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Vocab #16 and 17

5 Latin roots/ Power words

Convalescence (n) Gradual recovery of strength and health after an illness; period of recuperation
Elucidate (v) Throw light upon; explain; make clear; clarify
Innovative (adj) Tending to introduce new methods or ideas; original; creative; inventive
Interminable (adj) Having or seeming to have no end or limit; ceaseless; continual; perpetual
Intrepid (adj) Brave; not afraid; fearless; bold; dauntless. ant. Cowardly; Craven
Novelty (n) 1. Something new or unusual; Innovation 2.Newness
Terminate (v) 1. Bring to an end; put a stop to; end ant. initiate 2. Come to an end; close; stop
Translucent (adj) Letting light through, but not able to be seen through clearly
Trepidation (n) Fear; fright; trembling; apprehension ant. unapprehensiveness
Valid (adj) Having force; well-founded; sound; legally binding ant. invalid
Convalesce (v) Gradually recover strength and health after sickness; improve; recuperate
Lucid (adj) Clear; easy to understand; intelligible
Renovate (v) Make new again; renew; modernize
Intrepidity (n) Bravery; fearlessness; valor
Termination (n) End; Conclusion; cessation
validity (n) Force; effectiveness; legal soundness
Authorize (v) 1. Give someone authority (power or influence to do something; empower 2. Give permission for; approve; sanction
Dominate (v) 1. Rule by superior power; control; govern 2.Rise high above; tower over;
Dynamo (n) 1. Machine for generating electricity; generator 2. Forceful, energetic, hardworking person; Powerhouse
The Establishment (n) Controlling group; group of powerful leaders who represent the established order of society; ruling inner circle of a nation or institution
Faculty (n) 1. Power or ability to do a particular thing; special aptitude; skill; knack 2. One of the powers of mind (faculty of memory, faculty of reason etc.) 3. teaching staff at a school
Intellect (n) 1. Great mental power; high intelligence; 2. Person of high intelligence
Potent (adj) 1. having or exercising great power; mighty ant. weak
Potential (n) Power or skill that may be developed; Possibility; Promise
Sovereign (adj) 1. Free; self-governing; independent; autonomous 2. Supreme in power or authority
Stamina (n) Power to endure or withstand fatigue, illness, hardship, etc; endurance; vigor; strength
Dominant (adj) Most important; Most powerful
Domineering (adj) Tyrannical; dictatorial ant. subservient
Intellectual (adj) requiring intelligence and clear thinking
Omnipotence (n) Power over all; unlimited authority
Potency (n) Effectiveness; strength
Potentate (n) One who has great power; ruler; monarch
Sovereignty (n) Supreme and independent political authority; independence
Created by: clchristian
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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