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Law Studies Final

Study Guide for Law Exam

T/F: There are no legal defenses to negligence F: Some legal defenses to negligence are based on the plaintiff's conduct.
T/F: In strict liability torts, the two elements of negligence that are not required to be proved are causation and damages F: causation and damages must be proven
T/F: Toxic torts were developed to allow persons who are harmed by the manufacture or disposal of hazardous waste to recover damages for their injuries T :)
T/F: All sellers offer about the same warranties on their products and services F: not all warranties are the same
T/F: Teenagers are making more buying decisions today than in the past when parents made more of those decisions. T :)
T/F: Landlords do not have the legal right to ask potential renters about their source of income or previous landlords. F: Landlords commonly want to know how a tenant will pay the rent and something about their rental history
T/F: More than 90 percent of all Americans will get married at some point in their lives T :)
T/F: Couples with children who are divorcing have a right to a free attorney if they are too poor to hire one. F: The right to a free attorney does not apply to couples who are divorcing
T/F: There are two different methods for proposing amendments to the US Constitution T :)
T/F: It is harder for a private individual to win a defamation suit than it is for a public official or public figure to win F: the value placed on freed of speech in the US makes it difficult for public officials or public figures to win defamation suits
T/F: Trials can be closed to the public and the press only if vital government interests are at stake and no less restrictive way exists to protect those interests T :)
T/F: The endorsement and test and the Lemon test are used in establishment cases T :)
T/F: The 1st Amendment to the Constitution protects your right to worship any way you chose T :)
T/F: The right to privacy extends to a person's abortion decision T :)
Plaintiffs in a tort suit are seeking what? A remedy
The law provides a remedy for every interference with a recognized legal right means what? person may be able to recover damages without fitting into specific tort category
Assault Fear of immediate harm
Battery Unwanted contact - getting hit, getting shot, etc.
Infliction of emotional distress Acting in a way because you know will it cause someone emotional pain
Negligence refers to what kind of conduct Unreasonable
Cause in Fact means: the harm would not have occurred without the wrongful act
Proximate Cause: harm related to action (wrongful act/negligent act)
What type of law would you create knowing that distracted drivers create 20-30 percent of all car crashes Laws prohibiting use of cell phones, or other distracters, while driving.
Paternity tests establish what? Who is the father of the child
Paternity is important for a mother to establish because: Ensures payment of child support, allows child to have medical or familial information about father
Defamation Not protected by 1st Amendment - False statements about another
Slander spoken defamation
Libel Written defamation
Prior Restraint means what an attempt by government to prevent the printing of a news story
Students wearing armbands to protest the Vietnam War are practicing what right Freedom of Expression
The first clause of the First Amendment of the US Constitution is also called: The establishment clause: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."
What can sometimes force business to offer a cash settlement rather than going to the expense of defending themselves in court Frivolous Lawsuit - Defendant not at fault, but more expensive to defend than to pay settlement
Who pays the cost of safety in a product? Ultimately it is the consumer
what is a legally binding agreement containing both an offer and acceptance? Contract
What is the requirement in a credit arrangement that the last payment is much larger than the monthly payment? Balloon Payment (a balloon starts small but gets big when blown up)
A person denied credit because they are single and not married is a victim of what? Credit discrimination
An unsolicited e-mail is called what? Spam
Who requires used car dealers to place a large sticker (buyer's guide) in the window of every vehicle offered for sale? Federal Trade Commission
A warranty may become void if the item is what? Not maintained or misused
Who is responsible for the wear and tear of a rental home? The landlord
What is given to babies and young children to protect them from diseases? Immunizations
Formal and Common-law are recognized in which states? All states
The placement of children with a relative who is not their parent is called what? Kinship care
In loco parentis means what? The status of acting in the place of the parent
A non-custodial parent has to provide what until the child becomes an adult or is emancipated support
Child custody, visitation, support and division of property must be discussed when parents: divorce or separate
The 1996 welfare law (TANF) has strict what? work requirements
The US Supreme Court has ruled that the media does not have special rights of what? Access to information or protection of sources of information
Collective bargaining means: Union and management work together to settle labor disputes
Intentional Tort Action taken that deliberately harms another person, or his/her property
Slander oral statements that harm another person's reputation
Conversion unlawful control of another's personal property
False Imprisonment being wrongfully confined against one's will
Counterclaim a claim brought against the plaintiff by a defendant in a civil lawsuit
Contributory Negligence precludes a plaintiff from recovering damages from a defendant because the plaintiff is also at fault
Negligence conduct that creates an unreasonable risk of harm for others
Reasonable person the standard of conduct that a community expects of its members
Cause in fact when the defendant's action produced the injury and the injury would not have occurred without the wrongful act
duty responsibility of care owed to others
Comparative negligence divides losses based on the degree to which each person is at fault
Damages money paid to a plaintiff for injuries or losses suffered
same-sex partners some states may permit civil unions, marriages, and/or domestic partnership protections for these couples
palimony a support payment from an unmarried partner to another after separation
wedding ceremony a requirement in order to get legally married in most states
prenuptial agreement sets forth certain rights and responsibilities of the spouses
pro se representing oneself without an attorney
irreconcilable differences the marriage has completely broken down and is beyond repair
tender years doctrine presumption that young children should go with the mother after divorce
best interest of the child legal standard for determining custody
Created by: 10608951



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