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The Importance of Being Earnest

1. What is the name of Algernon's permanent invalid friend? Algernon’s invalid friend is named Bunberry
2. Where was Jack found as a baby? As a baby Jack was found in the coat room at a train station.
3. Who is Jack's ward? Jack’s ward is Cecily.
4. Whom does Algernon pretend to be when he shows up at Jack's house? When Algernon shows up at Jack’s house he pretends to be Jack’s brother Ernest.
5. Who is Cecily's governess? Cecily’s governess is Ms. Prism
6. On what railway line was Jack found as a baby? Jack is found on the Brighton line
7. Whom does Jack ask to marry him? Jack asks Gwendolyn to marry him.
8. Whom does Algernon ask to marry him? Algernon asks Cecily to marry him.
9. Who is Algernon's butler? Algernon’s butler is Lane.
10. What is Jack's father's first name? Jack’s father’s first name is Ernest.
11. How does Algernon learn about Cecily? Algernon learns about Cecily from the inscription on Jack’s cigarette case.
12. Why does Cecily say she and Algernon have been engaged for three months? Cecily has imagined their relationship, even going as far as to write letters to herself.
13. What do Algernon and Jack want Chasuble to do? Algernon and Jack want Chasuble to Christen both of them.
14. What does Lane prepare for Lady Bracknell's arrival that Algernon consumes? Lane prepares cucumber sandwhiches for Lady Bracknell’s arrival.
15. What food does Cecily serve to Gwendolen? Cecily serves Gwendolen cake.
16. What does Jack send for when Algernon arrives at his house? When Algernon arrives at the house, Jack sends for the dog cart.
What do Gwendolen and Cecily require of their husbands? Gwendolen and Cecily require their husbands to be named Ernest
. At what age does Cecily become independent from Jack? Cecily becomes independent from Jack at age 35.
What food do Algernon and Jack fight over at the end of Act II? At the end of Act II, Jack and Algernon fight over muffins.
Who left Jack in the handbag when he was a baby? When Jack was a baby he was left in the handbag by Ms. Prism.
Who is Jack's aunt? Jack’s aunt is Lady Bracknell
Who is Jack's brother? Jack’s brother is Algernon.
When does Lady Bracknell start liking Cecily? Lady Bracknell only starts liking Cecily when she finds out that she has money.
Created by: alirocks3



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