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GRE word groups

Word groups; definitions corrected/elaborated. Easy words removed.

abridge abbreviated communication
compendium abbreviated communication
cursory abbreviated communication
curtail abbreviated communication
terse abbreviated communication
abrupt act quickly
apace act quickly
headlong act quickly
impetuous act quickly
precipitate act quickly
abet assist
advocate assist
ancillary assist
bolster assist
corroborate assist
countenance assist
espouse assist
mainstay assist
stalwart assist
bilious bad mood
dudgeon bad mood
irascible bad mood
pettish bad mood
petulant bad mood
pique bad mood
waspish bad mood
dilettante beginner/amateur
noviate beginner/amateur
proselyte beginner/amateur
tyro beginner/amateur
engender beginning/young (to generate)
inchoate beginning/young (hint: think chaos)
incipient beginning/young
nascent beginning/young
acerbic biting wit/temperament
acidulous biting wit/temperament (sour)
asperity biting wit/temperament (harshness of temper)
acrimonious biting wit/temperament
caustic biting wit/temperament
mordacious biting wit/temperament
mordant biting wit/temperament
trenchant biting wit/temperament
mordant biting wit/temperament/hard hearted
asperity biting wit/temperament/hard-hearted
audacious bold
courageous bold
dauntless bold
banal boring
fatuous boring (foolish)
hackneyed boring (out of date)
insipid boring (tasteless) in- ("not") + sapidus ("savory")
mundane boring
prosaic boring (no prose
quotidian boring (mundane)
trite boring
platitude boring/wisdom (an outdone saying)
bacchanalian carousal (drinking/partying)
debauchery carousal (drinking/partying)
depraved carousal (drinking/partying) (crazy/disturbed
dissipated carousal (drinking/partying) (Indulging in sensual pleasures) this is secondary definition
iniquity carousal (drinking/partying) (iniquity:unfair behavior as inequity:injustice)
libertine carousal (drinking/partying) (promiscuous
libidinous carousal (drinking/partying)
licentious carousal (drinking/partying)
reprobate carousal (drinking/partying)
ribald carousal (drinking/partying)
salacious carousal (drinking/partying)
turpitude carousal (drinking/partying) (wickedness)
capricious changing quickly
counterpart copy
emulate copy
factitious copy
vicarious copy (artificially created)
aspersion criticize/criticism
belittle criticize/criticism
berate criticize/criticism
calumny criticize/criticism (false information to damage standing)
castigate criticize/criticism
decry publicly announce
defamation criticize/criticism
deride/derisive criticize/criticism (mocking)
diatribe criticize/criticism
disparage criticize/criticism
excoriate criticize/criticism (to take the skin off of)
gainsay criticize/criticism
impugn criticize/criticism
inveigh criticize/criticism
lambaste criticize/criticism
objurgate criticize/criticism
obloquy criticize/criticism (abusive language
opprobrium criticize/criticism
pillory criticize/criticism
rebuke criticize/criticism
reprehend criticize/criticism
reprove criticize/criticism (opposite of approve)
revile criticize/criticism
tirade criticize/criticism
vituperate criticize/criticism/hard hearted
remonstrate criticize/criticism/nag
bereave death/mourning
cadaver death/mourning
defunct death/mourning
dolorous death/mourning
elegy death/mourning
knell death/mourning
macabre death/mourning
moribund death/mourning (similar to eulogy
obsequies death/mourning (gloomy
sepulchral death/mourning (ghost)
wraith death/mourning
authoritarian dictatorial
despotic dictatorial
dogmatic dictatorial
hegemonic/hegemony dictatorial
imperious dictatorial
peremptory dictatorial (insisting on immediate obedience)
abstruse difficult to understand
ambiguous difficult to understand
arcane difficult to understand
bemusing difficult to understand
inscrutable difficult to understand
recondite difficult to understand
turbid difficult to understand
defile disgusting/offensive
fetid disgusting/offensive
invidious disgusting/offensive (hateable, envyable)
noisome disgusting/offensive (smell)
odious disgusting/offensive (from odium, hatred)
rebarbative disgusting/offensive
limpid easy to understand (clear)
pellucid easy to understand
discrete eccentric/dissimilar
iconoclast eccentric/dissimilar (someone who speaks out against cherished traditions)
abash embarrass
chagrin embarrass
compunction embarrass guilt
contrition embarrass regret
diffidence embarrass (shy)
expiate embarrass/forgive (atone, ex (out) + Pious)
foible embarrass (weakness, fault)
gaucherie embarrass (awkward
rue embarrass regret
equitable equal
equity equal
tantamount equal
apocryphal falsehood (untrue. root crypt=secrets)
canard falsehood
chicanery falsehood trickery for a gain
dissemble falsehood opposite of semblence
duplicity falsehood
equivocate falsehood
erroneous falsehood to make an intentional error
ersatz falsehood inferior substitution (such as a product)
feigned falsehood
perfidy falsehood
prevaricate falsehood
specious falsehood superficially plausible but wrong
spurious falsehood
consanguine family marraige same ancestor
distaff family (womens work
filial family of or from a son or daughter
progenitor family ancestor
scion family descendent of a noble family
ardor/ardent favoring/not impartial
doctrinaire favoring/not impartial
fervid favoring/not impartial
partisan favoring/not impartial
tendentious favoring/not impartial (having a tendency)
exculpate forgive
palliate forgive (placate)
redress forgive (to set straight)
droll funny
facetious funny jocular
flippant funny
gibe funny
jocular funny
raillery funny
riposte funny -retort
simper funny
levity funny
abatement gap/opening
aperture gap/opening
interregnum gap/opening (between reigns)
interstice gap/opening
respite gap/opening
altruistic generous/kind
beneficent generous/kind
clement generous/kind
largess generous/kind
magnanimous generous/kind
unstinting generous/kind
munificent generous/kind/assisting
avaricious greedy
covetous greedy
mercenary greedy
miserly greedy
rapacious greedy
venal greedy
penurious greedy, cheap
dour hard-hearted
fell hard-hearted
sardonic hard-hearted
scathing hard-hearted
vitriolic hard-hearted
truculent hard-hearted/hostile
baleful harmful
baneful harmful
inimical harmful
insidious harmful
minatory harmful
perfidious harmful
pernicious harmful
cacophony harsh-sounding
dissonant harsh-sounding
raucous harsh-sounding
strident harsh-sounding
abhorrence hatred
anathema hatred
antagonism hatred
antipathy hatred
detestation hatred
odium hatred
rancor hatred
beneficial healthy
salubrious healthy
salutary healthy
antithetic hostile
churlish hostile
malevolent hostile/ ill wishes
vindictive hostile
credulous innocent/inexperienced
ingenuous innocent/inexperienced
disingenuous insincere
fulsome insincere
ostensible insincere
unctuous insincere
appraise investigate
ascertain investigate
assay investigate
descry investigate
peruse investigate
indolent lazy/sluggish
inert lazy/sluggish
lackadaisical lazy/sluggish
languid lazy/sluggish
lassitude lazy/sluggish
lethargic lazy/sluggish
phlegmatic lazy/sluggish
quiescent lazy/sluggish
torpid lazy/sluggish
harangue long speech or tirade
adventitious luck
amulet luck
auspicious luck
fortuitous luck
kismet luck
optimum luck
providential luck
admonish nag
belabor nag
cavil nag
enjoin nag
exhort nag
martinet nag
reproof nag
hector nag/bully
noxious nasty
askance not a straight line
awry not a straight line
careen not a straight line
carom not a straight line
circuitous not a straight line
circumvent not a straight line
gyrate not a straight line
meander not a straight line
oblique not a straight line
serrated not a straight line
sidle not a straight line
sinuous not a straight line
bombastic overblown/wordy
circumlocution overblown/wordy
garrulous overblown/wordy
grandiloquent overblown/wordy
periphrastic overblown/wordy
prolix overblown/wordy
turgid overblown/wordy
ameliorate pacify/satisfy
appease pacify/satisfy
assuage pacify/satisfy
defer pacify/satisfy
mollify pacify/satisfy
satiate pacify/satisfy
propitiate pacify/satisfy/[a spirit] luck
slake pacify/satisfy/lazy
euphonious pleasant-sounding
melodious pleasant-sounding
sonorous pleasant-sounding
destitute poor
esurient poor/hungry/greedy
impecunious poor
indigent poor
acclaim praise
accolade praise
aggrandize praise
encomium praise
extol praise
laud/laudatory praise
venerate/veneration praise
augur predict
auspice predict
fey predict
harbinger predict
presage predict
prescient predict
prognosticate predict
portentous predict/luck
encumber prevent/obstruct
fetter prevent/obstruct
forfend prevent/obstruct
impede prevent/obstruct
occlude prevent/obstruct
noisome putrid, noxious
abnegate self-denial (renounce something)
abstain self-denial
ascetic self-denial ("I exercise"= discipline and self-denial)
stoic self-denial
temperate self-denial
astute smart/learned
canny smart/learned
erudite smart/learned
perspicacious smart/learned
disconsolate sorrow
doleful sorrow
dolor sorrow
elegiac sorrow
lugubrious sorrow
plaintive sorrow
threnody sorrow (a lament)
implacable stubborn
inexorable stubborn
intractable stubborn
intransigent stubborn
obstinate stubborn
recalcitrant stubborn
refractory stubborn
renitent stubborn
untoward stubborn
taciturn terse
compendious terse (comprensive but concise)
pithy terse (forceful & terse saying)
archaic time/order/duration (old)
epoch time/order/duration (period time in history or a life)
antedate time/order/duration (precede)
penultimate time/order/duration (second to last)
antecedent time/order/duration or family (something that came before
craven timid/timidity
pusillanimous timid/timidity
recreant timid/timidity
timorous timid/timidity
trepidation timid/timidity
diffident/diffidence timid/timidity/embarrass
indisputable truth
legitimate truth
sincere truth
veracious truth
verity truth
frankness truth (candid)
probity truth (integrity)
fealty truth (oath of fidelity to god)
candor/candid truth (sincere)
indubitable truth (undoubted)
idiosyncrasy unusual (a behavior that is characteristic of an individual or group)
ambulatory walking about (like a recovering patient)
itinerant wandering
peripatetic walking about/wandering
discursive wandering (digressing)
expatiate wandering
peregrination wandering
enervate weaken
exacerbate weaken
stultify weaken
vitiate weaken (spoil/corrupt)
adage wisdom (an old saying)
aphorism wisdom/terse (a saying, maxim)
apothegm wisdom (a saying)
axiom wisdom (a necessary truth)
bromide wisdom/boring (a platitude)
dictum wisdom (an authoritive saying, apothegm)
epigram wisdom (a witty saying)
platitude wisdom (a trite saying)
sententious wisdom/concise (using pithy maxims)
truism wisdom (a cliche)
peripatetic walking about/wandering
discursive withdrawal/retreat (renounce)
vitiate weaken (spoil/corrupt)
recant withdrawal/retreat (withdraw an opinion)
adage wisdom (an old saying)
recidivism withdrawal/retreat (relapsing into a previous condition)
aphorism wisdom/terse (a saying, maxim)
remission withdrawal/retreat (relapsing into a previous condition)
apothegm wisdom (a saying)
renege withdrawal/retreat (break a promise)
axiom wisdom (a necessary truth)
maxim wisdom (a self evident axiom)
bromide wisdom/boring (a platitude)
dictum wisdom (an authoritive saying, apothegm)
epigram wisdom (a witty saying)
platitude wisdom (a trite saying)
sententious wisdom/concise (using pithy maxims)
truism wisdom (a cliche)
abeyance withdrawal/retreat (temporary supression)
abjure withdrawal/retreat (renounce)
abnegation withdrawal/retreat (renounce)
abortive withdrawal/retreat
abrogate withdrawal/retreat (abolish)
decamp withdrawal/retreat (break up camp and move on)
demur withdrawal/retreat (delay)
recant withdrawal/retreat (withdraw an opinion)
recidivism withdrawal/retreat (relapsing into a previous condition)
remission withdrawal/retreat (relapsing into a previous condition)
renege withdrawal/retreat
parsimonious greedy
Created by: beccalu89
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