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Sanders8-voc.unit 1


alternative something that is one of two possible choices; offering another possibility
appease to make more peaceful and less angry,hateful, or upset
disperse to break up and scatter;to spread around; to distribute
exempt to release (someone) from something that applies to others; free from some requirement that applies to others
induce to lead (someone or something) to act in a certain way or to do something; to cause
lackluster without brightness, liveliness, or excellence; lacking energy
nocturnal done or happening at night
opportune particularly convenient or suitable in time; coming at just the right time
pedestal a stand on which something is or could be placed
receptive ready or willing to receive; inclined to take a suggestion or consider a possibility
spindly long and thin in a way that suggests a lack of strength
status one's position in relation to others; the condition or state of something at a particular time
stipulation a demand or condition of an agreement
traumatic seriously harmful, either emotionally or physically; having a lasting bad effect
unparalleled having no equal; unmatched
astute clever and sharp-minded; showing a thorough and deep understanding
bias a strong leaning for or against something that is based on personal preference or a set idea
compile to gather together and put in order; to create something by collecting materials from a variety of sources
destitute extremely poor; without basic necessities
enhance to make greater or heighten; to add to in a way that improves
extraneous not needed or not related to what is being considered or dealt with
fabricate to make or manufacture; to make up; to create something untrue
flaunt to show off
heyday the time of greatest success or strength
illegible impossible to read due to sloppy or faint writing or printing
intuition an understanding or knowledge of something without the use of reasoning
lush growing thickly or heavily; luxurious
renown fame; good reputation
sedate calm,serious,proper; to calm with medication
vigil a period of watch, usually during a time when one would normally be asleep; the act of staying awake to watch over
amass to gather together a large amount
apt exactly right for some purpose; quick to learn or understand; likely
bleak without warmth or cheer; gloomy
concoct to come up with by using a variety of things; to make up; to think up
craze something that is extremely popular at the moment
impressionable easily impressed or influenced
incompatible not able to go together or get along together; not able to exist in harmony
obsession anything that one thinks or worries about constantly or much too much; a feeling that one needs to perform some action over and over, without good reason
partition to divide into parts; something that separates a space into parts, such as a wall
presumptuous wrongly assuming that one is equal, accepted, or welcome; too confident; bold in an unthinking way
repulsive very unpleasant to the senses, feelings, or thoughts; disgusting
shortcoming a falling short of what is expected or needed; a weakness or fault
solicit to try to get by asking
stagnant foul due to lack of motion; not active; not brisk
unfounded not based on fact or reason
affluence wealth
contaminate to make impure by adding something harmful or unwanted
empathy the ability to imagine what someone else is feeling
fallilble capable of being mistaken; not perfect
infer to understand or figure out, based on evidence; to conclude by the use of reasoning
measly very small or inferior; not enough
passive acted upon without taking action in return; not resisting; taking no active part
proximity nearness
recoil to draw back or shrink back in surprise,fear,or disgust
reputable having a good reputation; worthy of respect
scrounge to get or find by hunting around; to scrape together; to get by begging
sodden filled with moisture; soaked
stench a disgusting smell
tirade a long and angry speech
unprovoked without cause; without having been brought about by an action
abashed uneasy and somewhat ashamed of oneself
balmy mild, pleasant, and gentle
camaraderie a feeling of friendship, loyalty, and goodwill
dawdle to waste time on unimportant things or by being slow
irk to annoy or irritate
manifest clear and evident; obvious; to make clear or reveal; to be evidence of
onslaught a violent and intense attack
proponent one who actively supports a cause or idea
relevant connected or related to what is being discusses or considered
retort to reply quickly or sharply; a sharp or witty reply
severity strictness; harshness;seriousness;sharpness, intensity or violence
squander to spend or use foolishly and wastefully
testy easily irritated or annoyed
unerring completely accurate; making no mistakes
vanquish to defeat thoroughly; to win a victory over
Created by: jsanders
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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