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Flashcards for second quarter final

tela fabric
encajes lace
diamantes diamonds
la dote dowry
orgulloso proud
testarudo stubborn
relato short story
lo preciso the precise thing
mimada spoiled
la época time period
claro of course, clearly
aclarar to clarify
lucir shine
pobretón poor man
meterse monja become a nun
alcanzar to reach or obtain
juramento promise
suegro Father-in-law
ajuar non monetary part of dowry
misa mass
acariciar to caress
agradecer to thank
atar to tie
atender to assist someone
atreverse to dare
burlarse de to make fun of
coquetear to flirt
curiosear to browse
el chaleco vest
el estuche a container
el lector the reader
el mostrador the showcase
el piropo pick
el terciopelo velvet
enloquecerse to drive someone crazy
estaba desocupado was unemployed
grabar to inscribe
hojear to skim
la cubierta the cover
la dependienta saleswoman
la joyería jeweler
la sortija ring
regalar to give a gift
torpe clumsy
¡infeliz de mí! poor me
a fin de in order to
a las altas horas in the late night hours
absolutamente absolutely
absoluto/a absolute, total
acordarse to remember
alzar to reach
aparecer to appear
apurarse to to worry (LA
arrojarse to throw yourself
asustarse to become afraid
brillar to sparkle
claro que s v... to be sure that s v...
claro/a clear
coger to take, to hold
colgar to hang
cruel cruel
cuyo whose
dentro de within
desesperarse to become exasperated/desperate
dividir to divide
educar to educate
el billete de lotería lottery ticket
el bolsillo pocket
el cesto wastebasket
el contacto contact
el cuello collar
el disgusto disgust
el hambre hunger
el incidente incident
el rincón corner
el rostro face
el sobretodo overcoat
empeñarse to persist, to insist
en broma in jest, jokingly
encender to light (candle), to turn on (lights)
encogerse de hombros to shrug your shoulders
engañar to deceive, to trick
equivocarse to be mistaken
estar seguro/a to be sure
exacto/a exact
examinar to examine
exclamar to exclaim
exterior outside, exterior
extraño/a strange
gracioso/a graceful
guardar to keep, to put away
hondo/a deep
humilde humble
humilde humble
immediatamente immediately
insultar to insult
inútil useless
justo/a exactly
la alegría happiness
la boda wedding
la cantidad quantity
la confesión confession
la desconfianza lack of confidence
la duda doubt
la edad age
la emoción emotion
la fe faith
la felicidad happiness
la generosidad generosity
la mascota mascot, lucky charm
la mitad half
la riqueza wealth, riches
la sonrisa smile
la suerte luck
la ternura tenderness
las lágrimas tears
las señas address
mágico/a magic
mentir to lie
mover to move
nada más justo que + inf. the only fair thing to do is ...
ocurrir to occure
original original
pintarse to paint itself/oneself
por consiguiente consequently
prometer to promise
proteger to protect
representar to represent
saber de memoria to know by heart
sacar premio to win the prize
sacudir to dust, to shake out
sonar el timbre to ring the doorbell
tropezar con to stumble upon, to trip over
vestido/a dressed
abotonarse to button
acercarse to get close
aferrarse to cling
apresurarse to pressure
barba beard
barras supports
cacerola saucepan
cautelosa carefully
cielorraso desfonado rotten roof
crujido dry noise
dentadora postiza false teeth, dentures
desabotonó unbuttoned
descargar to unload
destemplada frayed
displicente bad mood/humor
escupidera spit
estirando stretched
fresa drill
gabinete office
gallinazos vultures
gatillo pelicán a type of instrument for drawing teeth
gaveta drawer
girar to turn
guerrera war tunic
haga buches swished
hasta la altura de un hombre height of a man
jadeante troubled breathing
pedalear to pedal
pinzas tweezers
pomos de loza porcelain jars
pulir to polish
puñado handful
resortes springs
rodar to run
soltó un suspiro let go a sigh
te pega un tiro he's going to shoot you
telaraña polvorienta dusty spider eggs
tibio not hot or cold
trapo cloth
umbral threshold
vacío helado empty cold
vidriera display case
aguantarse to hold on
aplastar to crush
balancearse to balance
doblar las piernas to bend the legs
encoger to shrink
enderezarse to straighten up
estirar to stretch
soltar (ue) to let go, to set free
tambalearse to stagger; to sway
temblar to tremble
treparse to climb
tropezar to stumble
zarandear to shake vigorously
morderse to bite oneself
oscurecer to darken
el camino road
la vergüenza shame
brillar to shine
esperanza hope
la sombra shadow
el sudor sweat
la herida wound
el robo robbery
el tejado roof
a fin de cuentas after all, in final analysis
al mismo tiempo at the same time
castigar to castigate, punish
comportarse to behave oneself
de brazos cruzados doing nothing
desmayarse to faint
en tal caso in such case
incomprensible incomprehensible
malcriado/a ill
la finca country house
lentamente slowly
la trama plot
apoderado business agent
el mayordomo butler
aparcerías sharecropping
los robles oak trees
arrellanar to lye back
sillón chair
acariciar to caress
una y otra vez over and over
el terciopelo velvet
esfuerzo effort
casi almost
en seguida immediately
el placer pleasure
desgajando breaking off
al alcance de la mano at hands reach
el atardecer early afternoon
sórdida dirty
disyuntiva dilemma
concertaban came together
testigo witness
cabaña cabin
recelosa suspicious
amante lover
el chicotazo de una rama the lash of a branch
restanaba she was stopping
rechazaba las caricias he was rejecting the carreses
secas y senderos furtivos hidden paths and trials
secas paths
furtivo hidden
el puñal dagger
entibiaba was becomming warm
latía was beating
agazapada hidden
anhelante anxious
enredaban entangled
disuadirlo deter it/ prevent it
coartados alibis
azares accidents
a partir de starting from
minuciosamento atribuido miticulously taken care of
doble repaso depiadado double checking mercilessly
mejilla cheek
atados tid up to/ attianed to
suelto loose
parpapetándose hiding himslef behind
los setos hedges
en la bruma malva del crepúsculo in the mauve colored mist of the twilight
la alameda que llevaba a la casa the road that led to the house
ladrar to bark
peldaños steps
galopando rushing
Created by: Profe S
Popular Spanish sets




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