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Bert GRE Prio-Noun

GRE Vocab Nouns only - Priority Words

cynosure [n] (1) an object that serves as a focal point of attention and admiration (2) something that serves to guide
farrago [n] an assortment or a medley; a conglomeration
humbug [n] (1) something intended to deceive; a hoax or fraud (2) a person who claims to be other than what he or she is; an imposter (3) nonsense; rubbish (4) pretense; deception
epigram [n] (1) a short, witty poem expressing a single thought or observation (2) a concise, clever, often paradoxical statement
nebbish [n] a person regarded as weak-willed or timid
casuistry [n] (1) specious or excessively subtle reasoning intending to rationalize or mislead (2) the determination of right and wrong in questions of conduct or conscience by analyzing cases that illustrate general ethical codes
exegesis [n] critical explanation or analysis, especially of a text
aphorism [n] (1) a tersely phrased statement of a truth or opinion; an adage (2) a brief statement of a principle
syllogism [n] (1) reasoning from the general to the specific (2) a subtle or specious piece of reasoning
periphrasis [n] the use of, or a, circumlocuation
bathos [n] (1) an abrupt, unintended transition in style from the exalted to the commonplace (2) an anticlimax (3) insincere or grossly sentimental pathos (4) banality; triteness
emolument [n] payment for an office or employment; compensation
solecism [n] (1) a non-standard usage or grammatical construction (2) a violation of etiquette (3) an impropriety, mistake, or incongruity
ebullition [n] (1) the state or process of boiling (2) a sudden, violent outpouring, as of emotion
obloquy [n] (1) abusively detractive language or utterance; calumny (2) the condition of disgrace suffered as a result of abuse or vilification; ill repute
concupiscence [n] a strong desire, especially sexual desire; lust
acedia [n] spiritual torpor and apathy; ennui
amphigory [n] a nonsensical piece of writing, usually in verse
anastrophe [n] inversion of the normal syntactic order of works; for example "Matter too soft a lasting mark to bear."
anomie [n] (1) social instability caused by erosion of standards and values (2) alienation and purposelessness experienced by a person or a class as a result of a lack of standards, values, or ideals
antinomy [n] contradiction or opposition, especially between two laws or rules; a paradox
apophasis [n] allusion to something by denying that it will be mentioned
apothegm or apophthegm [n] a terse, witty, instructive saying; a maxim
appanage [n] (1) a source of revenue, such as land, given by a sovereign for the maintenance of a member of the ruling family (2) something extra offered to or claimed by a party as due; a perquisite
auscultation [n] the act of listening
bel esprit [n] a cultivated, highly intelligent person
brio [n] vigor; vivacity
cadastre (ter) [n] a public record, survey, or map of the value, extend, and ownership of land as a basis of taxation
caitiff [n] a despicable coward; a wretch
capriccio [n] (1) a prank; a caper (2) a whim
chanteuse [n] a woman singer, especially a nightclub singer
charrette [n] a final, intensive effort to finish a project, especially an architectural design project, before a deadline
chrestomathy [n] (1) a selection of literary passages, usually by one author (2) an anthology used in studying a language
commination [n] a formal denunciation
contretemps [n] an unforeseen event that disrupts the normal course of things; an inopportune occurrence
contumacy [n] obstinate or contemptuous resistance to authority; stubborn rebelliousness
crapulence [n] sickness caused by excessive eating or drinking
crotchet [n] an odd, whimsical, or stubborn notion
cui bono [n] utility, advantage, or self-interest considered as the determinant of value or motivation
cunctation [n] procrastination; delay
cupidity [n] excessive desire, especially for wealth; covetousness or avarice
efflorescence [n] (1) a gradual process of unfolding or developing (2) the highest point; the culmination
embonpoint [n] the condition of being plump; stoutness
encomium [n] (1) warm, glowing praise (2) a formal expression of praise; a tribute
epigone [n] a second-rate imitator or follower, especially of an artist or a philosopher
exordium [n] a beginning or introductory part, especially of a speech or treatise
fascicle or fascicule [n] (1) a small bundle (2) one of the parts of a book published in separate sections
fleer [n] a taunting, scoffing, or derisive look or gibe
fugleman [n] a leader, especially a political leader
gallimaufry [n] a jumble; a hodgepodge
gammon [n] misleading or nonsensical talk; humbug
gasconade [n] boastfulness; bravado
guerdon [n] a reward; requital
hebetude [n] dullness of mind; mental lethargy
helot [n] a person in servitude; a serf
hypocorism [n] a name of endearment; a pet name
klatch or klatsch [n] a casual social gathering, usually for conversation
malversation [n] misconduct in public office
meiosis [n] rhetorical understatement
mephitis [n] an offensive smell; a stench
moiety [n] a half
mountebank [n] a flamboyant charlatan
Myrmidon [n] a faithful follower who carries out orders without question
nescience [n] (1) absence of knowledge or awareness; ignorance (2) agnosticism
nimiety [n] superfluity; excess
obsequies [n] funeral rites or ceremonies
orison [n] a prayer
parvenu [n] a person who has suddenly risen to a higher social and economic class and has not yet gained social acceptance by others in that class
pasticcio [n] a work or style produced by borrowing fragments, ingredients, or motifs from various sources; a potpourri
pastiche [n] a dramatic, literary, or musical piece openly imitating the previous works of other artists, often with satirical intent
philippic [n] a verbal denunciation characterized by harsh, often insulting language; a tirade
pleonasm [n] the use of more words than are required to express an idea; redundancy
propinquity [n] (1) proximity; nearness (2) kinship
rodomontade [n] pretentious boasting or bragging; bluster
sang-froid [n] coolness and composure, especially in trying circumstances
savoir-faire [n] the ability to say or do the right or graceful thing
sciolism [n] a pretentious attitude of scholarship; superficial knowledgeability
sine qua non [n] an essential element or condition
soupçon [n] a very small amount; a trace
sprachgefühl [n] a feeling for language; an ear for the idiomatically correct or appropriate
sybarite [n] a person devoted to pleasure and luxury; a voluptuary
velleity [n] (1) volition at its lowest level (2) a mere wish or inclination
virago [n] (1) a woman regarded as noisy, scolding, or domineering (2) a large, strong, courageous woman
virtu [n] a knowledge or love of or taste for fine objects of art
Weltschmerz [n] sadness over the evils of the world, especially as an expression of romantic pessimism
festschrift [n] a volume of learned articles or essays by colleagues and admirers, serving as a tribute or memorial especially to a scholar
Weltanschauung [n] worldview
glossolalia [n] fabricated and non-meaningful speech, especially associated with a trance state or certain syndromes
dilettante [n] (1) a dabbler in an art or a field of knowledge (2) a lover of the fine arts; a connoisseur
teleology [n] (1) the study of design or purpose in natural phenomena (2) the use of ultimate purpose or design as a means of explaining phenomena
monocoque [n] a metal structure, such as an aircraft, in which the skin absorbs all or most of the stresses to which the body is subjected
olio [n] (1) a heavily spiced stew of meat, vegetables, and chickpeas (2) a mixture or medley; a hodgepodge (3) a collection of various artistic or literary works or musical pieces; a miscellany
gorget [n] (1) a piece of armor protecting the throat (2) an ornamental collar (3) a band or patch of distinctive color on the throat of an animal, especially an area of brightly colored feathers on the throat of a bird
borax [n] cheap merchandise, especially tasteless furnishings
ganef or ganof or gonif [n] a thief, scoundrel, or rascal
pachuco [n] a Mexican-American youth or teenager, especially one who dresses in flamboyant clothes and belongs to a neighborhood gang
peonage [n] a system by which debtors are bound in servitude to their creditors until their debts are paid
homiletics [n] the art of preaching
Created by: cberteau
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