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School and College

German vocab for school, college and future plans

der Austausch exchange
beginnen to begin
beschreiben to describe
enden to finish
fruh early
die Ganzangsschule school that lasts all day
gleich same
der Hausmeister caretaker
konzentrieren to concentrate
die Mannschaft team
plaudern to chat
der Schulhof playground
die Schuluniform school uniform
der Stunden plan timetable
uberhaupt nicht not at all
vollig completely
die Abitur A-Levels
der Abiturient A level candidate
der Abschluss final examination
das Abschlusszeugnis school leaving certificate
abwesend absent
brauchen to need
deswegen because of this/that
die Fachhochschule university of applied sciences
fleissig hard working
hart hard
das Heimweh homesickness
die Klassenarbeit class test
klug clever
lachen to laugh
der Lehrer/Lehrerin male/female teacher
der Leistungsdruck pressure to achieve
meinen to think
die Mittlere Reife intermediate school certificate
nachsitzen to have a detention
der Notendruck exam pressure
das Orchester orchestra
peninlich embarrassing
die Prufung exam
sitzen bleiben to repeat a school year
streng strict
studieren to study (at Uni)
verbringen to spend time
verstehen to understand
weiterstudieren to do further study
die Aula school hall
die Auswahl choice
bauen to build
der Chor choir
der Direktor/Direktorin headmaster/headmistress
das Freibad open-air swimming pool
das Gebaude building
die Leichtathletik athletics
die Meinung opinion
mindestens at least
nagelneu brand new
die Speise dish, food
die Sporthalle sportshall
der Traum dream
ubrig bleiben to be left
der Unterricht lessons, classes
verbieten/verboten to forbid/forbidden
die Versammlung assembly
vorschlagen to suggest
Created by: mads14
Popular German sets




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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

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