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citykidzworld Laura

3rd grade unit 4

authorize to give official or legal power to
culprit a person who has committed a crime
dawdle to move or act slowly
dissect to cut into in order to study; to study closely, to analyze
expend exhaust; spend; consume
fatality a death resulting from an accident or a disaster
gullible easily tricked or cheated; too trusting
illicit not permitted by custom or law; illegitimate
immerse to plunge or dip entirely under water or other fluid
inflammatory causing anger or trouble
memorandum a short written note to help a person remember something; 2. a written message between groups of workers in the same business
pathetic pitiful; moving; sorrow
persevere to continue despite difficulties or discouragement
prevaricate to lie mislead or conceal the truth deliberately
quash to put down by force; to put a stop to legally
relish a great enjoyment of something; 2. a spicy topping used to flavor food.
reminisce to bring back to mind, to think about a moment that had happened in the past
scour to remove dirt or grease; to polish really hard to get something very clean; to search or look something over rapidly
tribute something given or done as an expression of esteem; payment by a nation for protection or to show obedience
writhe to twist the body or face or limbs or as in pain or distress; 2. to suffer acute discomfort or embarrassment.
Created by: Laura.Colantoni
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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