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orthodox Conventional/Traditional HETERODOX, opp: UNORTHODOX
conventional Traditional
conventional Normal
conventional Not Nuclear
eccentric Different from others(odd)
trifling of little or no Importance/ trivial/ petty
Innovative introducing sth new
Innovative New
grade into unite
landfast resembling land
perceptible easy to see or notice or understand opp: IMPERCEPTIBLE
precarious Risky
Imprecation Curse
mutter to speak unclearly
mutter to speak under breath
relent (v) surrender
relentless continuous
relentless that can't be controlled UNRELENTING
vain worthless
vain too proud about success or achievement
prone lying on back with face down
prone to likely to suffer
prone to likely to have or do
supine lying on back with face up
notorious ill-famous
notorious very bad
notorious very difficult to solve
notoriety infamy
temperate moderate
temperate emotionally calm and controlled
eminent professionally successful or famous
eminance professional fame or success
dispassionate unbiased
passionate showing extreme feelings
passionate very hot
passionate showing strong sexual feelings
provident economical(money, time, resources) THRIFTY, FRUGAL
husband(v) to be economical
frugal meal plain and inexpensive
retrench economize
entrench to make strong from the foundation
standing status
standing firm opinion
infirm weak
providential lucky
tumult confused noise ( a number of ppl are speaking at the same time)
tumult great disorder (lacking system or mgmt.)
tumultous with confused noise
tumultous greatly disorderly
deconstruction distruction
deconstruction division into many parts in order to analyze
dissection division into many parts in order to analyze
pre-eminent extra ordinary or outstanding UNPARALLELED
imminent happening soon IMPENDING
pending waiting for
horde group/ throng THRONG
hoard to collect secretly
agglomeration a large collection of many different kinds
lumen unit of light
luminary greatly knowledgeable person
illuminate to give light
illuminate to decorate with light
illuminate to decorate manuscript with golden and silver colours
illuminate (inf-)to clarify/ to make clear
invalidate to cancel out
invalidate to prove as false
Overshadow to cast shadow
Overshadow to make less important(by casting shadow)
Overshadow to make less enjoyable
lofty tall or high
prodigy a child with early talent
underscore underline
underscore to give emphasis
obscure hide by casting shadow
obscure to make sth difficult to understand by covering sth
comprehensive including all or almost all
sparse thin/ rare
plausible believable (reasonable/ likely to be true)
hypothesis a statement or claim that needs to be discussed further or studied further. (It is like intermediate conclusion)
entitle to provide title
entitle to give power/authority or legal right
title legal right
titled of higher rank
titular of title only without responsibility or power
humble rank low rank
humble respecting others by being in lower rank
wane gradually decrease
wax gradually increase
wax to make bright using a substance
wax (music) record
wax to remove hair
wax and wane fluctuate
on the wane gradually decreasing
wan sickly in color(pale or pallid)
severe extreme/ harsh
moderate (v) gradually decrease
moderate (v) to lead a discussion
moderate (v) preside over
Raspy unpleasant to listen/ Raucous/ Cacophonous
persist continued
persist to continue inspite of difficulties
vacillate fluctuate
disperse scatter
sever separate or discontinue
seced separate
cede surrender (It is like intermediate conclusion.)
revert return
disband dissolve
dismember to separate into many parts
subsequent following
hindrance obstacle
unmitigate complete or thorough(always in -ve)
mitigate lessen sth negative ALLEVIATE
feat important achievement
triumph victory
triumph great success (through effort)
triumphant victorious
triumphant greatly successful(through effort)
precedent earlier event ANTECEDENT
precedence priority
precede to happen earlier ANTECEDE, PREDATE
fiasco complete failure DEBACLE
rout complete defeat(generally in sports)
unprecedented w/o previous occurance
premise example/ evidence
sunset collapse
imperial relating to emperor
imperious domineering
palatial like a palace(very impressive)
regal royal
sunny happy and pleasant
hazy unclear
nebulous unclear
Imperious writing the writing that is very difficult to understand(almost impossible to understand)
Obtrusive very unpleasant to see or notice
Obtrusive unpleasantly noticeable
pertinent relevant Germane
pertinent polite(showing respect)
pert not showing respect
pert small and beautiful
mishap misfortune
mishap accident
Hap fortune
Hapless Unfortunate
reckless careless (not thinking of future)
misadventure misfortune MISCHANCE
instinctive in born INNATE
distrust mistrust
indifferent lack of interest or concern
indifferent of average standard
venerate (v) deep respect(as holy/old/ great) REVER
veneration (n) deep respect REVERENCE
bewilder puzzle(greatly confused)
bewilder to be difficult to understand
suspicion doubt
qualm doubt/ MISGIVINGS
skeptic a person who takes doubt ( a person who is not easily convinced)
glib careless(not giving the subject matters seriously) SHALLOW
furious greatly angry
fury great anger
exacerbate worsen(the situation already bad) AGGRAVATE
parlous very dangerous or risky PERILOUS
visceral fear deep fear
beleaguered surrounded by enemy(therefore greatly troubled)
beleaguered greatly troubled
bellicose war-like(greatly aggressive)
belligerent bellicose
belligerent engaged in war
vulnerable at high risk
hinge on depend on
the fire hose of information activity of erasing information
stately greatly impressive
matrimony marriage
patrimony property left by father
alimony property that is given to divorced spouse
inviting holding great attention(coz sth is very beautiful or alluring)
atrocious very bad
atrocious brutal
demanding begging for sth repeatedly
demanding requiring much time, effort, care
contemporary of the same time
contemporary modern
exacting (v) demanding
copious plentiful
cornucopia symbol of abundance
cornucopia plenty
cornucopia a container for fruits/ vegetables
Ascetic a person who practises self denial
scathe (physical or sentimental) Hurt or Injure
unscathed uninjured(physical or sentimental)
meticulous very careful about small details
coeval of the same age
coeval having the same date of origin
gingerly very carefully
miserly extremely unwilling to expense money/ PARSIMONIOUS/ NIGGARDLY
Tightwad parsimonious person
stinginess extreme unwillingness to expense money
diffident lack of confidence
diffident shy
dissident person who opposes the political system or authority even if the situation is dangerous
dissident (adj) opposing the ruler or authority
amnesty pardon
outlaw (n) a person who breaks the law
outlaw (v) ban
liberal providing freedom
intolerance lack of tolerance
bigot (n) single minded person who can't tolerate
bigotry single minded person who can't tolerate
zealot a greatly enthusiastic person
zealot a person having intense feelings or opinions
zealot FANATIC
Funereal silence very sad or serious silence
Funereal music very sad music
Hermit a holy person who prefers isolation
hermitage a place for hermit
hermitic mysterious(hard to analyse or interprete)
hermitic air tight
caulk a substance that is used to make water tight
caulk (v) to make water tight
affix attach
recluse a person who prefers isolation
reclusive prefering isolation
reclusive avoiding company
gregarious sociable or group oriented
egregious very bad or noticeabley bad
salient very noticeable and important
salient very noticeable
Herculean Huge
Herculean demanding
compaign a series of activities for a typical purpose
disconsolate (adj) very sad or serious(loosing spirit coz of failure)
purveyor supplier or provider
convey communicate
convey to take from one place to another
invade to enter illegally in order to attack
invade interfere
invade to spread sth negative(like dzs)
canker cancer(plants/animals/persons)
canker great trouble or problem(fig,)
carcinogenic causing cancer
plunder (v) loot/ PILLAGE
plunder (n) property from looting
plait braid( hair/thread/rope)
upbraid severe criticize/ CHASTISE
repercussion unpleasant consequence
percussion the total musical instruments which are played by beating
percussion beating or hitting against
repertoire total performance
remnants remains
remnants the last piece of the cloths
defunct dead or no longer in existence
ravishing greatly beautiful
misconception mistaken belief
mirror (v) reflect
convoluted coiled, complicated
engage (in war) to start fight against
engaging very attractive(that holds your attention)
fanciful imaginary
fanciful creative(that is different from others
consequential happening as consequence
consequential very important
Inconsequential insignificant(of little or no importance)
involved complicated
reception greetings
reception response or reaction
radical fundamental
radical complete
radical revolutionary
novelty newness
chunk large piece
chunk long span of time
inimitable that can't be imitated
dogma a traditional belief that is followed by a typical group w/o doubt
heresy opinion that is contrary to the popular belief
Dogmatic following traditional belief or principal
wary (adj) cautious/ CIRCUMSPECT
Introspection Self examination
Retrospective examining the past days
Retrospective exhibition the total display of works
Retrograde (v) demote, relegate
Retroactive active from the past date
retrogressive regressive
disgress deviate
regress go back(Opp: Progress)
transgress to beyond the limit of morality
egress exit
giant powerful person or organisation
peripheral relating to periphery
peripheral secondary
peripheral not addressing the topics
avocation hobby
marginalize to make powerless
marginalize to keep aside
stigma part of flower
stigma feeling of disapproval
stigmatize public disapproval or criticism
stigmatizatjion disapproval or criticism
lionize to consider smb as celebrity
entomologist a person who studies about insects
etymologist a person who studies on words and their derivatives
amateur non professional
amateur without skill
foreground (n) the front part of the ground
foreground (v) to make sb/sth very important
transcend rise above
sphinx a stone statue(half woman/half lion)
recumbent half standing
incumbent obligated to the job
incumbent (n) a person who is obligated to the job
cumbersome burdensome
recast rearrange
recast to provide new role or incomplete role
recast to change according to time
rebuff rudely deny
defy refuse to away
defiance refusal to away
deify to respect smb like a god(greatly respect)
recalcitrant not obedient/stubborn/ FROWARD
humane kind/generous
immure in prison/ INCARCERATE
confined solitary confinement
confine limit/restrict
keen on to have great interest in
fraught with filled with
fraught greatly tensed
foster nurture
foster to help to grow or develop
easy-going relax and informal
affable easy going
affable warm
connoisseur expert of food/drink/art and some other subject
gourmet expert of food/ EPICURE
gourmand expert of food who eats much
grandiose so great or impressive that it is unlikely to complete
delible that can be erased
delible that can be forgotten
renege betray
renegade (n)a person who betrays country/religion/person
renegade (adj) perfidious
pergury the activity of breaking the oath
pergure (v) to break the oath
retreat (v) give up/ withdraw
retreat calm and quiet place
in retreat w/o activity
entreat to request seriously BESEECH
dominant interests successful business people
tycoon wealthy and successful business person MAGNATE
meddle interfere
officious meddlesome
officious willing to give more information than needed(tha causes irritation)
authorize to give legal permission(to make officially valid)
improvise to perform w/o preparation
offhand w/o preparation EXTEMPORANEOUS, IMPROMPTU
obviate prevent from happening/eleminate
affluent wealthy or rich
oppulent greatly wealthy
oppulent luxurious
grapple struggle
technocrat a person who keeps the govt. under strong influence
ameliorate to make better or improve(frm bad to good) MELIORATE
amiable sweet tempered(friendly)
amiable pleasant
amity feeling of friendship
camaraderie feeling of friendship
amicable friendly(in order to remove disagreement)
amenable friendly
amenable that can be controlled(dzs)
amenities facilities
paramour illicit lover
enamored fallen in love(person/place/thing)
amnesty pardon
troth promise for marriage/engagement
betroth to promise for marriage/engage
nubile marriagable
connubial relating to marriage and sexual relationship CONJUGAL
nuptial relating to marriage
nepotism favouring relative
rampant available everywhere
ascertain to make certain
ascertain to find our
overlook to ignore as insignificant
overlook to excuse as insignificant
gargantuan appetite great hunger RAVENOUS APPETITE, VORACIOUS APPETITE
gargantuan huge
appetite hunger
appetite strong desire
ravenous greatly hungry FAMISHED
voracious eat much or more than needed/ PIGGISH, GLUTTONOUS
glut sth more than needed
glut to be more than neede
glutton a person who eats much or more than needed
ambrosia food of gods
ambrosia delicious food
scoff to eat very quickly
stave off remove
extrapolate calculate about future
interpolate (v)insert/ MIDDLE
scholarship academic research of higher quality
academic theoritical(not practical)
exhaustive (adj) complete
extraneous irrelevant
impeccable w/o error or mark
in collusion with together with(while making conspiracy)
collusion conspiracy
inflate to fill air
inflate increase
inflate exaggerate
cabal a small group of plotters
machinate conspire
machination conspiracy
shore up support or strengthen
electorate voters
elect choose/select
eclectic selected from different parts and remixed
besiege surround by sth negative/ BESET
trade sth for to stop sth in order to start another thing
aloof withour concern
placid peaceful
placid with little or no movement
serene peaceful
serenity peacefulness
sere dry
restive unable to remain calm 'coz you are bored or dissatisfied
restive mentally unsettled
skittish easily excited or nervous
skittish fearful
skittish mentally unsettled
kittenish lively and energetic
tranquil peaceful
vociferous loud and forceful
vocal relating to voice
vocal loud and forceful
odoriferous carrying bad smell
odorous giving strong smell
malodorous bad smelling
somniferous causing sleep
soporific somniferous
insomnia sleep disorder
somniloquist a person who speaks while sleeping
somnilent partially sleepy(having thin sleep)
somnambulist a person who walks while sleeping
fitful irregular
billowing filled with air or gas
billowing moving in a wary manner
disappointing causing frustration
disappointing not as expected
pleading request
pleading activity in request of smb
circumscribe to make a circle
circumscribe limit
undermine weaken
undermine to weaken gradually
prosaic dull, unexciting, uninteresting
vapid uninteresting, unexciting
lukewarm slightly warm/ TEPID
lukewarm unexciting, uninteresting
blande tasteless INSIPID
blande uniteresting
sip to drink in a small amount
lackluster not bright, dull
lackluster unexciting, uninteresting
mundane not spiritual
mundane dull, ordinary, common
hideous very ugly
hideous detestable(feeling or causing hatred)
slum dirty and poor place in the city
squalid poor and dirty
squalor dirtiness and poverty
amazed greatly surprised ASTOUND
surprise sth that is unexpected
heretofore before now
electrify greatly excit
deadpan dull or unexciting
enthrall to be greatly attracted
doze to sleep partially
slumber sleep
slumber party the night party organized by young girls
lumber timber
lumber jack wood cutter
lumber (v)to move in a clumsy manner(unattractive manner)
thrall strong attraction or influence
accomplished greatly skillful 'coz you have achieved sth
auspicious favourable or carrying good luck
masterful greatly killful
masterful having the ability to control others
pedestrian (n)person who makes a journey on foot
pedestrian (adj) ordinary/common
rife with full of
rarefied thin or rare
rarefied known by few people(hard or difficult to understand)
replete (adj) full to capacity
replenish refill
malleable easily shapable
malleable easily influenced or impressed by others
malleable that can change
impressionable easily influenced by others/malleable
activism involvement in activity
apathy lack of interest or concern
apathetic aloof
sympathy similar goal or opinion of feelings
sympathy positve feeling towards others
sympathy agreement
antipathy negative feelings towards others(feeling of hatred) HOSTILITY, ANIMUS, ANIMOSITY
hostile very unfriendly
hostile of the enemy
impathy the quality to understand others feelings
pathetic causing sadness and pity
psychopathetic mentally deranged
pathogenic causing dzs
affable easy-going
affable warm
fabricate build
fabricate to make fake
prefabricated made as parts that can be linked together
suburb suburban area
urbane civilized or polite SUAVE, POLISHED, CIVIL
preconceived held in mind earlier than experience
predatory dishonest(exploiting others)
profess publicly declare
profess claim
0 to state publicly( but doubtful)
foe enemy
unsightly unattractive, ugly
teratoid like a monster(very ugly)
unsparing very harsh or unpleasant
sparing controlling while giving or using
sparring hot debate
abstenious sparing at eating and drinking/ moderate
sparring partners boxing partners
sparring partners discussion partner
voluble lound and talkative
voluble using sufficient words with clarity
sanctum holy place
sanctum a private room/place in/of the office where you are not disturbed by others
closet small room/cabinet for storing purpose
volcanic extreme
extrude to bring metal/plastic into shape by pushing from inward
extrude to come out forcefully
wrath anger
wrathful angry IRISH
ire anger
irate angry
livid dark
livid angry
patron regular customer
patron proprietor of an inn
maintain to say or state that sth is true(claim)
infant beginning to grow
infantile childish or stupid
infantile relating to child
puerile childish/unreasonable
harbinger indicator(sth that indicates what is happening in future)
forerunner harbinger PRECURSOR
forerunner earlier stage of development
bode foretell
foreboding presentiment
foreboding premonition
foreboding unpleasant early feeling
prophet messenger of god
prophet future teller
prophetic indicating sth definitely happens in the future
prophetic of the prophet
aberrant deviating from normal/ abnormal
aberration abnormality(deviation from normal)
monotonous boring('coz same thing comes repeatative TEDIOUS, TIRESOME
tiresome that makes you tire
tiresome boring
virtual almost but not real
virtual almost
virtue good/ moral quality
virtuous moral(having good qualities)
by virtue of by means of
by virtue of by dint of
dint means
virtuoso expert(generally in artistic performance)
virtuosity expertise
atypical rare or occasional
understated subtle/implied
subtle sattire indirect satire
tentative approximate(that can be changed again)
hyperbolic exaggerating(in order to impress)
hypercritical fault finding CAPTIOUS
restrained controlled
restrained tight lipped by controlling
argumentative providing reasoning in order to impress
authoritative trusted by all
authoritative that should be obeyed w/o dispute
impassive showing no feelings or emotions
impassioned greatly exciting
Infiltrate pass through
Infiltrate pass through as a spy
counter spy spy over spy
espionage activity of spying
promulgate implement
promulgate publicly declare
disprove prove as false
celebrated famous or well known
mysterious difficult to examine or solve(that is almost impossible)
mysterious causing great interest(coz sth is secret)
fortuitous happening by chance not by plan
fortuitous lucky
decorous proper/ proper in manner
decorum proper manner PROPRIETY
seemly proper
seemingly outwardly shown
specious seemingly true but false
spacious comfortable ROOMY, COMMODIOUS
incommodious CRAMPED
stanza part of a poem
canto division of poem
sonnate 14 line poem
sequence collection
cycle collection
idyll a poem which describes peaceful and pleasan place
idyll peaceful and pleasant place
idyllic peaceful and pleasant
lament a poem which describes deep sorrow or regret
lament to express deep sorrow or regret
elegy a mournful poem on someone's death
elegiac mournful(causing deep sadness)
bard verbal poet
myopic short sighted
chagrin annoyance(worry, anxiety, inflation)
void cancel out
pique cause
entrust to provide sth under trust
annoint to make holy (by offering oil)
annoint select or appoint
rapturous greatly pleasurable
rapt highly attentive
cultivate to improve or make better
cultivate to increase closeness
rendezvous to meet at a typical place at the appointed time
rendezvous a meeting place
assignation secret meeting between lovers
tryst secret meeting
clandestine secret
reinforce strengthen, motivate
reinforce to send additional troops
shake tremble
shake surprise
shake weaken
phony not genuine
phony dishonest
allegation blame w/o proof
allegation statement w/o proof
allege to state w/o proof
allege to charge or blame w/o proof
unprincipled not following any typical principle
tenet principle
prolific huge
prolific producing much or many
proliferate grow rapidly or multiply
proliferation rapid growth
congruous similar, harmonious with others
abut adjoin
abutting adjoining CONTIGUOUS
significant large
considerable large
equitable fair
pecuniary relating to money
impecunious having little or no money
lucre money earned in a dishonest way
lucre money
lucrative profitable
numismatist a person who collects coins as a hobby
numismatist a person who makes studies on coins
coin invent
philatelist a person who collects stamps as a hobby
philatelist a person who makes studies on stamps
avocation hobby
yield production
yield (v) produce
surrender to give up under pressure
surrender to admit under pressure
generate produce
engender produce
beget produce
spawn to lay eggs
spawn to produce in large numbers
subjective relating to the subject
subjective relating to the subject of the sentence
subject citizen
objective existing based on fact or experiment or test
objective goal
objective unbiased
volatile evaporating
volatile unpredictable or changeable
volatile explosive
resilient elastic(that can return to previous condition)
resilient that can be strong again
shyster dishonest lawyer or politician or person
insipid tasteless BLAND
adulterated impure
unadulterated pure
unadulterated complete
authorize legally permit/ or make legally valid
vehicle means of expression
blemished having spot or mark
reputation general opinion about smb/sth
reputable deserving reputation
reputed supposed
reputed told by others
probity honesty or religious honesty
probity kindness
mendacity great dishonesty or lie
mendacious greatly dishonest or lying
sympathetic deserving sympathy
sympathetic consonant with (agreeing with)
taint contaminate
sully spoil BESMIRCH
blase uninteresting or common 'coz you are already familiar
sate satisfy or fully satisfy(hunger, curiosity, desire) SATIATE
wanderlust excessive desire for travel
traverse travel across
sojourn a temporary stay
sojourn (v) to stay temporarily
jaunt short pleasurable journey
jaunket a journey made by govt. officials or elected members using public fund
backpacker traveller
challenge to invite smb for competition
challenge to have doubt
explicit clearly state
implicit unstated(but can be understood)
implicit IMPLIED
explicable that can be explained
explicate explain
merely only
infusion supply in large amount
fugitive a person who runs away from authority
blasphemy disrespect to god
decapitate behead
momentous very important that gives a lasting memory
momentum encouragement DRIVE, INCENTIVE, STIMULUS, IMPETUS
impetuous hasty or unplanned IMPULSIVE, HEAD LONG
fleetly very fast
premature too early
callow immature
deviation turning from the subject matter
reproduction copy or imitation
invigorate to energize
innervate invigorate
enervate to loose energy
enervate weaken
effectual effective(carrying desired result)
industrious hardworking/ diligent
machiavellian using tricks or traps to be successful
machiavellian dishonest
mutinous rebellious
mutineer rebellious
Preemptive attack The attack that is done earlier in order to prevent an enemy's attack.
Preemptive attack prevent from happening Forestall, Preclude
Preemptive attack (journalism) to stop regular program in order to broadcast new program
Given considering Deeming
Deem to consider or think of
keep abreast of to be informed of
the flood of a large number or amount
synopic relating to summary
synopsis summary
abridge summarise
abridge reduce/ shorten
abbreviate shorten
sensational causing sense active
copious plentiful
lurid unnaturally bright
lurid deliberately shocking
apall shock(horrify)
understated implied, subtle
circumspect cautious wary
reluctant unwilling or hesitating loathe
loathe (v) strongly hate, detest Abominate/ despise/ abhor
deferential respectful
defer respect formally
defer postpone (put off)
deference formal respect
intransigent very bold/ unyielding
lax not tight
lax not following rules/ regulations strictly
flaccid not tight flabby
remiss negligent
Amiss wrong
Amass to collect or pile up
Hoard to collect secretly
negligible insignificant
obsequies activities of funeral ceremony
Obsequious showing to much willingness to serve survile
Obsequious flattering
flatter (v) to praise excessively and insincerely in order to please or get sth.
flatterer (n) person who flatters Sycophant, toady
inter (v) bury Inhume
Disinter Exhume
resolute strongly determined
sheer complete/ total
sheer light, thin and transparent (in clothes)
sheer unlimited
seer prophet(future teller)
sacred very holy
sacred very important
profound very deep
profound giving deep feelings
profound very difficult to understand( 'coz sth is vast)
accumen mental keenness or sharpness( the ability to think and judge quickly and effectively)
notation symbol that represents information
marked very noticeable
agony strong physical or mental pain
agonize to have strong mental or physical pain
agonize to be worried
ethnomusicology music relatig to ethnic groups
indigenous native (not acquired from outside) aboriginal
denizen indigenous people
landmark milestone (very important achievement or activity)
landmark a building/ structure of historical importances
landmark a building/ structure that helds to identify your location when you are at a distance
fastidious very careful about small details meticulous
fastidious too particular or choosy in quality or neatness
fastidious difficult to please
finicky too particular or choosy in quality fussy
didactic intended to teach or giving lessons
autodidact sth that is self instructive
parable short and simple story by Christ that is didactic
precepts instructional statement or didactic statements
Didacticism belief that any work of arts should be didactic or instructional
Iconoclast A person who opposes traditional, religious or social system
revere deeply respect (as holy/great/ old) venerate
detached not attached
detached unbiased
hellish very hot or unpleasant
inferno great fire
infernal (adj) very hot
infernal hellish
Infernal region Hell
sty a place for pigs
stygian too dark and dirty
fray a confused fight or struggle BRAWL, MELEE
mealy dry fruits
mealy mouthed insincere
bad-mouth to make critical remarks about others.
bad-mouth curse
exercable very unpleasant
exercable inexpensive and of poor quality
frenetic energetic, exciting and hurried
bucolic of the country side
bucolic of the town
fulfilling happy and prosperous
mirth happiness
obverse opposite
despicable detestable or very unpleasant
despair hopelessness
eschew to give up
eschew to give up 'coz u think that is unnecessary
despairing feeling or showing hopelessness
hopeless w/o spirit
parallelism similarity PARITY
disparate different
disparage insult, belittle
denegrate unfairly criticize or disapprove
paranormal supernatural (ghost, god or magic) OCCULT, PRETERNATURAL
preternatural supernatural
preternatural beyond natural
occults study or practice of magic, ghost or god.
phenomenon activity or occurence
paramount greatly important
elect (v) to select or decide
catholic including many things (universal)
defy to refuse to obey
defiance (n) refusal to obey
deify greatly respect
deify to respect sb like a god
testimony supportive documents
bolster strengthen or support
corroborate strengthen or support (generally by examples and evidence)
revise to change or improve or make better
revamp to change drastically
recant to change previous statement by another statement RETRACT, DISAVOW
disavo to deny the responsibility
avow publicly declare or state
vow serious promise
vow (v) to make serious promise
protracted lengthened
malady sickness
heed to pay sincere attention
heed (n) sincere attention
heedful (adj) sincerely attentive
presume to consider as a truth
cynic a person with biased attitude
cynic a person with negativity (negative attitude)
cynical biased (having a particular angle or perspective)
convictions official blame by court
convictions strong belief
infirm weak
rationality power or reasoning
rationale reason or set or reasons
lenient not strict
martinet very strict
diffidence lack of confidence
diffidence shyness
dissident a person who opposes the ruler or system even if the political situation is dangerous
disinterested uninterested
disinterested unbiased
defect to betray and accompany the enemy
defection activity of deserting in order to befriend the enemy.
desert (v) leave forever
defector A person who defects.
acquifer porous rock or sand that contains water
porous permeable
porous easy to pass through
sand (v) to make smooth by rubbing
engineer (v) to plan
doctor contaminate
doctor to make fake
doctor to remove sexual organ
innocuous that doesn't harm (harmless)
feasible possible to do PRACTICABLE
remedial intended to cure or treat
remedial intended to improve
benign harmless or not causing harm (not causing death)
benign friendly and generous
benign pleasant
0 that doesn't cause harm BENIGNANT
implication indirect suggestion or hint
implication involvement in crime
antedate predate/ to be of the past date
cloak outer garment
cloak (v) to cover
envelope (v) to cover
blanket (v) thickly cover
Blanket Statement topic statement
potray sketch or draw
potray communicate
precede antecede
renewed energetic or fresh
avaricious (adj) greedy for wealth or properties
avarice (n) greed for wealth or property CUPIDITY
atypical rare
auspicious favorable/ carrying good luck.
chagrined worried/ annoyed VEXED
hex magic to harm others
derivative derived
derivative predictable
pore (v) study heavily
tome bulky book
indefatigable never tiring
indefinable that can't be defined
ineffable that can't be expressed in words
verbalize to express into words
verbose using unnecessary words WORDY, PROLIX
verbatim word for word (direct speech)
verbalize relating to word or speech or language
verbiage (n) use of unnecessary words
verve cheerfulness and enthusiasm GUSTO
incurious not interested to learn new things
encyclopedic vast
consensus agreement COVENENT
divergent different
diverge divide
verge border
commonplace unoriginal (not new) therefore uninteresting, unexciting (it has been overused) BANAL, HACKNEYED, TRITE
cliche unoriginal statement (that has been overused) PLATITUDE
hack illegally copy or download
hack cut forcefully
hack (n) a newspaper writer who writes in a dishonest way for money
Opera a long musical play
overture introductory music to opera
overture initial activity
solo single performance in dancing, singing or acting
ensemble group performance in dancing, singing or acting
diva lady popular singer
diva lady celebrity
tempo speed of music or sound
tempo a progressive increase
orchestra a large group of instrumentalists
conductor a person who directs the orchestra
baton stick
baton stick used by conductor in orchestra
arbitrary random (lack of planning, system)
capricious changeable or unpredictable (lacking planning, system or routine)
caprice unpredictable/changeable manner
cautious wary
compelling that makes you compelled
compelling strong or forceful
compelling attractive
comely beautiful or attractive
obliging helpful
legato mild continuous sound
staccato sharp interrupted sound
sonorous deep and continuous sound
symphony a long complicated piece of music with 3 or 4 movements
movement part of symphony
madrigal pastoral song (w/o musical sound)
pastoral of the country side
encore last short performance of the concert in the request of the audience
ballad a pastoral song or poem that tells a love story usually of tragic ending
tragic unhappy
timbre quality of sound (of person or instrument)
vocal relating to voice
vocal loud and forceful
fakeless careless (not taking responsibility seriously)
bureaucracy strong influence of the officials over the government
bureaucracy group of officials who control the government
bureaucracy a long complicated system
technocracy strong influence of the technicians and scientists over the govt.
plutocracy rule by wealthy people
theocracy rule by religious leaders
gerentocracy rule by old people
theist a person who believes in god
belie contradict
belie to give false impression
judicious having or showing good judgement
interchangeable that can be replaced by other
supersede (v) replace supplant
deceptive misleading
polemic verbal attack or dispute(in written form or speech)
polemical verbally disputing
pugilist boxer
pummet beat with fist
emasculate weaken
emasculate to castrate(remove male sexual organ)
emancipate to set free manumit
uxorious to much devoted to wife
censor to remove offensive part Expurgate
purge to remove opponent illegally or forcefully.
purgatory an imaginary place which lies between heaven and earth in which departed souls are purified
purgative a drug that cleans bowel
limbo a type of dance of native americans
limbo an imaginary world near heaven
limbo unsure or uncertain conditions
censure formally blame or criticize REPRIMAND
castigate blame or criticize EXCORIATE, UPBRAID, CHASTISE
tally record or calculate
tally match
tally score
rectify correct
lessen subside/ abate
fuel (v) greatly increase
Patent office the governmental organization which saves the device of invention.
patent obvious, clear
patent exclusive
patent leather leather of the finest quality
come through survive
disseminate spread
aplomb confidence
thrilled greatly happy and excited ELATED
crest fallen very sad or serious(loosing spirit) dejected
crest highest point of success
keen on to have great interest (indicating future) eager for
plethora a large number of or amount of
dearth scarcity PAUCITY
a slew of large number of
a bevy of a group of
addictive causing deep habbit
addictive greatly enjoyable
exhilarating giving a lot of enjoyment or fun
regatta boat racing
deleterious causing harm or harmful PERNICIOUS, DETRIMENTAL
inimical greatly unfriendly
inimical to detrimental to
antagonist the main character who plays -ve role(male or female)
antagonist A person who gives trouble or causes anger.
antagonistic causing anger or trouble
antagonize to cause anger or trouble
Protagonist the main character who plays +ve role (male or female)
equable calm
episodic full of different events
episodic occurring at intervals
fiesty very courageous or bold(with spirit)
proponent strong supporter ADHERENT, SPONSOR
Adversary Opposite of Proponent= opponent
gusty windy
gusty delicious
stew vegetable/ meat/ fish that is cooked in liquid.
gust strong or forceful irregular part of wind.
gusto cheerfulness/ enthusiasm VERVE
eulogize publicly praise(generally of a person who has recently died)
eulogy speech of praise(generally of a person who has recently died)
elegy a mournful poem on someone's death
elegiac mournful
mournful causing deep sadness
ethos norms or values
devilish very evil DEMONIAC/ DIABOLICAL
ferocious causing fears
prepoderant majority
prepoderant superior
retiring going to be retired
retiring shy(lacking courage)
dungeon underground prison
incarcenate imprison CONFINE, IMMURE
confine limit/ restrict
humane kind/ generous
estimable deserving esteem
endemic natural as an inseparable part
contumacious stubbornly disobedient(towards authority, system, rules, regulations)
defendant a person who defends
defendant a person who defends in the court
plaintiff a person who files the case
plaintive expressing sorrow
tiff insignificant quarrel
erratic unpredictable or changeable
irresolute not determinent
seditious resisting authority ( rules, regulation, system)
retouch to add color in order to make better or improve (photography)
pan to rotate lens in order to focus
pan excessively unfavorable review( of drama, movie, or play)
0 to separate gold particles from earth or sand
rave excessively favorable review about movie, play, drama
employ use
cabal a small group of plotters
artifice cunning intelligence PLOY, STRATAGEM, CHICANERY
hegemony dominance
Clout great influence or power
imprecation curse
boisterous noisy and energetic
valedictory party farewell party
cinquecentennial the celebration which comes in 500 years
onset starting
inception starting point
genesis starting
indolent slow or lazy
indolent slow to grow and recover
insolent rude/ impolite( intended to insult) CHURLISH, SURLY, IMPUDENT
reluctant hesitating or unwilling LOATH
indifferent lack of interest or concern
indifferent of average standard
rousing greatly exciting/ interesting
mirth happiness
presume to consider sth as truth
verify attest
veracious truthful
veracity (n) truthfulness
veritable TRUE
veritable selection better selection
verisimilar appearing as a true
verisimilitude appearance of truth
verifiable that can be proven true
aver to state that sth is true Affirm, Assert
scrutinize examine closely or in detail
inscrutinable that can't be examined.(mysterious)
capricious changeable, unpredictable (not following a pattern or system)
deem consider
incentive encouragement
to expend effort to use effort
erroneous wrong
unerring w/o mistake
science method
prescience early knowledge about future
prescient (adj.) knowing earlier about the future
corroborate support (with examples and evidence)
debunk to prove sth as false
novel new
bogus fake/ not genuine
obsolete outdated/ very old
incense (n) a substance that gives sweet smell when it is burned.
incense (v) to cause anger.
pillory punishment tying to cross which is kept in public place for entertainment
pillory publicly criticize or disapprove
retort to speak/ reply quickly and angrily using few words
extort to get money by threatening
contort twist
distort twist
torque twisting force
tortuous not straight/ indirect
venal taking bribe
venial insignificant (that can be forgiven)
vernal relating to spring seasons
equinox the equal length of day and night
engross to hold total attention
conversant able to make conversation
conversant famililar
converse (v) to have conversation with
converse (n) opposite
bully intimidate COW, HECTOR, BROWBEAT
cower to go backward or remain at a place 'coz you are fearful CRINGE
relish enjoy
cherished long enjoyed
cherished long enjoyed and hold in mind
indit compose
cajol to persuade smb to do sth
cajol to get sth by persuading COAX, WHEEDLE, BLANDISH
discomfit to make smb feel ashamed DISCONCERT, ABASH, MORTIFY
discomfit to make smb feel confused
bashful shy SHEEPISH
peruse read
peruse read carefully and thoroughly
commend praise
commend recommend
maim injure badly MUTILATE
maim damage badly
for good forever
several more than two but not many
hardened (adj) ruthless HEARTLESS, CALLOUS
Atrocious brutal
Atrocious very bad
Inflate to fill air
Inflate increase
Inflate exaggerate
Propagate to spread
Alleviate mitigate
shift change
inspection close supervision
emphatic stated with emphasis
cursory superficial
Precursor sth that indicates what is happening in the future FORERUNNER
Precursor earlier stage of development
cursive slanting and running fast
concurrent happening/ happened together
concur agree
concomitant happened together CONCURRENT
perfunctory cursory
defunt death( no longer in existence)
functionary (n) Official
dubious causing doubt
dubious unsure or uncertain
rigorous effort taking(thorough or complete)
rigorous very bad
rigor hardship
discreet secret and sensible(so that others may not notice)
discrete separate
furtive secret so that others may not notice SURREPTITIOUS
glance brief look
unreceptive unwilling to listen or agree
pluck (n) courage
plucky courageous/ having or showing courage.
ribald vulgar or relating to sex
coarse rough/ not smooth
coarse vulgar or relating to sex( ribald)
traitor a person who betrays country or faith TURNCOAT
traitorous (adj) perfidious
politic wise in dealing
politic wise
apolitical indifferent to politics
polity the form of govt.
polity The state which has its own govt.
consolidate unify
consolidate to make strong/ strengthen
treacherous perfidious
treacherous difficult to deal or face
hand main role
at hand near or coming closer
confer provide
confer to discuss on a subject matter to reach a conclusion.
self-confer provided to yourself
sobriquet nickname
contest complete
contest dispute
contest formally oppose in order to eliminate
facile easy (requiring little effort)
facile effortless
docile easily controllable
reconcile reunite
reconcile to arrange two sides so that both are right
estrange separate/ isolate
bridle at to be angry at
bridle (n) a set of leather stripes to control horse
bridle (v) to control
bridle path path for horse
bravura great interest, enthusiasm or skill
conflagaration widespread fire
conflagaration war or conflict
brunt strong negative effect
curb divider between footpath and road
curb (v) control or restrict
demure shy and polite
demure lacking courage to do sth or to act
demure of dark color that is unattractive
demur politely reject or protest
pensive sadly thoughtful
entrance (v) to attract greatly
magnificent greatly impressive SPLENDID
mystical causing great interest 'coz sth is hidden or secret or unexplored
teleology a natural phenomenon such as natural selection or evolution
Teleology objective or goal
entail require/ include
entail cause
gratify to please or satisfy
gratification satisfaction
engender produce
set up establish
endearment a word or expression that shows love or affection
recompense compensation
elation great happiness and excitment THRILL
pacify soothe
pacifist a person who hates war/ conflict. Opp: WARMONGER
pacific peaceful/ loving peace
pacifism belief that war should be avoided
chagrin annoyance VEXATION
influx arrival in great numbers(from another location)
influx arrival in great amount/ quantity
exodus departure in great numbers
inundate (n) (v) flood
abridge shorten/ summarize
emend correct or rectify
emend to make better or improve
amend to change word/ phrase/ sentence/ or sense in order to make better or improve.
Meliorate ameliorate/ to make better/ improve
maintain to state that sth is true/ claim
truncate cut off
truncate reduce/ shorten
legislators law makers
accede to agree with (unwillingly or under pressure)
accede to hold power
endorse approve
disquiet to make worried/ upset
contemporary modern
contemporary belonging to the same time
reputation general opinion about sth or sb
ethos norms or values
well-earned can be used both in positive and negative connotation
connotation indirect meaning
denotation direct meaning (from denote)
moral correct or proper
imperious domineering (wanting ppl to do what is ordered)
imperious very rigid (using complex words & structures and succinct)
succinct using few words
unsparing very harsh or critical
reputed supposed
reputed told by others
reputable deserving good reputation
kudos formal praise or prestige (earned by profession)
evident obvious or clear
accessible easily reachable
accessible easily available
accessible easily understandable
intrinsic as an inseparable part (natural)
frivolous lack of seriousness
frivolous worthless
impenetrable impossible to pass thru
impenetrable impossible to see thru
impenetrable impossible to understand
fog Fig. Confusion
dispel drive away/ disappear
belligerent demand requirement of great effort/ time/ care.
forbidding impossible to understand
forbid prohibit
improbable unlikely
ample output the writing using sufficient words with clarity
sunny cheerful
disposition the usual mood, character and attitude of a person or animal. TEMPERAMENT
saturnine very sad or serious
penitential regretful
austere not luxurious (spartan)
austere lacking decoration
austere cold or unfriendly
0 very difficult to understand/ rigid
intractable unmanageable
prolix verbose WORDY
impetuous unplanned or hasty IMPULSIVE, HEADLONG
prodigal extravagant (using sth unnecessarily)
prodigal son/ daughter a person who leaves the company for improving prospects and later on gets back to same company by being failure elsewhere
thorny biting
thorny complicated
taciturn speaking little or tight lipped
tacit self understood (w/o spoken)
voluble using sufficient words with clarity
voluble talkative
pellucid transparently clear
lucid clear
patisserie pastry shop
patisserie cakes/ cookies etc
tureen a deep bowl with lid
bouillon clear beef soup
bouillon beef soup (watery)
judicious having or showing good judgement
inhibited unable to express clearly
inhibit stop
inhibit slow down
interdict order of prohibition
interdict (v) to order by court to stop sth
interdict prohibit
garrulous excessively talkative in insignificant matters.
edifice structure or building
august greatly impressive
incorporate build
incorporate include
posh expensive and attractive
eclipse darken
eclipse overshadow (to make less important)
degrade to lower the grade
degrade humiliate
abase humiliate/ degrade
abase ownself humble
debase devalue
bolster strengthen/ support
acknowledge admit
acknowledge regard
appropiate (v) to allocate
appropiate (v) capture (to take others' property w/o permission or illegally)
expropiate (v) to take private property by the govt. for public use
complementary completing sth
curator A keeper or custodian of a museum or other collection
mere only
hideous very ugly
hideous detestable (feeling or causing hatred)
mask (v) to hide
limpid clear
limn to draw lines clearly
legends symbols that help you to read the map
fatuous very silly or stupid WITLESS, OAFISH, DOLTISH, INANE
dolt stupid person OAF
stupid unreasonable
stupid unintelligent
adorn to cover with decoration
bonny very attractive
decorous proper or proper in manner
felicitous very suitable
rotund of round shape
rot repeat over and over
tremor gentle earthquake
tremor trembling 'coz of fear/ coldness/ nervousness
rubbles broken pieces from destruction
extricate to set free from traps
extrude to bring metal or plastic into shape by pushing from inward.
extrude to come out with force
portend (v) to indicate that sth unpleasant is going to happen.
portent (n) sth which indicates unpleasant thing is going to happen.
portentous (adj) indicating sth unpleasant is going to happen.
repudiate reject
repudiate to prove as false (disprove) REFUTE
authorize legally permit/ valid
foresee foretell
hypothesize to claim based on available evidences
contend compete (vie)
contend claim based on evidence
unparalleled w/o equal (supreme) PEERLESS
ingenuity inventiveness
ingenious very clever
ingeneous simple, honest and willing to believe (naive)
gull to cheat or deceive
ingenue (n) a woman who is simple, honest and willing to believe
apogee highest point ACME, SUMMIT, APEX, PINNACLE
apotheosis highest point of success
apotheosis perfect example/ an excellent example
encroach interfere
assert to state sth is true (claim) AFFIRM, AVER
conception notion
execute to put to death
contemplate deeply think MULL OVER, PONDER, MUSE, COGITATE, RUMINATE
ruminate to chew over and over
ruminate deeply think
eschew avoid or give up ('coz you think is no longer important)
renounce give up
denounce strongly criticize or disapprove
shun give up
shun socially reject
deprecate belittle (insult)
depredate violently attack (it may cause killing or destruction)
fargo give up
deter discourage
hearten encourage (to infuse spirit) Opp: DISHEARTEN
smelt to melt ores
slag useless residue
abundant greatly enough
scanty insignificant PALTRY, SCANT
democratize to make more democratic
democratize to make available to all
demotic popular
preempt forestall, preclude
cultivate to improve or make better
mentor experienced teacher/ counselor/ trainer
mentor (v) to teach or advise or train by an expert person
sound (v) to state or speak
sound (adj) good
resorted to using used
resorted to used
lucid clear
panegyric formal praise (by speech or writing) ENCOMIUM
panegyrical praiseworthy
erudite greatly scholastic (from academic studies)
erudite academic/ formal
rational justifiable/ reasonable
balmy that gives relief
balmy warm and pleasant
balm a substance that relieves pain
balm a substance that is applied to the dead body in order to preserve.
Gordian very complicated
A Gordian knot very complicated problem
knotty entangled
prize to give value
tyranny autocracy
tyrant autocrat/ despot
bulwark sth/ sb that protects against danger
ergo therefore
friable easily broken
brittle easily broken
fragile very delicate (easily damageable)
tenuous weak
tenuous rare or thin
despise strongly hate/ detest LOATHE, ABHOR, ABOMINATE
hypocrite a person who pretends to be morally better than one really is.
hypocritical pretending to be morally better than one really is
hypercritical fault finding CAPTIOUS
alienate to separate or lose
inalienable that can't be separated
adherent supporter (origin from ADHEsive) PROPOPENT, SPONSOR
despoil loot PLUNDER, PILLAGE
despoil spoil
invaders a person or country that enters illegally in order to attack
posh very expensive and attractive
despodent very sad/ serious (losing spirit)
malady sickness
appreciable very large
impotent powerless
impotent sexually powerless
virile having strong sexual power MANLY
rile irritate IRK
stew vegetable, fish or meat that is cooked in liquid
recipe method of cooking
recipe method of success
passport way or method
subtlety indirect expression (you need great effort to understand)
subtlety (food)- actual taste
subtle difference slight difference ie difficult to detect
pungent of sharp flavor, smell or taste
pungent reality bitter reality
minion low leveled servant or worker
mince to cut into small pieces
mince (acting on stage)- to move quickly with short steps in an artificial way
otherwise (adj) different from others
deplete to run empty
masticate chew
gumdrop a type of sweet chewing gum
augment to increase
augment (dish)-to make better or improve
condiments spices
overwhelm to have intense feelings
overwhelm to be greatly large
overwhelm (food)- to kill actual taste
0 easily defeat
satiate sate (satisfy or fully satisfy- hunger, curiosity, desire (but not thirst))
delicate delicious (it gives actual taste)
delicate vulnerable (at high risk)
delicate easily damageable/ breakable
zest great enthusiasm
zest a type of spic by pulverizing the skin of lemon or orange (it gives strong flavor)
zesty greatly enthusiastic (having or showing intense feelings)
zesty with sharp flavor
detestable of unpleasant taste
detestable feeling or causing hatred
uninspired dull, unexciting, uninteresting
apparently obviously, clearly
apparently while looking the appearance
vital very important
vital very necessary to live
vital healthy and strong
luxuriant healthily growing LUSH
verdant green
verdant lacking experience
green (Fig) lacking experience
seasoned dried
seasoned with flavor (including salt)
seasoned highly experienced
shift change
exemplary worthy of imitation (of best model)
gauche skill less (w/o skill)
adept skillful Opp: INEPT
chasten to cause great shame
ascetic w/o decoration (very simple and plain)
stint a very short period of time (while comparing to the total length)
stint (v) to use or provide by controlling
stinting greedy
unstinting generous
epoch historical period or a period in which typical activity takes place
eon very long period of time (longer than era)
sublime of the best quality
sublimate to turn solid into gas
sublimate to express indirectly in order to make it socially acceptable.
subliminal below perceptible level (affecting sub-conscious mind)
prosaic dull, unexciting, uninteresting
model excellent or perfect example
reticence unwilling to speak
diffidence lack of confidence
diffidence shyness
brash aggressive, harsh
brash too bright (-ve)
propriety proper manner
apparent obvious
apparent relating to appearance
deliberation careful planning
pith soft part ( inside lemon/ orange/ stem)
pith central part or theme
crux central part or theme ESSENCE, GIST
pithy having soft/ spongy part
stem from come from or germinate
conformist (n)/(adj) following traditions or others w/o any changes
moron silly or stupid person
maverick non-conformist (An unorthodox or independent-minded person)
whimsical changeable, unpredictable CAPRICIOUS
whimsical humorous
sense of whimsy sense of humor
whim sudden and unexpected activity
flawless spotless/ without error
proffer offer or provide
snippet a small part or piece
refectory dinning hall
refractory unmanageable, stubborn
refractory (n) A substance that is resistant to heat.
communal shared by all
communal relating to community
profess claim (to state sth is true)
profess publicly declare
fiat order
by fiat legally.
countermand to cancel the previous order by another order.
mandate order
fib to tell lies about insignificant things
fib (n) insignificant lie
murky dark
murky unclear
murky turbid
chapel room or building of church
mull over to think deeply
incognito disguised under an assumed name
cognate (linguistic)- having same origin
cogent convincing
cognitive able to understand quickly and truly.
cognizant having sense/ wary or cautious
homespun very friendly
homespun home made
detour round journey
arduous hard (effort taking)
glib careless (not observing the seriousness of subject) SHALLOW
immutable unchangeable
placate pacify (anger)
implacable that can't be pacified
irksome irritating
irksome causing boredom
onerous burdensome
exonerate to free from blame EXCULPATE, ABSOLVE, ACQUIT, VINDICATE
vindictive revengeful (seeking revenge)
avenge to take revenge
retaliation revenge REPRISAL
to take reprisal to take revenge
inculpate to blame
culpable deserving blame
incriminate to make sb guilty
duress threat
duress strict control
hostage captured person
indurate harden
obdurate very stubborn (unwilling to be changed) ADAMANT
adamant soldier/ police +ve connotation
odd very different from others/ strange
oddsmaker a person who predicts the result of race, competition or election and manages bet.
admire praise
extol highly praise
feminine roles (ph) weak roles
effeminate woman-like
foreign unfamiliar
forlorn unhappy and isolated
loverlorn sad 'coz the person you love doesn't love you
magnanimous greatly generous
magnanimous very large
munificent kind/ generous
charitable kind/ generous
desolate deserted of people ('coz the place is uninhabitable)
desolate unhappy and isolated
doughty very courageous
daring very courageous
daring very strange or unusual (different from others)
outlandish very strange or unusual BIZARRE
commonplace unoriginal (not new)- uninteresting, unexciting coz it has been overused TRITE, BANAL, HACKNEYED
proposed suggested
revealing disclosing
verge border
divulge disclose (reveal)
divest to lose sth coz sb has taken it
divest to sell company's properties (opp of INVEST)
classify to divide into many parts
classify to keep secret or hidden
declassify to reveal publicly
retreat withdraw/ give up
retreat (v) to go into calm and quite place
retreat (n) calm and quite place
0 return
in retreat w/o activity
entreat to request sb seriously BESEECH
entreaty (n) serious request
retrench economize HUSBAND
entrench to make very strong
condone ignore sth as insignificant (excuse as insignificant)
condone to excuse (-ve activity)
extirpate eliminate (root out)
raffish informal but attractive
affront insult
slight insult
impertinent irrelevant
impertinent rude or impolite (showing lack of respect)
pert not showing respect to other
pert small but attractive
nosy (adj) taking interest in others' personal matters unnecessarily
pry to separate
pry (v) to take interest in others' personal matters unnecessarily
officious willing to give more information than needed that is annoying
officious interfering
meddle interfere
hedonist a person who loves pleasure ( whose ultimate goal is pleasure)
hedonistic loving pleasure
nihilist a person who thinks that our norms and values are worthless
nihilist a person who thinks that the social, political structure is worthless
ablate surgically cut off.
obtuse slow and stupi
logy lazy
obverse opposite
byzantine cryptic (mysterious and hard to interpret)
dissention conflict or strong disagreement
proverbial relating to proverb
proverbial widely popular
transgression going beyond the limit of morality
contempories (n) ppl belonging to same time
laud (v) praise
laudable praiseworthy
laudatory containing praise
plaudit praise or approval APPROBATION
mitigate to reduce sth negative ALLEVIATE
unmitigated(-ve) complete or thorough
rebuk scold (to make critical remarks)
treachery perfidy (betrayal)
treacherous perfidious
treacherous difficult to deal with
sophist a paid teacher of philosophy
sophist a teacher of false reasoning (-ve)
sophistry false reasoning
redemption freedom from sin
redemption rate (economics) exchange
stain to mark in a negative way
obstinate very stubborn (unwilling to be changed)
obstinate that can't be removed or washed out
perceived acquired
atone amend for sins EXPIATE
tranquilizer sedative/ a drug that causes sleepiness
abuse mistreat
abuse misuse
induce cause
soporific causing sleep SOMNIFEROUS
sedulous hard working (given care, time and much effort)
coruscate flash
scintillate sparkle
scintillating sparkling
scintillating causing great interest or excitement
scintilla spark
iota (greek alphabet,i) small amount
modicum small amount
mote smallest particle
shimmer shine in a trembling way
glimmer light unsteadily
debilitate weaken
undermine weaken gradually
undermine weaken
eccentric very different from others (odd or unusual)
petty of little or no importance (insignificant)
comply agree or obey
complaisance obedience
complaisant obedient COMPLAINT
pliant easily bending PLIABLE
pliant impressionable (easily influenced by others)
malleable easily shapable
malleable impressionable
malleable that can change
confirmity similarity/ harmony with others
confirmist (n/adj) following others or tradition w/o any changes opp: MAVERICK
candor frankness (with honesty)
candid frank (with honesty)
vulgar informal
nocturnal of the night
blowhard talkative boaster (घमण्ड/ गफाडा)
badger (v) annoy
pester irritate/ annoy
pest person who irritates others
arrant of the worst kind (-ve)
enlighten teach
inculcate to teach beliefs until you are prepared
aspire desire or seek
penance self punishment to achieve sth. (religious)
tedious monotonous TIRESOME
grater a type of kitchen tool that is used to cut sth into pieces
grate (v) to cut into pieces
grate to make irritating sound from rubbing
grate to irritate sb (pester)
mince to cut into small pieces.
mince to move quickly with short steps and in a funny way (this type of work is affected while performing on the stage.)
rousing greatly exciting
edify (from edit) to teach by correcting (mind or character)
didactic intended to teach or give lesson
quaff drink
quail to be fearful
ebullient greatly energetic and lively (जीवन्त), full of energy
charm sth that is believed to have magical power to defeat evil AMULET, TALISMAN
mulish very stubborn
mule (fig.) very stubborn person
demur politely reject
demurred p.p. of demur
tenebrous dark
gaiety great happiness
carnival grand celebration
ignominous causing public shame
berate highly scold
colossal huge
colossus large statue or structure
allay pacify or to give relief
allay to satisfy or fully satisfy
cadaver dead body
cadaverous of unhealthy color(pale or pallid)
cascade small waterfall
cascade sth that moves down in a series
cataract a type of eye dzs.
cataract big waterfall
catacombs a no. of graves at a same place.
cavern large cave.
grotto small artificial cave
spelunker a person who explores the cave.
provoke cause
provoke excite against sb or sth
provoke sexually arousing
mendicate beg ( by religious beggars)
mendicant religious beggars
pecuniary relating to money
slicks thin layer on the we surface
asphalt a black substance
hazards accidents
entail cause
entail include
saturnine very sad/ serious
asinine very silly or stupid
parietal relating to the wall of skull
parietal relating to the wall
pavonine relating to peacock
pavonine reflecting different colors.
monocoque relating to the body of the vehicle or automobile to which chassis is tied or attached
iridescent reflecting different colors.
opal a type of colorless gemstone
opalescent reflecting different colors.
incandescent glowing when heated
incandescent very impressive
anodyne pain killer
anodyne soothing
numbing alcohol/ wine pain killer
savage brutal (wild)
beast (fig) a savage/brutal person
unabashedly shamelessly
muddle confuse
muddle jumble (mixed in a haphazard way)
risible unreasonable/ absurd PREPOSTEROUS
abstruse unclear OBSCURE
feckless careless (not taking responsibility sincerely)
nice distinction slight distinction
cardinal very important
cardiac relating to heart
intimate (v) to hint or suggest
galvanize foment (to excite others against sb or sth)
amorphous not having definite shape
enchanted with greatly attracted with
prospect future possibility/ career
hectic busy
trade for to stop sth in order to start another thing
bucolic relating to country side
bucolic relating to town
stench bad smell
bovine cow-like
bovine (fig) slow and stupid
bovine relating to cattle
pastoral of the village (rustic)
pastoral of the pasture
pastoral of the pastor ( of church)
noisome giving unpleasant smell
noisome feeling or causing hatred (detestable)
odious feeling and causing hatred
odium (n) feeling of hatred
atavist grand father = outdated
atavistic resembling forefathers
atavistic very old
avuncular uncle-like= kind and generous
avocation hobby
olfactory affecting to the sense of smell
gustatory affecting to the sense of taste
mephitic giving unpleasant smell MALODOROUS
insatiable never satisfying
sweet tooth sweet dish
gumdrops a type of sweet chewing gum
affinity kinship
affinity strong desire/ attraction
forebear ancestor
progenitor ancestor
primogeniture first born child
progeny offspring
siblings brothers and sisters born to same parents
predilection strong liking or desire
elect choose or select
eclectic selected from different parts or remixed
model perfect example of representation EPITOME
paradigm perfect example of representation
paradigm shift very important or significant change
paragon model of perfection (this has not been imitated from others)
personification considering non-personal thing as a person
personification perfect example of representation
embodiment perfect example of representation
embodiment inclusion
wrath anger
wrathful angry
irish angry IRATE
clan family
reticence unwillingness to speak
adversity hardship/ difficulty/ poverty
repudiate to prove sth as false REFUTE
repudiate deny or reject
quiescence inactive or dormant or at rest
verisimilitude appearance of truth
verisimilar appearing as true
tribulation suffering or hardship THROES
diatribe long abusive speech TIRADE
tribunal court
nether lower
loch lakes (of Scotland)
carrion flesh of dead body (rotten meat)
bestial barbaric/ savage
barron not producing good idea
edifice structure or building
imposing very impressive, grand
warbling chirping, to sing by birds
warbling to speak very quickly that is not understandable
warbling to speak in a stupid way
clapper striker of the bell
clangor sharp interrupted sound
sacred very holy
sacred very important SACROSANCT
consecrate to make holy opp: DESECRATE
infidels a person who doesn't believe in god or religion
sacrilegious showing disrespect to god or religion
prosaic dull, uninteresting, unexciting
specious seemingly true but false
spacious comfortable COMMODIOUS
incommodious not comfortable CRAMPED
guile deception
guileful deceptive
guileless simple, honest and willing to believe (naive)
beguile to deceive or cheat
beguile to attract sb in order to cheat
venerable deserving great respect (as being holy, old, or great)
humble respecting others being in lower ranks
mindful aware of future activities
mindless unaware of future activities
vicissitude fluctuation (-ve)
vigilant watchful
larcency theft
filch to steal
iniquitous very evil or unfair
coda concluding part
unappealing not attractive( unpleasant)
authoritarian wanting others to obey what is ordered
authoritarian not giving freedom
intermittent happening or occurring at intervals SPORADIC
squander to spend money, time and energy carelessly
venture risks
squalor poverty and dirtiness
slum dirty place in the city
squalid dirty & poor
unlikely improbable opp: LIKELY
insolvent bankrupt (not economically sound) opp: SOLVENT
soluble that can be solved opp: INSOLUBLE
moribund in the process of death
perturb to make sb worried or upset
imperturbable calm and quiet
interlocutor the person you make a conversation with
toned down to reduce the intensity
rendering translations
egalitarian equal to all
phrasings expressions
servile flattering
servile too much willing to serve OBSEQUIOUS
garrulous excessively talkative in insignificant matters
circumspect cautious WARY
querulous complaining in the annoying way
loquacious talkative
distinctive different from others
strive try or to make and effort
strife conflict
compelling strong or forceful
compelling attractive
comely attractive FAIR
dictate to state with authority
dictate to speak slowly so that you can write or record.
caprice unpredictable or changeable nature
aesthetics beauty that you observe in sth./ study of beauty
aesthete a person who observes beauty in sth. (lover of beauty)
obliging helpful
desultory lack of seriousness
desultory aimless
vehicle means of expression
alarm to give threat or warning (or frighten others)
alacrity cheerful readiness
alacrity swiftness/ promptness
cryptic secret or hard to interpret
crypt grave in the basement of church
stygian too dark
sty a place for keeping pig
syllogism a statement that is proved based on previous statements
ergo therefore
abstract from to take from
anomalous wrong or deviating from normal
genesis starting
onset starting
inception starting point
interminable endless
gentrify to turn into posh
posh very expensive, attractive and popular
gentry higher class NOBILITY
genteel very gentle
rancid unpleasant to smell or taste
rancid bitter
rancorous feeling or causing hatred
rancorous bitter/ angry
negativity negative attitude
negate cancel out
abnigate give up (renounce)
cynic person with biased attitude
cynic person with negativity
harbor (v) to keep in mind
harbor to provide shelter
benevolence great generosity
precocity early talents
precocity state of being earlier than normal time
precocious having early talent
precocious before normal time
prodigy precocious child
protige a person who is given shelter and taught (male)
protigee a person who is given shelter and taught (female)
premature too early
parsimony extreme unwillingness to spend money
ignoble dishonorable (not deserving respect)
antipathy hostility (feeling of hatred) ANIMUS, ANIMOSITY
probity great honesty
probity religious honesty
probity greatly generosity (benevolence)
mendacious not genuine (dishonest)
mendacity (n) lack of honesty or not genuine
vegan avoiding animal products
scrumptious delicious
detestable of unpleasant taste
detestable abominable
unappetizing not delicious opp: APPETIZING
bland insipid (uninteresting, unexciting)
gleeful happy or joyous
ambrosia delicious food/(old- food of god)
ambroisal delicious
elixir cure all PANACEA
innocuous harmless
acidic containing acid
acidic bitter/ sour ACRID, ACRIMONIOUS, ACETIC
irritating annoying
mundane ordinary/ common
mundane not spiritual
deletrious harmful PERNICIOUS, DETRIMENTAL
imply indirectly state/ suggest
implication indirect suggestion/ hint
implication involvement in the crime
complicity involvement in crime
accomplice partner in crime
nobel of higher class
nobel honorable (deserving respect) opp: IGNOBLE
virtually almost
virtual almost but not real
penniless poor
dint means
indigent poor
indigence poverty; a state of extreme poverty or destitution
indigenous native ABORIGINAL
denizen indigenous people/ plant/ animal
opulence great wealth
opulence luxury
opulent greatly wealthy
opulent luxurious
affluent rich or wealthy
eminence professional success or fame
penury poverty
penury extreme unwillingness to spend money
penurious very poor
penurious extremely unwilling to spend money
miser stingy person TIGHTWAD
parsimonious extremely unwilling to spend money NIGGARDLY
depravity illegal/ immoral or evil behavior TURPITUDE
complacency too much satisfaction of what one has done or achieved SMUGNESS opp:ZEAL
complacent too much satisfied of what one has done or achieved. SMUG
euphoria great joy or happiness that continues for short time
subside lessen/ wane/ abate
etiquette set of rules indicating proper and polite way to behave
utter speak or state
utter (adj) complete
calumny slander/ to scold
calumny an untrue statement to hurt others' reputation
impervious not affected
impervious imporous
perish kill or die
perish to go rotten
imperishable long lasting
flamboyant very noticeable in color (you can't ignore)
flamboyant very noticeable
flamboyant heavily decorated including carving
immaculate clean, spotless
maculated spotty; not clean
imbibe drink
imbibe drink in
catholic of wide range ( a no. of things have been mixed) UNIVERSAL
conglomeration combination of diff things
amiable sweet tempered/ friendly
disposition temperament (usual mood/ character/ attitude)
bad-mouth to make critical remarks (scold)
mealy dry fruits
mealy mouthed insincere
melee confused fight BRAWL, FRAY
malicious desiring to hurt others SPITEFUL
churlish rude/ impolite SURLY, INSOLENT, IMPUDENT
gnatcatcher a type of song bird
tamable that can be controlled
timid shy or fearful
upset worry or to give trouble
ambiguous unclear coz it gives more than one meanings
antiquated very old or outdated
astute sharply intelligent CANNY, SHREWD
shrew a rat like animal
shrew scolding woman
shrewish scolding
archaic outdated
intractable unmanageable
nascent newly born
nascent coming into existence
erudite highly scholastic
erudite academic or formal
academic theoritical
predilection strong liking or desire
dilettantish superficial (not in depth)
dilettante a person who gives only superficial interests
picaresque telling a story about a brave and dishonest character
picayune insignificant (of little or no importance)
timbre quality of sound
subtle minute
subterfuge dishonest behavior or trick
subservient obedient (willing to serve)
quandary a confused or unsure condition you can't decide
quality time the time in which you concentrate on one subject
deplored strongly criticize or disapprove
timorous fearful
seances magical practice to communicate with the spirit of dead person or animals
necromancy black magic
hex magic to harm others
levitate to float in the air through magic
levity lack of seriousness
levity lightening the serious issue
aberrant abnormal
aberration abnomality
lackluster not bright/ dull
lackluster unexciting/ uninteresting
poised calm and confident
poised ready to move
poised between to remain between two different things
repulsive feeling and causing hatred REPUGNANT
decorous proper or proper in manner
inveterate long established or habitual
dynamic greatly energetic
dynamic fluctuating
dynamic always changing (GATISHEEL)
timorous fearful
cowed intimidated
turgid swollen
turgid increased
turgid pompous or exaggerating
repatriate to go back or send back to your own country
expatriate to settle abroad
expatriate (n) a person who has settled abroad
expatriate (adj) settled abroad
patriarch father or male as a head of family or society
matriarch mother or female as a head of family or society
extradition sending a criminal or prisoner from one country to another as demanded
extradite to send a prisoner or criminal from one country to another as demanded
commandeer order
commandeer to capture vehicles (by security force or rebels)
interdict order of prohibition
interdict prohibit
expurgate censor
appropiate allocate
appropiate capture (to take sth illegally)
expropiate to take private property by govt. for public use
contend claim
contend compete
switch from change from
granulate to turn into granins
granary a place for keeping grains
larder a place for keeping food items/stuffs PANTRY
hospitable polite/ friendly (respecting others)
hospitable consonant with
hospitable suitable
benignant harmless BENIGN
inured to habitual to unpleasant situation or difficulties
partial biased or having biased attitude opp:IMPARTIAL
partisan (n) A person with biased attitude
partisan (adj) biased
jaundiced of unhealthy color (pale or pallid)
jaundiced biased in terms of previous experience
partition (v) divide into
refurbish renovate
refulgent greatly shining
invidious causing envy or jealousy
inveterate long established or long habitual
invincible that can't be recovered or compensated
invincible that can't be defeated
innuendos implied information (-ve)
inordinate greatly many or much
lethargy slowness
lethargy lack of energy
listless lacking energy
conglomeration combination
phlegmatic calm and undisturbed (generally in crisis)
fervent greatly enthusiastic
fervent having or showing intense feeling FERVID, ZEALOUS, ARDENT
cessation stoppage
rhetoric art of using language (while speaking or writing)
heedless inattentive
foster nurture
foster to help to grow or develop
inhibit prohibit or stop
inhibit slow down
sponsor (v) strongly support
sponsor (n) strong supporter PROPONENT, ADHERENT
abandon (n) uncontrolled behavior
thrive healthily grow
proliferate rapidly grow
wallow roll about
wallow to remain in a situation from which you make no effort to come out
sallow of unhealthy color (pale or pallid) WAN
wan not energetic or weak
hallow to make holy
fallow not in use (for better productivity)
fallow inactive
callow immature
gallows cross for death penalty
gallows death penalty by hanging
extol highly praise
Created by: lunis
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