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When does this story begin Autumn, 1941 World War 2
What is Adeline's great accomplishment in Chapter 1 She received a silver medal and certificate from mother Agnes for leading the class.
What is Aunt Baba like? Kind and proud of Adeline, never been married.
What does Aunt Baba keep in her safe deposit box and why? Jade bracelet pearl necklace, diamond watch, and a picture. To keep them safe - they are precious to her
How did Adeline's mom die? 3 days after childbirth she came down with a high fever. She died 2 weeks later.
Why is Adeline bad luck? Because if she had not been born, mom would still be alive.
How many siblings does Adeline have? 7
Describe Niang Eurasian (half French, half Chinese), 14 years younger than Adeline's father. Tall, stood straight, bought only French clothes. She had thick, wavy, black hair. She wore heavy make-up, diamonds, and pearls
What does Adeline call her grandparents? Ye-Ye (Grandfather); Nai Nai (Grandmother)
What country occupies Tianjin? Tianjin was occupied by the Japanese
Explain what happened to Nai Nai's feet She had her feet bound at the age of 3 years old. A tight bandage was wound around her feet, bending the toes under the sole, crushing the arch to her feet would remain small all her life. Small feet were considered feminine and beautiful.
How does the second brother treat Adeline? Not very nice; He would grab her share of goodies (food) when nobody was looking and say mean things to her.
What is Big Brother's personality like? Fun. He had a twinkle in his eyes and liked to whistle a tune. He was mischievous. He tried to teach her to whistle
How about 3rd Brother? Quiet and thoughtful
What is Big Sister like? Smug, full of self-importance
How do you perceive Niang's birth children in this story? Special from the moment of birth
What is the difference between them and Adeline's blood siblings? Niang's "real" children were considered better looking and smarter than her step-children; superior in every way.
How does Adeline's father feel about her medal? Proud of the medal and thinks it brings honor to the family
What does Adeline feel she must do to make her family proud? Study harder and keep wearing the medal so she can please her father.
What is the rickshaw a symbol of? Wealth
How does Adeline feel about school? She loves it. She feels she belongs and no one looks down on her at school, unlike home.
Why is the school medal so important to Adeline? It was the only way to maker her father take notice and be proud of her
What was the school medal symbolic of? Pride
What happens at the awards ceremony that makes Adeline sad? She was the only prize winner unaccompanied by anyone from her family
How do the people native to Tianjin feel about Japan? They hated them, but even the grownups were scared of them
What happens to father and Niang in chapter 4? Father and Niang leave town because the Japanese guards would come looking for him.
What was Adelien's life like after this? Adeline's life was better. Seemed better than ever
What happens to Nai Nai in chapter 4? She does of a stroke
How do you think this will change Adeline's life? Will be worse because Niange will be in charge
Where does Adeline move in chapter 5? Shanghai
How does Adeline feel about Jackie? She was nervous and afraid of him
What does their home life in Shanghai seem like? Their home was very plush. It had burgundy velvet couches with matching curtains and parquet floor
What happens to Adeline on her first day of 1st grade in Shanghai? She had no one to take her to school. Everyone had forgotten her.
How did Adeline remember her phone number? She had been playing a game about numbers with Big Brother and they had used their phone number.
How does Adeline's father respond to her being lost? He does come get her but hands her a map and tells her to learn to read it so she will not get lost again.
How does little Sister respond to Niang? She tells her she doesn't want her. She refuses to go to her. She tells her to go away.
Why does she act like this? Because she hasn't seen her mother since she was 6 months old and now was almost 2. She doesn't know her like Aunt Baba.
How does Niang react? Niang grows impatient, screamed at her, slapped her face and beat her.
What does Adeline do in reaction to Niang's behavior? She blurted out for Niang to stop beating her. She told her she is only a baby.
What do you think Niang will do to Adeline? Seek revenge
Why do Adeline's parents not give her tram fare? To teach them the value of money.
What is austerity and how do Adeline and her siblings have to subscribe to it? Austerity is sternness. Father and Niang said they used it to teach the value of money. They were given no money at all.
What makes Adeline sad for Ye Ye in chapter 8? He gets in trouble for giving the step-kids tram fare
How do her parents respond to their wishes for tram fare? They (kids) must apologize, admit they were wrong.
How does Adeline deal with the tram fare issue? She walks to school. She feels saying sorry would betray Ye Ye
How about her siblings? They all apologize so they can have tram fare
What did the children receive to signify new year? New outfits
What was the diference between the stepchildren and Niang's children? The stepchildren received traditional Chinese robes while Niang's children received the more fashionable, western style clothes everyone was wearing
How else are the two sets of children treated differently? They make the step-children only eat 3 meals a day while her children can order from the kitchen at any hour. Adeline's brothers have to shave their heads but not Niang's son
What is Miss Chien's connection to Niang? She is her spy. She sneaks around asking questions and tells on them
How do Adeline and her siblines choose to take a stand against their parents? Big sister will write an anonmous letter to father in Chinese which Niang cannot read.
How does Niang respond to their stand? She decides to divide their loyalty by recruiting Big Sister to the 2nd floor and be nicer to her
How does Big Sister's relationship with Miss Chien change? They became friends because she realized the importance of being on good terms with Miss Chien - would gain favor with Niang.
Why is Adeline's nickname Genius? Because she did so well in school.
What is Adeline's Best Friend composition about? It was about her aunt
What is Adeline's special talent? Writing stories
Why do you think she's good at this? Helped her escape the horrors of her daily life. She was able to forget.
Why does she compare herself to Mulan? Because she wished she could be the heroine to rescue herself, aunt, and Ye Ye from harm
What is Adeline's emotional state like at the end of chapter 9? Fragile. She could see no way out.
What does she yearn for most? For the love of her family.
What is Wu Chen-mei like? Wealthy, athletic, and only child
How do Adeline and Wu Chen-mei help each other? Wu Chen-Mei lent Adeline books and Adeline helped her with math. Chen-mei also walked with Adeline.
What happened in August 1945 that changed Adeline's life? America dropped the atom bomb on Japan ending the 2nd World War.
What book changed Adeline's life? The book, A Little Princess, changed Adeline's life
Why? The book gave her hope that an adult's judgement about a child could be wrong.
Why doesn't Adeline tell her friend about her family life? It was too painful to admit the truth.
What was life like when Niang, father, and their other children were back in Tianjin? Life was glorious - the children didn't have Niang and Father watching their every move.
What does third brother mean when he says that he is a cold fish? Cold fish means having no feeling.
What special award does Adeline win in this chapter? She wins first prize in children's writing competition in the Shanghai newspaper. Her teacher gave her a gold star.
How do Adeline's brothers award her for her accomplishment? Pretended to give her a drink of orange juice, when is was really juice mixed with urine.
Who is PLT? Pet duckling - Precious Little Treasure
What happens between Jackie and Adeline? Jackie bites Adeline on the wrist while Adeline was trying to dig for a worm
How does Adeline feel about eating duck? feels awful
What happens to PLT at the end of the chapter? PLT is injured and dies as a result of Jackie. Father wanted to check Jackie's obedience. He told him to sit and placed the duck in the center of the yard. Jackie broke free and grabbed the duck causing injury.
Explain Adeline and Third Brother's relationship They are closer than any of her other siblings. He tries to comfort her about the loss of PLT
What did father and Niang set up for Big Sister that she agreed to? An arranged marriage
How does Adeline feel about this? Does she want this to happen to her? She is frightened by it and doesn't want this to happen to her.
What did Niang keep for herself? The best wedding gifts Big Sister received for herself.
What did Father order Adeline's three older brothers to do? To get fresh haircuts so not a trace of hair remained.
How did they feel about this? They hated it and felt embarrassed
Compare how the three older brothers and Adeline were dressed compared to little brother and little sister Adeline and her brothers were dressed in traditional Chinese attire while the others wore the newer western style clothes
When was the first time Big Sister was kind to Adeline? When Adeline warned her that Niang knew of the jade necklace Great Aunt had given Big Sister.
Why? She was glad to be tipped off about Niang so she could explain to Niang why she had said nothing.
What did Big Sister tell Niang? Big Sister confessed about something on her conscience and told Niang to keep the necklace. She blamed Aunt Baba for keeping silent. Niang was touched by Big Sister's honesty and generosity. Niang let her keep it.
What does Wu Cun-mei want Adeline to do that she has never done before? Wu Chun-Mei wants Adeline to go to her house
Why couldn't Adeline do this? Because she was forbidden to visit any of her friends' houses ever
What did Adeline decide to do on her day off from school? To go to Wu Chun-mei's house to celebrate her birthday.
Who does Adeline run into when she goes home for lunch? Niang became suspicious and accused her of stealing a coin, and sent her to her room. Wu Chen-mei called to see where Adeline was, tipping off Niang about the party. Niang was furious.
What was Adeline's punishment? Sent to her room without anything to eat. Father whipped her and told her she and Aunt Baba would have to be separated.
What did Adeline say to Wu-Chen Mei about not coming back to her birthday party? She told her that her mother wanted her to help around the house.
When Adeline gave her speech before election day, what did she say? She nominated Wu-Chen Mei instead of herself.
What was Adeline's shouting about to Aunt Baba? She was shouting that she wanted to forget about everything that went on at her house. She loved school and only felt fun there.
What did Ye Ye say about her? Ye Ye told Aunt Baba to let Adeline study and that she wouldn't disappoint her. Not to criticize her; he didn't want her to turn out like Big Sister.
Who won the election? Adeline
As Adeline spoke, what did she think? That even though her parents considered her worthless, she knew she had proved them wrong. She must forget about home.
What did Adeline's classmates do to surprise her? They wanted to give her a surprise party at her house for winning the election.
How did Adeline feel about this? She was afraid her secret homelife was about to be exposed.
How did Niang react to this surprise? Slapped her across the face and called her a liar. Accused her of planning the party.
What did Adeline have to do with her presents? Father ordered her to throw them into the trash.
What do Niang and Father say they are going to do to Adeline? She must move out of Aunt Baba's room and not speak to her again. They told her they would find an orphanage for her to live in.
Who do Niang and Father blame for Adeline's behavior? Aunt Baba
What news does Adeline get? She finds Au Sun packing a suitcase with her clothes. She is being moved out of Aunt Baba's rom and must sleep on a couch in Ye Ye's room.
Where is Adeline being sent to? Tianjin orphanage
What does Aunt Baba say to her? That she will be there for her as long as she is alive. Tells her she has something special inside her and not forget the dream. To always do her best.
Why did Father and Niang send Adeline to Tianjin? To separate her from her Aunt.
How did Adeline know that she meant so little to her father? When he could not remember her Chinese name
What was unknown about Adeline? Her date of birth
Where was Adeline brought to stay after she landed in Tianjin? To St. Joseph's School where Niang had gone to school
What language did she have to speak there? English or French
Why was Adeline's plane empty? What did she find out about St. Joseph's? The plane was empty because people were fleeing Tianjin because of the civil war. Adeline found St. Joseph's with very few students because of the war
What class was Adeline so upset about when she was placed at her new school? A beginner's class. Her classmates ranged from 5 to 8 years old.
What was Adeline's one wish? To receive a letter addressed to her.
What happened in the middle of December at her school? Adeline was the only student left in the whole school
Who were coming to Tianjin? Communists
Describe Adeline's Christmas? She felt alone. She ate Christmas dinner by herself in the vast refectory. Sister Henlene brought her food, but forgot the fork so she had nothing to eat with.
Why does Adeline ask Aunt Baba when she writes her a letter? For her photograph so she can place it by her bed. She asks her why she doesn't write.
What did Niang instruct the nuns to do? To stop all of her incoming and outgoing mail and forward it to Niang.
Who was there to pick up Adeline and take her to Hong Kong? Aunt Reine Schilling - Niang's older sister
Where did Adeline ask to go instead of Hong Kong? Why did she ask this? To go to Shanghai because Aunt Baba was there.
What does Aunt Reine not realize about Adeline's relationship with Father and Niang? She doesn't know Adeline's relationship with Father and Niang is so terrible
Created by: indycreed



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