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Sanders8-voc.unit 2

abrasive able to scrape or wear away by rubbing; rough; coarse; harsh or rough in quality; a substance used to rub, scrape, grind or polish
benevolent inclined to do good; kind; generous
compulsory required; necessary
deft neat and quick; skillful
frustrate to block an effort to reach a goal; to defeat or make useless
impetuous acting hastily and with sudden feelong rather than with thought or planning
outgrowth something that grows out of something else, either physically or as a result
precarious not safe or secure; dangerous
priority the state or fact of being earlier in time
reimburse to pay back money spent or to repay for loss, damage, or expenses
saunter to walk in a casual and unhurried way
subside to sink to a lower level or become less; to quiet down or become less active
tumult the noise and confusion of a crowd; a feeling of confusion and disturbance
veer to change direction; to turn
vivacious full of energy; lively
aghast struck with amazed dismay; shocked and astonished
curt so short or brief as to seem rude
disarray an untidy condition; disorder or confusion; disorderly dress
extrovert a sociable person who likes to be with other people and makes friends easily
finagle to get or arrange by cleverness or trickery; to use sneaky methods
immoral not moral; wrong according to the standards of right and wrong; sinful
improvise to perform without preparation; to make from whatever is available
outlandish very odd; extremely strange
overcast cloudy (said of the sky or the weather)
pittance a very small allowance, wage, or payment
quell to bring to a stop; to put an end to (something) by force or persuasion; to overcome; to make calm; to quiet
recur to happen or occur again
shirk to avoid to leave undone (something that should be done)
unswerving not turning aside or changing course
vogue the fashion or style at a particular time; popularity or general acceptance, usually of a temporary nature
allegation a formal, but not yet proved, accusation
animosity obvious anger or hatred
befitting appropriate to ; suitable or proper for
brevity shortness of time; briefness
curtail to put limitations on; to cut short; to reduce
deface to damage or spoil the surface or appearance of
frivolous not very important or serious
impart to give or add something, such as a quality; to give information or knowledge
oppression the act of keeping down by unjust use of power
peevish easily annoyed
proficient very capable; quite able
regress to go back; to move backward; to return to an earlier condition or behavior
stodgy dull or uninteresting due to being overly traditional or formal; boringly old-fashioned
totality the condition or fact of being complete or total; the total amount
unkempt untidy in a way that results from neglect
acclaim to greet with loud approval; to praise with enthusiasm; very high praise
cringe to draw back from something that is painful, unpleasant, frightening, or dangerous
deluge a very heavy rainfall; an overwhelming rush of anything; to flood; to overwhelm
envision to form a mental picture; to imagine
horrendous horrible; terrible
invaluable having a value so great that it cannot be measured; extremely valuable
nurture to help someone or something grow and develop
prohibitive likely to prevent
quandary a condition of confusion or doubt due to being faced with a difficult situation
regal characteristic of, or suitable for, a king or queen; splendid and dignified; roayl
scapegoat one who is blamed, or takes the blame, for the wrong actions of another
skulk to move about in a sneaky way in order to remain hidden or unnoticed
tart a sharp or sour taste; sharp in tone or meaning
unwary not aware of danger; not watchful or cautious
versatile having many different skills or talents; having many uses
angle to use tricks or sly methods to try to get something
balance the part left over; remainder
charge to give instructions to; to command;someone or something that is put in someone's care;care and protection
composed calm and self-controlled; not confused or excited
cow to frighten; to take away one's spirit or make timid
distant related,but not closely; not actually rude but not at all friendly;indicating cool feelings
gravity the condition of being important, serious, or solemn
harbor to provide a place of protection for (someone); to hide (someone) in order to protect him or her; to hold in one's mind; to mentally hold on to
lumber to move along heavily,often in a clumsy,slow, or noisy fashion
mad crazy;insane;wildly excited; unable to think clearly; frantic;devoted to in an excitedly enthusiastic way
reflect to think carefully and seriously; to show,display, or demonstrate
spruce neat,clean,simple, and correct in appearance
stir a state of excitement
untold too many or to great to be counted, measure, or accurately described
wasted weakened; feeble; worn away
Created by: jsanders
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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