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4/15/13 Convo Quiz

sonar to sound/to ring
Quedar to meet at a place/to have remaining
acabar de + inf. to just finish doing something
muebles pieces of furniture
oscuro dark
antiguo old
alfombras rugs
piano de cola a grand piano
ropa interior underwear
cajón drawer
bañador swimsuit
firmar to sign
piso large apartment / floor
despedir to fire someone
Qué casualidad! What a coincidence!
Pensativo pensive
Acompañar to accompany
Timbre doorbell
la cerradura lock
desnudo naked
la ducha the shower
asustado scared
toalla towel
dirigidas addressed
coñac brandy/cognac
Qué lío! what a mess!
Al cabo de un rato after awhile
recoger to pick up
régimen diet
Una bolsa a bag
seguir to follow
disparar to shoot
heredera the heiress
el testamento the will
esconder to hide
claro of course
taller repair shop
arreglar to fix
el cambio the change
cabina telephone booth
la línea comunicaba the line was busy
de parte de quién? who is calling?
equivocarse to make a mistake
comisaría police station
vigilar to keep your eye on someone/something
la cuenta the check/bill
separarse to split up/separate
suerte luck
colgar to hang up
andén track
banco bench (also bank)
placa police badge
detener to arrest
ciego blind
herencia inheritance
billete ticket
agotado exhausted
bañera bathtub
alcanzar to be enough
el changarro stand, small store
el/la chavo/a young man/woman
güey pal, idiot
invitar to treat
la jefa mother
el machote template
la máquina (de escribir) typewriter
la mercadotecnia marketing
ocultar to hide
el oficio trade
el rato(te) a (long) while
servir de to work as
toparse (con alguien) to run into (someone)
abandonar to leave
la alfabetización literacy campaign
el analfabetismo illiteracy
analfabeto/a illiterate
el consuelo consolation
dejar plantado/a to stand someone up
el desengaño (amoroso) heartbreak
la desilusión disappointment
enamorado/a (de) in love (with)
el/la escribano/a letter writer
planear to plan
resignarse to resign oneself
la soledad loneliness
la tristeza sadness
aconsejable advisable
cobrar to gain (importance, etc)
la desconfianza distrust
desvincular to separate
durar to last
la embestida charge, onslaught
inmutable unchanging
la jubilación retirement
el lapso lapse (of time)
el puñado handful
renovar to renew
sucumbir to succumb
vencer to expire
la burla mockery, joke
la certidumbre certainty
desechable disposable
inseguro/a uncertain
la justificación justification
el vínculo link
la política politics
un político / una mujer político politician
constitución constitution
ciudadano citizen
derechos rights
presidente president
el congreso congress
el senado senate
un/a diputado/a congressman
un/a senador(a) senator
un/a gobernador(a) governor
votar to vote
el voto the vote
la elección the election
elegido elected
campaña campaign
partido party
encuesta poll
republicanos republicans
demócratas democrats
independientes independents
derechista right wing
izquierdista left wing
conservador conservative
liberal liberal
debate debate
candidato/nominee candidate
delegado delegate
colegio electoral electoral college
democrático democratic
democracia democracy
futbol soccer
ciclismo cycling
tenis tennis
natación swimming
gimnasia gymnastics
baloncesto basketball
remo rowing
vela sailing
motociclismo motorcycling
hípica horseback riding
automovilismo car racing
atletismo athletics
voleibol volleyball
judo judo
balonmano handball
hockey hockey
esquí skiing
futbolista soccer player
ciclista cyclist
jugador de tenis tennis player
nadador swimmer
gimnasta gymnast
jugador de baloncesto basketball player
remero rower
marinero sailor
motociclista motorcycle racer
ecuestre equestrian
conductor race car driver
corredor runner
jugador de voleibol volleyball player
judo judo
golfista golfer
jugador de hockey hockey player
esquíador skiier
Created by: cammiereilly
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