns by being productive, cooperation, dependable and highly skilled
Recession A period of declining economic growth
Short-term goals Those things that a person wants to accomplish in a small amount of time (generally less than a year)
SIC Standard Industrial Classification System US Department of Labor certifies career information based on industrial classification
SOC Standard Occupational Classification Sysytem provides information based on broad occupational definitions
Telecommute To work at home using a computer connected to the network of ones employer
Trade and Proffesional Journals Publications which contain information regarding trends, industrial innovations and training opportunities for specific professions
Transferable skills To carry, move, or shift a proficiency or ability
Trends A direction of movement
Video/Voice Conferencing Can be used as an option to replace travel
Working conditions information about hours, enviornment, and safety in regards to an occupation
A career consultation is: A discussion for seeking career advice
When researching careers, it is best to start by: Using O*Net and the OOH
A school counselor or Career Development Coordinator (CDC) can assist students in their career planning by: Helping them explore their career interests
A career cluster is: A group of jobs that are similar to one another
A TV announcer is a job in which career cluster Arts, audiovisual technology and communications
Careers in which career cluster are highly technical and require firm backgrounds in math and science? Scientific research/engineering
What is the main purpose of studying the sixteen career clusters? You can explore the wide range of jobs within a career area
The Occupational Outlook Handbook is an excellent career resource because it: Lists the same information about every job
A trusted advisor might be called a/an: Mentor.
Which career is in the Agriculture and Natural Resources Technologies career cluster? Forester
A book that describes various careers and the future for those careers: Occupational Outlook Handbook
A book that describes thousands of jobs in regards to duties and work characteristics is the: Dictionary of Occupational Titles/O*Net
A person with a lawn-mowing business has an outdoor: Work environment
The US Department of Education Career Clusters include: Health Science
The Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) System includes: Production Occupations
Making a career choice to work out-of-doors will mean: Learning to adapt to the environment
A sedentary job is one in which an employee might: Spend much of the day sitting
Which US Department of Education Career Cluster provides basic human needs? Agriculture and Natural Resources
Which job requires physical strength? Brick masonry
Two Internet resources with specific North Carolina career information include: and
Which is a component of a research paper? References
Which of the following is NOT a career information guide? Readers’ Guide to Periodic Literature
College information specific to North Carolina can be accessed at which Internet site?
Which of the following is an occupational cluster in the North Carolina Career pathways? Health Sciences
The book that lists twelve main interest areas and careers that suit people with those interests is: Guide to Occupational Education
Which North Carolina resource will help you match your interests with possible occupations NC Careers
When evaluating a specific career, consider: Working conditions
One way to research careers informally is to: Talk to friends and family about their job.
A North Carolina resource for career information is:
Researching a career to find out whether jobs will be available in that field in the future can help determine: A career outlook
Major classification systems for occupations include all of the following EXCEPT: Computerized Career Information System
When a student is identifying people and resources to assist with career plans, the following should be considered: Reliable resources
Which of the following would NOT be considered a valuable library research source? Television
An example of a job from the Public Services career cluster is a/an: Firefighter.
You can locate magazine articles about specific careers in the: Readers’ Guide to Periodic Literature
Which Internet resource is replacing the DOT (Dictionary of Occupational Titles)? O*Net
Plagiarism is: Speaking and using the ideas or writings of another as one’s own
Which is not a factor to consider in evaluating career options? Friends choice in career
What is a characteristic of an entrepreneur? Most individuals have the personality to be an entrepreneur
Which factor(s) might most positively influence the success of an entrepreneur? Collecting as much information as possible about the business opportunity
What might help students choose a nontraditional class? Being taught by a nontraditional teacher
Women make up more than half of the workforce in which industry? Retail sales
Occupations in which either gender compromises 25% or less of the workforce are: Nontraditional occupations
A key quality of success for an entrepreneur is: Being innovative
Unwelcome behavior of sexual nature is: Sexual harassment
Careers considered nontraditional for men include careers in: Nursing
A primary source of information for would-be entrepreneurs is the: Small business Administration
Which of the following is NOT a form of legal business ownership? Entrepreneurship
Any money or equipment invested in running a business is referred to as: Capital
A person who runs a business and is self-employed is called an: Entrepreneur
Which of the following should be included as part of the career information on a career profile? Education
The workplace of today must be dedicated to Excellence in skills and personal qualities
How has the global economy affected employees in the United States? Has eliminated some jobs in the US and created others
An increase in the number of dual income families has created an increase in the area of: Service Occupations
A factor that workers should consider as they make geographic moves is: The cost of living
Relocating for a new job requires: Flexibility and compromise
In today’s workplace, workers typically Continue to learn new skills
Of the jobs in the 21st century, what percent will require technical skills acquired at the bachelor’s level or above? About 20%
Government resources are used to develop statistics reflecting state and regional occupational data also known as: Labor Market information
Which is true of the current workplace? Increased use of technology
Jobs in the future will increasingly involve more: Employee telecommuting
Which of the following would NOT have been a concern for workers in the 1950s? Internet
Private ownership, profit motive, competition, and freedom of choice are characteristics of a: Free enterprise system
Labor marker trends for the 21st century predict that the greatest number of workers will need to have which level of education? Community college
The latest trends in a trade or profession can be found in: Trade and professional journals
Employment Forecasters predict greater than average job growth in: Retail
To prepare for changes in the workplace, it is BEST to: Be a life long learner
A factor which may lead to success in the work place is: Willingness to learn
Work habits and attitudes required in all jobs are: Transferable skills
Transferable skills in today’s workplace are: Advantageous to workers
When the skills learned and used to do one job are used on another job, they are known as: Transferable skills
Lifelong learning is: A continuation of learning as skills needed on a job change
Created by: 9208836



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