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US History EOC Guide

“Father of the Constitution” but later opposed any expansion of the national government’s powers. President during War of 1812. James Madison
First president of the United States George Washington
First Secretary of the Treasury. Developed an economic plan for the nation Alexander Hamilton
President elected from the Federalist Party John Addams
Leader of the Democratic-Republican Party and elected president in 1800 Thomas Jefferson
Battle where Native Americans in Ohio were defeated Battle of Fallen Timbers
Treaty with Native Americans that opened Ohio for settlement Treaty of Greenville
Washington’s position on foreign policy was stated by this Proclamation of Neutrality
This was the first incident in which Washington’s foreign policy was used Citizen Genet Affair
Treaty with Britain. Removed British troops from the Northwest Territory Jay Treaty
Incident with France under Adams’ administration. Led to “Quasi-war” XYZ Affair
Law that made it illegal to criticize the government Sedition Act
Acts that allowed the president to deport “dangerous” immigrants Alien Act
Law that increased residency requirement to become a citizen Naturalization Act
Proposals by Jefferson and Madison that said states could nullify laws that they felt were unconstitutional Virginia and Kentucky Resolution
Term that means to set the example for others to follow Precedent
Type of tax on goods produced within the nation Excise
Practice by which Britain stopped U.S. merchant vessels and forced sailors into their navy Impressment
Author of the “Star Spangled Banner” Francis Scott Key
Leaders of the expedition (The Corps of Discovery) to explore the Louisiana Territory. Lewis and Clark
Native American leader who fought against the U.S Tecumseh
He won the Battle of New Orleans in the War of 1812 Andrew Jackson
Supreme Court Chief Justice in the Marbury v. Madison decision John Marshall
President during the War of 1812 James Madison
Native American who assisted exploration of the Louisiana Territory Sacajawea
Sec. of Treasury whose policies cut taxes and reduced the national debt Albert Gallatin
Strong feelings of devotion to ones country. Effect of War of 1812 Nationalism
Refusal to trade with other nations Embargo Act
The Marbury v. Madison decision established this power for the Supreme Court Judicial Review
He was victorious at the Battles of the Thames and Tippecanoe in the War of 1812 William Henry Harrison
The Federalists created the so-called “midnight judges” positions with this legislation Judiciary Act of 1801
The Louisiana Purchase was a difficult decision for President Jefferson to make because of his ____ interpretation of the Constitution Strict Constructionist
This involved the British firing upon, boarding, and taking sailors from a U.S. war ship during Jefferson’s presidency Chesapeake Affair
This treaty ended the War of 1812 Treaty of Ghent
The Louisiana Territory was purchased from this nation in 1803 France
This meeting resulted in the eventual decline of the Federalist Party Hartford Convention
He proposed the American system Henry Clay
Wrote stories of the French & Indian War such as Last of the Mohicans James F. Cooper
Wrote folk tales of Dutch settlers like Legend of Sleepy Hollow Washington Irving
Inventor of the cotton gin and interchangeable parts Eli Whitney
Supreme Court Chief Justice whose decisions strengthened the national government John Marshall
This treaty removed warships from the Great Lakes following the War of 1812 Rush-Bagot Treaty
This treaty acquired Florida from Spain Adams-Onis Treaty
Treaty that settled the Maine – Canada border Webster-Ashburton Treaty
This treaty set the border between Louisiana Territory and Canada at the 49th parallel Treaty of 1818/British-American Convention
Case that upheld the supremacy of the federal government and declared that states could not tax the National Bank McCulloch v. Maryland
Case upheld federal authority over interstate commerce Gibbons v. Ogden
Religious revival movement that swept the nation The Second Great Awakening
Religious group that was persecuted for the practice of polygamy Mormons
Philosophical movement derived from Romanticism. Stressed ties to nature Transcendentalism
Religious community that practiced celibacy & a simple lifestyle Shakers
She helped organize the 1848 women rights convention Lucretia Mott
Founder and leader of the Shakers Mother Ann Lee
She worked to gain more humane treatment of the mentally ill Dorothea Dix
She was a reclusive poet whose works became well known after her death Emily Dickinson
Inventor of the sewing machine Elias Howe
2 important examples of transcendentalist authors Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau
Pioneer in educational reforms Horace Mann
Author of tales about early New England such as the The Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne
Inventor of the telegraph Samuel Morse
Founder of the Mormon Church Joseph Smith
Inventor of the mechanical reaper Cyrus McCormick
Writer of horror tales such as The Pit and the Pendulum Edgar Allen Poe
Leading white male abolitionist and publisher of The Liberator William Lloyd Garrison
Leading black male abolitionist and publisher of The North Star Frederick Douglass
President Washington set the precedent of a voluntary ___ ____ ___. Two Term Limit
The Louisiana Purchase was a difficult decision for President Jefferson to make because of his ______ _____ view of the Constitution. Strick Constructionalist
The so-called "Era of Good Feelings" was named due to strong ____. Nationalism
Henry Clay's American System consisted of ____, _____, and ____. (Use commas in your answer and include the "and") National Bank, Protective Tariffs, and Internal Improvements
Abolitionists most supported a(n) ______ and ____ end to slavery. (Include the "and" in your answer) Immediate and total
Andrew Jackson's election as president best symbolized the _____ of the ____ ____. (Include the "of the" in your answer.) Rise of the Common Man
Most states, ending property suffrage ownership suffrage requirements, allowed _____ _____ ____ to vote in the early 1800s. Adult white males
The main issue in Jackson's reelection campaign in 1832 was the ____ ___. National Bank
This law was the solution to putting federal money in a National Bank or state banks: Independent Treasury Act
"Mr. Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it" refers to President Jackson not enforcing the _______ v. _______ decision, concerning the removal of the Cherokee. (Include "v." in your answer.) Worcester v. Georgia
Black female abolitionist known for her speech making abilities Sojourner Truth
Black female abolitionist known for her work with the Underground Railroad Harriet Tubman
The president during the “Era of Good Feelings” James Monroe
Movement to convince people to stop drinking alcohol Temperance Movement
This policy statement continued neutrality but added the warning that the U.S. wanted no more European colonization in the western hemisphere : Monroe Doctrine
Site of early textile mill town that attempted to treat workers well: (Town and State, separated by a comma) Lowell, Massachusetts
Vice president who wrote the South Carolina Protest & Exposition against tariffs John C. Calhoun
U.S. President who “killed” the second National Bank Andrew Jackson
President of the National Bank. Nicholas Biddle
He debated Robert Haynes in the senate and defended the supremacy of the national government over the states Daniel Webster
He proposed the American System. Henry Clay
He won the 1824 election by a vote of the House of Representatives in what became known as the “Corrupt Bargain” John Quincy Addams
President after Jackson. Signed the Independent Treasury Act Martin Van Buren
Term : approval from the people after a big electoral victory Mandate
Term for negative attacks on candidates during elections Mudslinging
What critics called Jackson’s “rotation in office” of federal workers Spoils System
Term that describes a states’ attempt to ignore a law passed by Congress Nullification
Term for hard currency; gold or silver coin Specie
When you buy something ( land, stocks) in hopes of selling it at a profit Speculation
Political party formed by Andrew Jackson and that promoted states rights Democratic Party
New name for the National Republican Party to show their opposition to Andrew Jackson Whig Party
First president of the Republic of Texas Sam Houston
Mexican president / dictator during Manifest Destiny General Santa Anna
He coined the term “Manifest Destiny” John O'Sullivan
General sent to provoke a war with Mexico Zachary Taylor
Example of a “mountain man” that helped explore the West Kit Carson
Inventor of the steel-tipped plow John Deere
Mormon leader who led his people westward Brigham Young
U.S. president most associated with Manifest Destiny James K. Polk
Whig candidate for the election of 1844 Henry Clay
This territory was divided with Britain during Manifest Destiny Oregon Territory
This territory was independent before joining the U.S Texas
This was the last land acquired to make up the 48 contiguous states Gadsden Purchase
Purchased from Spain in 1819 Florida
First land added to the original United States Louisiana Purchase
Texas gained its independence from this nation Mexico
Oregon territory was divided at this latitude 49th Parallel
Treaty that ended the Mexican-American War Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
This author protested the Mexican-American War as unjust in his Essays on Civil Disobedience : Henry David Thoreau
Term for a candidate who unexpectedly wins nomination of their party Dark Horse
Mexico was forced to recognize this river as the border with Texas : Rio Grande River
This law granted 160 acres for $10 to help promote western settlement Homestead Act
The slogan “Fifty -four forty or fight !” referred to U.S. desire to acquire this territory Oregon Territory
Gold was discovered in this territory in 1848, igniting a rush of settlers California
Voters of the territory decide on the issue of slavery Popular Sovereignty
Position of most southern democrats on slavery Pro-slavery
Against slavery everywhere Abolitionists
View: no slavery in the territories but leave it where it existed Free Soil
Case that stated Congress could not limit slavery in the territories Dred Scott v. Sanford
Used popular sovereignty to decide slavery in the Mexican Cessian Compromise of 1850
Compromise that said no slavery in the LA. Territory above 36 degrees 30 minutes latitude Missouri Compromise
Law that used popular sovereignty in the Louisiana Territory Kansas-Nebraska Act
Proposed restoring the terms of the Missouri Compromise for all the territories in order to avoid war. Rejected by the Republicans Crittenden Compromise
Slave who sued for his freedom in court but lost Dred Scott
Northern democrat who proposed the Kansas- Nebraska Act Stephen Douglas
Abolitionist and author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin Harriet Beecher Stowe
Abolitionist who led a raid on the Harper’s Ferry arsenal to arm slaves John Brown
Republican candidate and winner of the 1860 election Abraham Lincoln
Party that was completely opposed to slavery Liberty Party
Party that most supported the expansion of slavery Democratic Party
Both names of the party that was primarily anti-immigrant or nativist (separate your answers with a / and no space, in alphabetical order) American Party/Know Nothings
Party that had a free soil position on slavery and formed to oppose the Kansas-Nebraska Act Republican Party
Most controversial part of the Compromise of 1850 for the North Fugitive Slave Law
Doctrine of Stephen Douglas who attempted to say that slavery could be limited in the territories despite the Dred Scott decision : Freeport Doctrine
Seven southern states seceded from the Union shortly after this event 1860 Presidential Election
What year was Abraham Lincoln elected president? 1860
Union general associated with “total war” and the “March to the Sea” through Georgia William T. Sherman
Became president after Lincoln’s assassination and later impeached Andrew Johnson
Commanding Union general who led the North to victory. Later became president Ulysses S. Grant
Republican candidate in 1876 became president in exchange for ending Reconstruction Rutherford B. Hayes
Commanding general of the Confederate Army Robert E. Lee
Cautious Union general. Was replaced. Ran against Lincoln in 1864 George McClellan
President of the Confederate States of America Jefferson Davis
Term for northerners who came to the South for office or profit during Reconstruction Carpetbaggers
Term for members of Lincoln’s party who wanted to abolish slavery and punish the South Radical Republicans
Term for white southerners who cooperated with Reconstruction Scalawags
Both terms for northern Democrats in the North who wanted to make peace with the South (separate your answers with a / and without a space, in alphabetical order) Copperheads/Peace Democrats
Where the southern surrender ended the war Appomattox Courthouse
Turning point battle due to the number of confederate casualties Gettysburg
This battle completed Union capture of the Mississippi River Vicksburg
Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation after this battle Antietam
First battle between northern and southern armies (both terms separated with a / without a space, in alphabetical order) Bull run/Manassas
Term: Drafting men into the military Conscription
Term: Separation of the races Segregation
Term: Granting a pardon, forgiving a crime Amnesty
Term: Right to be confronted with evidence of a crime or be released Habeus Corpus
Lincoln’s plan for Reconstruction was harsh or lenient? Lenient
Which side in the Civil War emphasized states rights? South
The original purpose of the war for the North was to ______ ____ _____. Preserve the Union
The ___had more resources and material advantages in the war. (North or South) North
His vision of the “New South” meant building factories like the North Henry Grady
The northern military strategy during the war was called _____ ___. Anaconda Plan
Amendment gave African-Americans citizenship and protects civil rights Fourteenth
_____ gave half their harvest as rent for land Sharecroppers
______ tests were used to deny suffrage to the freedmen after the war. Literacy
This event marked the end of Congressional Reconstruction Compromise of 1877
This 1896 decision upheld Jim Crow laws enforcing segregation Plessy v. Ferguson
Amendment that granted suffrage to African-American males Fifteenth
Term for slave states that remained in the Union Border States
“With malice towards none” best represented what politician’s view for Reconstruction? Abraham Lincoln
The South’s attempt to get help from Europe during the war is called Cotton Diplomacy
Law passed to try to prevent Pres. Johnson from firing Sec.of War Edwin Stanton Tenure of Office Act
Scandal of Grant’s presidency involving transcontinental railroad Credit Mobilier
Passage of which laws in southern states during Johnson’s administration led to Radical Reconstruction? Reconstruction Acts
Gadsden Purchase, Mexican Cessian, Oregon, Texas, Florida, Lousiana Purchase. Put these territories in the chronological order of which they were obtained by the United States. Separate your answers with commas and spaces. Louisiana Territory, Florida, Texas, Oregon, Mexican Cessian, Gadsden Purchase
True or False: Stephen Douglas wanted to let voters of the territories decide whether or not to allow territory. True
True or False: John Bell thought the South had the right to slavery but Congress should prevent its expansion. False
True or False: Abraham Lincoln believed that Congress should not interfere with slavery in the territories. False
Name for a large silver discovery of silver in Nevada in 1850 Comstock Lode
Two immigrant groups used to build the 1st transcontinental railroad (Separate your answers with a / and no space, in alphabetical order) Chinese/Irish
Site in Utah of completion of the 1st transcontinental railroad Promontory Point
Means by which the federal government subsidized building railroads Land Grants
Historian who wrote about importance of the frontier in American history Frederick Jackson Turner
Leader of the Apache who resisted relocation Geronimo
Leader of the Nez Perce who attempted to bring his people to Canada Chief Joseph
Leader of the Lakota Sioux Sitting Bull
Where treaties with the Sioux plains Indians were signed Fort Laramie
Site of a massacre of Native Americans Wounded Knee
Site of Native American victory where the 7th cavalry were killed Little Big Horn
Leader of the 7th cavalry in the Plains Wars George A. Custer
Legislation tried to get Native Americans to assimilate into the white culture as farmers Dawes Act
Wrote A Century of Dishonor about gov’t mistreatment of Native Americans Helen Hunt Jackson
Organization of farmers that provided social activities, education, and cooperative buying Grange
Proposal of farmers how to increase the money supply/crop prices Free silver
Both names of the political party formed by farmers (separate your answers by a / without a space in between, in alphabetical order) People's Party/Populists
Candidate of the Populist party in the 1892 election James B. Weaver
Democratic candidate in 1896 who supported a free silver platform William J. Bryan
Republican candidate in 1896 who supported the gold standard William McKinley
Law gave land to states to establish colleges for vocational training Morrill Act of 1862
State legislation regulating the railroad industry. Ruled unconstitutional. Granger Laws
Supreme Court decision that overturned state regulation of railroads Wabash v. Illinois
Federal legislation regulating railroads Interstate Commerce Act
Invented the telephone Alexander G. Bell
Invented the phonograph and perfected the light bulb Thomas Edison
Invented the sewing machine, reducing cost of making clothes Elias Howe
Invented the typewriter Latham C. Sholes
Business combination where many corporations are controlled by one board of directors Trust
Having control of an entire industry is to have a _____. Monopoly
Process allowed the making of better quality steel for lower cost Bessemer
Agreement by companies to maintain prices at a certain level. This was used by railroads when they divided routes among themselves. Pooling
When a company controls all the businesses/steps involved in creating a final product Vertical Integration
A corporation that owns the stock of other companies, thereby controlling them Holding Company
Famous industrialist involved in the steel industry Andrew Carnegie
Most famous railroad baron during the industrial revolution Cornelius Vanderbilt
Most famous banker/financier from the industrial revolution J.P. Morgan
Industrialist who controlled Standard Oil Trust John D. Rockefeller
Most known meatpacking industrialist Gustavus Swift
This union organized only skilled workers: American Federation of Labor
This union organized all types of workers, skilled, and unskilled: Knights of Labor
This union went on strike against the Pullman Palace Car Company American Railway Union
Event that led to the decline of the Knights of Labor Haymarket Riot
Leader of the Knights of Labor Terence Powderly
Leader of the American Railway Union Eugene V. Debs
Leader of the American Federation of Labor Samuel Gompers
Strike against a Carnegie Steel plant Homestead Strike
Idea that the wealthy are the “fittest” and deserving of their wealth Social Darwinism
Idea that churches should be involved in charitable works in the community Social Gospel
Movement of middle class women to aid the poor and immigrants Settlement House Union
Movement of middle class women to aid the poor and immigrants Communism
Idea of Henry James to “do what works from experience/experimentation” Pragmatism
Author of Gospel of Wealth, urging the rich to give back to society through charity Andrew Carnegie
Author of How The Other Half Lives, documenting poverty in cities Jacob Riis
Wrote in everyday language. His book Gilded Age described the period Mark Twain
Author of many “rags to riches” stories Horatio Alger
Author of The Red Badge of Courage in the realist style Stephen Crane
Founded the first settlement house in the U.S. Jane Addams
Boss of New York City’s political machine, Tammany Hall William Tweed
Female union organizer Marry Harris "Mother" Jones
Criticized the business practices of John D. Rockefeller Ida Tarbell
Advocated Social Darwinism Herbert Spencer
Place of origin of “new” immigrants around 1900 (regions) Southern and Eastern Europe
Place of origin of “new” immigrants around 1900 (countries...there are three main ones) Italy, Poland, and Russia
Advocated “single tax” on property to aid the poor Henry George
President whose assassination led to reform of patronage James Garfield
Democratic president who opposed all trusts Woodrow Wilson
He prosecuted more trusts than the “trustbuster” but was seen as not progressive enough by the “trustbuster” whom he succeeded as president William H. Taft
President known as the “trustbuster” and a strong supporter of conservation Theodore Roosevelt
Political cartoonist who exposed the corruption of Tammany Hall Thomas Nast
Wrote Shame of the Cities about the corrupt practice of political machines Lincoln Steffans
Wrote Bitter Cry of the Children about child labor John Spargo
Wrote The Jungle about conditions in the meat packing industry Upton Sinclair
Wrote History of the Standard Oil Co. about unfair business practices Ida Tarbell
Established control of the money supply and sets interest rates Federal Reserve Act
First law to regulate the railroad industry but lacked power to set maximum railroad rates. Outlawed the practice of pooling Interstate Commerce Act
Strengthened regulation of railroads during the industrial revolution. Able to set maximum railroad rates Hepburn Act
First legislation meant to break up monopolies but was used against unions Sherman Antitrust Act
Strengthened legislation to break up monopolies. States that such laws are not for use against union activities Clayton Antitrust Act
This legislation began reform of the patronage system Pendleton Act
Republicans who voted for the Democratic candidate in 1884 Mugwumps
Allows voters to introduce a bill for consideration by the legislature Initiative
Allows voters to choose their party’s candidate for the general election Primary
T. Roosevelt’s 1904 campaign platform was called ____. Square Deal
T. Roosevelt’s campaign platform when he ran again in 1912 was called ______. New Nationalism
Authors who exposed society’s problems in their writings were called: Muckrakers
He believed that blacks should first develop economic power by learning a skilled trade and then social equality would follow in time Booker T. Washington
He believed in immediate equality for blacks W.E.B. DuBois
This region led the way in granting voting privileges to women (Northern, Southern, Eastern, or Western?) Western
Nickname for Progressive Party in 1912 Bull Moose
Wrote “Lynching and the Excuse for It” against this practice Ida B. Wells
Amendment allowing for an income tax Sixteenth
Amendment allowing for direct election of U.S. Senators by voters Seventeenth
Amendment that began the prohibition of alcohol Eighteenth
Amendment that provided for women’s suffrage Nineteenth
Which invention most helped with settlement of the western plains: barbed wire, railroads, cotton gin, or the steel-tipped plow? Railroads
A pioneer wanting to settle in the West in the 1870s would most benefit from: Homestead Act, Dawes Act, Morrill Act, or Pendleton Act? Homestead Act
All of the following relate to reformers' attempts to "save" the Native Americans except: Dawes Act, assimilation, Indian Schools, or extermination of bison? Extermination of Bison
The issue that most divided the Republican Party in the late 1800s was ______. Patronage
The main issue of the 1896 presidential election was: ______ v. ______. (Include the v. in your answer) Free silver v. gold standard
This doctor helped with the building of the Panama Canal by eradicating mosquito-borne diseases such as yellow fever William Gorgas
He led the American navy to Japan to open trade with them Matthew C. Perry
He advocated a strong navy in his book The Influence of Seapower Upon History Alfred T. Mahan
He led the “Rough Riders” in the Spanish-American War Theodore Roosevelt
Sec. of State who issued the “Open Door Notes” and said the Spanish-American War was a “splendid little war.” John Hay
U.S. President during the Spanish-American War William McKinley
He led the Filipino people in resistance to U.S. occupation Emilio Aguinaldo
He advocated imperialism as a means of spreading Christianity and western European civilization Josiah Strong
Those in favor of imperialist expansion were known as: Jingoist
This legislation stated that the U.S. did not intend to acquire Cuba as a result of the Spanish-American War Teller Amendment
This legislation limited Cuba’s independence following the Spanish-American War Platt Amendment
As a result of the Spanish-American War, the U.S. acquired what territories? (Separate your answers with commas and spaces, in alphabetical order) Guam, Philippines, Puerto Rico
Rebellion in China that attempted to expel foreigners Boxer Rebellion
This expanded upon the Monroe Doctrine with the stated intention to keep maintain order and European influence out of the western hemisphere Roosevelt Corollary
Name for Pres. Taft’s foreign policy Dollar Diplomacy
The two most famous publishers of a yellow journalist newspaper (separate your answers with a comma and a space, and place your answers in alphabetical order by last name) William Randolph Hearst, Joseph Pulitzer
The “Open Door Notes” appealed for trade without interference among imperialist nations in: China
This president was responsible for beginning construction of the Panama Canal Theodore Roosevelt
Group of Supreme Court cases that said that those under U.S. rule were not necessarily entitled to the same constitutional rights as U.S. citizens Insular Cases
First intervention under the “Big Stick” Policy took place here Dominican Republic
Ruler of Russia during WWI ( title and name ) Czar Nicholas II
Ruler of Germany during WWI ( title and name ) Kaiser Wilhelm II
He assassinated the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary Gavrilo Princip
His assassination triggered WWI Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Attorney General led raids to round up political radicals following WWI Mitchell Palmer
Head of the Committee on Public Information during WWI George Creel
U.S. president during WWI Woodrow Wilson
Commander of the American Expeditionary Force in Europe during WWI John J. Pershing
Head of the Food Administration during WWI Herbert Hoover
Term: agreement to stop fighting Armistice
Term: paying damages Reparations
Three main members of a the Allies (Triple Entente) in WWI (Separate your answers with commas and spaces, and place your answers in alphabetical order) Britain, France, Russia
Three main members of the Central Powers (Triple Alliance) during WWI (Separate your answers with commas and spaces and place them in alphabetical order) Austria-Hungary, Germany, Ottoman Empire
Part of the reason the US entered WWI was because of the ______ ______, which Germany sent to Mexico Zimmerman Telegram
The US entered WWI partially because of the sinking of ________ by German ________. (Separate your answers with a comma and a space and place them in the order they would appear in the sentence) Lusitania, U-boats
Law requiring men to sign up for the draft in WWI Selective Service Act
Laws punishing antiwar actions in WWI Espionage Act
Government agency that issued propaganda during the war Committee on Public Information
Pres. Wilson’s plans for a lasting peace Fourteen Points
This treaty ended WWI Treaty of Versailles
Group of Republican Senators were totally opposed to U.S. entry into the League of Nations Irreconcilables
Group of Republican Senators were open to compromise over entry into the League of Nations if it was assured that the U.S. would not have to go to war if it did not want to. Reservationists
This nation dropped out of WWI when a communist revolution overthrew its monarchy Russia
Most famous WWI soldier and Congressional Medal of Honor winner Alvin York
All of the following were causes for US entry into WWI except: deaths of Americans on torpedoed passenger liners, US merchant vessels sunk by U-boats, assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, or the Zimmerman Telegram Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
Place the following in chronological order, leaving commas and spaces between your answers: US enters WWI, assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, sinking of the Lusitania, Sussex Pledge broken, outbreak of war in Europe, Zimmerman Telegram intercepted Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, Outbreak of war in Europe, Zimmerman Telegram intercepted, Sussex Pledge broken, Sinking of Lusitania, US enters WWI
The ______ case upheld imprisonment for antiwar speech on the grounds it posed a "clear and present danger" to the nation. Schenck v. US
President Wilsons 14 Points included all of the following except: harsh reparations, freedom of the seas, self-determination of all peoples, or freedom of trade? Harsh Reparations
U.S. president during most of WWII Franklin D. Roosevelt
President who ordered use of the atomic bombs Harry S. Truman
Dictator of Germany during WWI Adolf Hitler
Dictator of Italy during WWII Benito Mussolini
Prime Minister of Great Britain during most of WWII Winston Churchill
Dictator of the U.S.S.R. during WWII Josef Stalin
Emperor of Japan in WWII Hirohito
Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in WWII Dwight D. Eisenhower
U.S. Commander in the Pacific. Said, “I shall return” Douglas MacArthur
African-American labor leader who worked to end discrimination in war industries A. Philip Randolph
Battle that was the turning point on the eastern front with the defeat of a German army Battle of Stalingrad
Battle that was the evacuation of British troops across the English channel from France Battle of Dunkirk
Battle that was the turning point in the Pacific theatre Battle of Midway
Allied invasion to retake France. Operation Overlord. Began on D-Day. Normandy Invasion
Last counteroffensive by Germany prior to her defeat Battle of the Bulge
Turning point in the North African campaign Battle of El Alamein
The first Axis nation to be defeated Italy
The second Axis nation to be defeated Germany
The last Axis nation to be defeated Japan
F.D.R.’s policy towards Latin America Good Neighbor Policy
Policy that condemned Japan’s occupation of Manchuria but took no action Hoover-Stimson Doctrine
Policy of Britain and France to give in to Hitler’s demands Appeasement
Legislation that demonstrated U.S. foreign policy at start of WWII Neutrality Act
Legislation that gave active material support to the Allies Lend-Lease Act
Supreme Court decision allowing internment of Japanese American Korematsu v. US
Form of government of Germany and Italy in 1930s & WWII Fascism
Form of government of U.S.S.R. in WWII Communism
U.S. strategy in the Pacific Island Hopping
Laws in Germany that denied rights to Jews Nuremberg Laws
Project to develop the atomic bomb Manhattan Project
Chief scientist of the project to develop the atomic bomb Robert Oppenheimer
Term/tribe of Native Americans used to keep military communications secret (Separate your answers with a / and no space) Code Talkers/Navajo
Image that encouraged women to enter wartime industries Rosie the Riveter
African-American bomber escort squadron Tuskegee Airmen
Phrase that described U.S. role as supplier of arms to the Allies Arsenal of Democracy
Formed after WWII to maintain world peace United Nations
He proposed containment as a foreign policy George Kennan
He proposed liberation as a foreign policy John Dulles
President at the end of WWII and at the start of the Cold War Harry S. Truman
President during most of the 1950s Dwight D. Eisenhower
General who commanded the U.N. forces in the Korean War Douglas MacArthur
Senator who led a communist “witch hunt” Joseph McCarthy
He pioneered the mass building of homes in the suburbs William Levitt
Beatnik. Wrote On The Road. Jack Kerouak
Critical of conformity. Wrote Man in the Grey Flannel Suit Sloan Wilson
Leader of the communist revolution in China Mao Zedong
Leader of the Nationalist government in China Chiang Kai-Shek
Leader of the communist revolution in Cuba Fidel Castro
Leader of the Soviet Union after Stalin’s death Nikita Khrushchev
He coined the term “iron curtain” Winston Churchill
He created the polio vaccine Dr. Jonas Salk
Overall U.S. foreign policy following WWII Containment
Plan to give aid to Greece and Turkey to resist communism Truman Doctrine
Plan to give aid to Middle Eastern nations resisting communism Eisenhower Doctrine
Gave $13 billion in aid to help western European nations recover Marshall Plan
Term described the division in Europe between democratic and communist nations Iron Curtain
Pres. Truman’s domestic program was called this Fair Deal
What the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) investigated Suspected Communists
U.S. led example of collective security North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Legislation that weakened unions Taft-Hartley Act
Legislation that assisted soldiers returning home after WWII Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944
Those born between 1946 and 1964 are referred to as the: Baby Boom Generation
Term for attempts at lessening tensions with the U.S.S.R. Détente
President Eisenhower’s warning of the ____, that private industry might exert influence over government to acquire defense contracts Military-Industrial Complex
Eisenhower’s emphasis on technology and nuclear forces for defense was called: New Look
The winner of the 1948 presidential election Harry S. Truman
Incident that spoiled détente during Eisenhower administration U-2 Incident
Republican candidate who lost to Kennedy in the 1960 election Richard M. Nixon
First Catholic president. His domestic program was called New Frontier John F. Kennedy
President whose Great Society program was a war on poverty Lyndon B. Johnson
African-American civil rights lawyer who became a Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall
Feminist leader who wrote Feminine Mystique Betty Friedan
Environmental leader who wrote Silent Spring about danger of pesticides Rachel Carson
She led opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment Phyllis Schlafly
He organized Mexican migrant workers in the United Farm Workers union Cesar Chavez
He was the spokesperson for the Nation of Islam until he left the group Malcolm X
Her protest and arrest led to the Montgomery bus boycott Rosa Parks
Native American lawyer who fought to regain tribal lands Vine Deloria Jr.
He was the first African-American to attend all-white Univ. of Mississippi James Meredith
Wrote The Other America to bring attention to poverty Michael Harrington
Site of nuclear reactor meltdown in U.S.S.R Chernobyl
Site of nuclear incident in U.S. Three Mile Island
Group that had a shoot out with federal authorities at Wounded Knee American Indian Movement
Dictates equality in school programs between sexes. Helped girls sports Title IX
Stated rights shall not be denied based on one’s sex. Never ratified Equal Rights Amendment
Law forbids obstacles to suffrage like literacy tests and poll tax Voting Rights Act of 1965
Case overturned Plessy v. Ferguson. Led to integration of public schools Brown v. Board of Education
Law that made it unlawful anywhere to segregate public facilities Civil Rights Act of 1964
Case allowed busing to integrate public schools Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenberg
Case that allowed affirmative action but not fixed quotas Regents of University of California v. Bakke
Case that legalized abortion Roe v. Wade
President who made a goal to put a man on the moon John F. Kennedy
U.S. supported this failed invasion of Cuba by Cuban exiles Bay of Pigs Invasion
Sends volunteers to aid developing nations Peace Corps
Kennedy’s program to give aid to Latin American nations Alliance for Progress
Great Society preschool program Head Start
Domestic version of the Peace Corps (include abbreviation in parentheses) Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA)
Who was president during the Cuban Missile Crisis? John F. Kennedy
VISTA was created under which president? Lyndon B. Johnson
Who said, "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"? John F. Kennedy
The Peace Corps was created under what president? John F. Kennedy
Medicare was established under what president? Lyndon B. Johnson
Who was the main activist in the mainstream civil rights movement? Martin Luther King
Who was the main activist in the black power movement? Malcolm X
Which prominent civil rights activist advocated sit-ins? Martin Luther King
Which prominent civil rights activist advocated separatism? Malcolm X
Which prominent civil rights activist advocated the Nation of Islam? Malcolm X
Which prominent civil rights activist advocated the Black Panthers? Malcolm X
Which prominent civil rights activist advocated the SCLC? Martin Luther King
Which prominent civil rights activist advocated integration? Martin Luther King
Which prominent civil rights activist advocated the SNCC? Martin Luther King
Which prominent civil rights activist said "by any means necessary"? Malcolm X
Site of bus boycott Montgomery, AL
Site of march to state court house Selma, AL
Site of integration of public school Little Rock, AK
Site of the start of sit-ins Greensboro
Communist leader of North Vietnam Ho Chi Minh
Leader of South Vietnam Ngo Dinh Diem
President who escalated U.S. involvement in Vietnam after Gulf of Tonkin incident Lyndon B. Johnson
President who began removal of U.S. troops from Vietnam Richard Nixon
Special Watergate prosecutor fired in “Saturday Night Massacre” Archibald Cox
He assumed the presidency after Nixon resigned. Pardoned Nixon Gerald Ford
Place of French defeat that led U.S. to greater involvement in Vietnam Dien Bien Phu
Events here led to Pres. Johnson increasing U.S. involvement in Vietnam Gulf of Tonkin
Simultaneous communist guerilla attacks occurring throughout S. Vietnam Tet Offensive
U.S. plan for withdrawal of troops from Vietnam Vietnamization
Bombing of North Vietnam which brought them to the negotiating table Operation Rolling Thunder
Revealed the extent to which U.S. presidents increased involvement in Vietnam Pentagon Papers
Theory communists would spread across Southeast Asia if not stopped Domino Theory
At the Geneva Accords, Vietnam was divided at this latitude 17th Parallel
President who didn’t run for reelection due to unpopularity of the Vietnam War Lyndon B. Johnson
University that was the sight of deaths of student antiwar protestors Kent State University
A military overthrow of a government is a(n) Coup D'état
Term for Vietnam antiwar protestors Doves
Antiwar group that wanted more citizen involvement Students For a Democratic Society
Student movement that began at the Univ. California at Berkeley Free Speech Movement
Form of protest by students on college campuses similar to sit-in Teach-ins
A concert that epitomized the youth and counterculture movement Woodstock
Policy pursued by Nixon to lessen tensions with communist nations Détente
Nixon’s domestic program to give more decision making back to states New Federalism
Nixon visited this communist nation ( historic first ) China
Treaty with the Soviet Union concerning limitations on nuclear missiles Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
Political scandal that led to Nixon resigning from the presidency Watergate Scandal
In U.S. v Nixon, Nixon claimed ___ to try to avoid giving over White House tapes Executive Privilege
Act after Vietnam War to limit presidential authority to commit troops to combat War Powers Act
National Security Advisor / Sec. of State behind Nixon’s foreign policy Henry Kissinger
Supreme Court Chief Justice appointed by Nixon. More conservative Warren Burger
Art focusing on everyday objects and themes Pop Art
President who promised a “return to normalcy”; was plagued by scandals Warren G. Harding
President who said “the business of America is business” Calvin Coolidge
He was first to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean Charles Lindbergh
1920s crime boss of Chicago Al Capone
Author whose works epitomized the “Roaring Twenties” / Jazz Age F. Scott Fitzgerald
Author who criticized conformity and middle class values – Main Street Sinclair Lewis
Sec. of Treasury - tax cuts for wealthy & businesses “supply-side” econ. Andrew Mellon
Harlem Renaissance author / poet – best known Langston Hughes
Harlem Renaissance composer and band leader Duke Ellington
Painted scenes of urban loneliness; Night Hawks Edward Hopper
Modern form of design and architecture in 1920s Art Deco
Teacher convicted for teaching evolution against TN. law John T. Scopes
She advocated family planning Margaret Sanger
Female radio evangelist Aimee McPherson
She wrote about female African-American characters Zora Hurston
Sec. of Interior involved in a bribery scandal Albert Fall
Term for young women who challenged society’s norms Flappers
He advocated black pride and economic self-development Marcus Garvey
Law that enforced Prohibition Volstead Act
Plan to loan $ to Germany so it could pay its reparations Dawes Plan
Both examples of legislation that limited immigration (put answers in alphabetical order and separate with a comma) Emergency Quota Act, National Origins Act
Treaty that formalized the Open Door Notes Nine Power Treaty
Agreement among nations to outlaw war Kellog-Briand Pact
Treaty that placed limits on naval buildup Five Power Treaty
The 1920s ( was / was not ) known for political, ethnic, social tolerance Was Not
The 1920s was a favorable time for unions ( True / False ) False
Scandal from the Harding administration Teapot Dome Scandal
Italian immigrants - received unfair trials due to their ethnicity & politics (use last names, place in alphabetical order, and separate with an 'and') Sacco and Vanzetti
Term for businesses offering good benefits to undercut appeal of unions Welfare Capitalism
He used the assembly line in mass production Henry Ford
Decade of the Great Depression 1930s
President at the start of the Great Depression; government should be hands off Herbert Hoover
President who advocated the New Deal; active role for government Franklin D. Roosevelt
This brought an end to the Great Depression World War Two
Branch of government strongest during Great Depression
First female cabinet member Frances Perkins
A member of the “black cabinet” appointed by F.D.R. Mary McLeod Bethune
Economist who advocated deficit spending by the government Maynard Keynes
Doctor who wanted pension program for the elderly Dr. Francis Townsend
Senator with “Share Our Wealth” program Senator Huey Long
Priest and critic of Roosevelt Father Charles Coughlin
Wrote about migrant workers in Grapes of Wrath John Steinbeck
Photographed migrant workers Dorothea Lange
Democrat and Catholic who lost to Hoover in 1928 Al Smith
Term for buying stocks with borrowed money Buying on Margin
Theory that blames the Federal Reserve for the severity of the depression Monetarism
Describes the drought stricken Midwest in the 1930s Dust Bowl
Regionalist painter of American Gothic Grant Wood
WWI veterans who protested in Washington for early payment of benefits Bonus Army
Roosevelt’s proposal to add 6 more justices to Supreme Court Court-packing
Supreme Court case that ruled N.I.R.A. unconstitutional Schechter v. US
. Formed to organize workers by industry Committee of Industrial Organizations
Branch of government most opposed to New Deal Judicial
Party that African-Americans supported beginning in 1930s Democratic
Entitlement program. Provides pension for elderly (include abbreviation in parentheses) Social Security Act (SSA)
Oversees and regulates the stock market (include abbreviation in parentheses) Securities Exchange Commission (SEC)
Built dams to control flooding and generate electricity in Appalachia (include abbreviation in parentheses) Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
Lent money to banks and businesses in an effort to stimulate job creation (include abbreviation in parentheses) Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC)
Paid farmers a subsidy to produce less in order to raise crop prices (include abbreviation in parentheses) Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)
Gave direct grants of cash to those unable to work (include abbreviation in parentheses) Federal Emergency Relief Act (FERA)
Reversed policies of the Dawes Severalty Act (include abbreviation in parentheses) Indian Reorganization Act (IRA)
Employed young men to do outdoor conservation work (include abbreviation in parentheses) Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
Guarantees right of unions to organize and bargain collectively (include abbreviation in parentheses) National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)
Provided jobs that were not just construction type (include abbreviation in parentheses) Works Progress Administration (WPA)
Provided construction type jobs (include abbreviation in parentheses) Public Works Administration (PWA)
Provided for 40 hr. work week, minimum wage, and ended child labor (include abbreviation in parentheses) Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
Guarantees savings against bank failure (include abbreviation in parentheses) Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
All are true of the National Origins Act except: it placed yearly limits on total number of of immigrants, it favored the "old immigrants," it assigned equal quotas to all nations, or it discriminated against Asia and Africa? It assigned equal quotas to all nations
All are associated with the Harlem Renaissance except: Langston Hughes, Marcus Garvey, Booker T. Washington, or Louis Armstrong? Booker T. Washington
The new media technology of the 1920s was the _______. Radio
True or false: more people lived in urban than rural areas in the 1920s. True
True or false: the economy in the 1920s was generally prosperous. True
True or false: the federal government's policies in the 1920s generally supported regulation of business. False
Opposition to the New Deal came mainly from the ____ ____. Supreme Court
All of the following were causes of the Great Depression except: underconsumption, stock market crash, low crop prices, or high interest rates. High Interest Rates
True or false: the New Deal led to deficit spending by the federal government. True
Which president began funding for the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), aka. “Star Wars”? Ronald Reagan
Which president urged Americans to “Whip Inflation Now”? Gerald Ford
Which president pardoned Pres. Nixon of any crimes he may have committed in the Watergate Scandal? Gerald Ford
Which president helped negotiate the Camp David Accords peace treaty between Egypt and Israel? James Carter
The Iran hostage crisis contributed to what president not being reelected? James Carter
Which president said that “government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem”? Ronald Reagan
Which president boycotted 1980 Olympics & put grain embargo against U.S.S.R. for invading Afghanistan? James Carter
Which president initiated deregulation? Ronald Reagan
Prime Minister of Israel who signed the Camp David Accords Menachem Begin
President of Egypt who signed the Camp David Accords Anwar Sadat
Last Soviet leader. Signed I.N.F. Treaty with Reagan Mikhail Gorbachev
Leader of the Islamic revolution that overthrew the Shah of Iran Ayatollah Khomeini
First female vice presidential candidate of a major pol. party Geraldine Ferraro
First female Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor
Televangelist co-founder of the Moral Majority Jerry Falwell
Involved in the Iran-Contra Scandal Oliver North
Wrote Bonfire of the Vanities. Called 1970s the “Me Decade” Tom Wolfe
A slow down of the economy with rising prices is called Stagflation
Political scandal associated with the Reagan administration Iran-Contra Scandal
O.P.E.C. is a(n) Cartel
These people represented the materialism of 1980s culture Yuppies
Environmentalists were unhappy with this Sec. of Interior James Watt
Movement in California to lower property taxes Proposition 13
Proper term for “trickle down” economics Supply-side Economics
First Lady behind the “Just Say No” anti-drug program Nancy Reagan
Founder of Apple Computer Co. Steve Jobs
Do Conservatives or Liberals favor tax cuts? Conservatives
Do Conservatives or Liberals support social welfare programs? Liberals
Do Conservatives or Liberals favor less government regulations on business? Conservatives
Do Conservatives or Liberals support strong environmental protections? Liberals
Under what president were Welfare Reform and Family Leave Acts passed as well as N.A.F.T.A.? William Clinton
What president engaged the U.S. in the first Persian Gulf War to liberate Kuwait? George H.W. Bush
What president said, "Read my lips. No new taxes” but ended up raising taxes? George H.W. Bush
Under what president was the No Child Left Behind legislation passed? George W. Bush
What president sent troops as part of N.A.T.O. peacekeeping in the Balkans to stop ethnic cleansing? William Clinton
What president engaged the U.S. in invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq after 9/11? George W. Bush
Who was president when the Cold War came to an end? George H.W. Bush
What president was cleared of involvement in the Whitewater Affair? William Clinton
What president's election was decided by a Supreme Court decision? George W. Bush
What president, besides Andrew Johnson, was impeached? William Clinton
Former dictator of Iraq Saddam Hussein
Led Solidarity union in Poland Lech Walesa
Leader of al Qaeda Osama bin Laden
Last leader of U.S.S.R. Mikhail Gorbachev
Leader of P.L.O. terrorist group Yassir Arafat
Former dictator of Panama Manuel Noriega
Lost 2000 election to George W. Bush after Florida vote controversy Al Gore
General in charge of Operation Desert Storm Norman Schwarzkopf
First African-American Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff & Sec. of State Colin Powell
Consumer advocate who ran for the Green Party in 2000 Ralph Nader
Domestic terrorist responsible for Oklahoma City bombing Timothy McVeigh
Republican who created Contract With America Newt Gingrich
Billionaire candidate for Reform Party. Advocated budget cuts. Ross Perot
Scandal involving Pres. Nixon Watergate Scandal
Scandal involving Pres. G.H.W. Bush Savings and Loan Scandal
Scandal involving Pres. Reagan Iran-Contra Scandal
Scandal involving Pres. Clinton Whitewater Affair
True of false: Since 1980, North Carolina has voted Democratic in presidential elections ( except once ) False
True of false: Asians are the fastest growing ethnic group in the U.S. currently False
True of false: The 1990s was the decade that the internet was first publicly available True
True of false: The U.S. population has moved north and east to the “rustbelt" False
True of false: Al Qaeda was not responsible for the 1983 Marine barracks bombing in Lebanon but was True
Michael Harrington's book The Other America brought attention to the issue of _______. Poverty
President Kennedy's "flexible response" approach to the military involved _____ _____ _____. Special Forces Units
True or false: Affirmative Action was intended to make up for discrimination against minorities. True
True or false: Television viewers thought Nixon won the presidential debate with Kennedy. False
True or false: The Bay of Pigs Invasion of Cuba was successful. False
The main reason for US entrance into WWI is the ______ of ______. (Put your answers in chronological order and separate them with a comma and a space) Sinking, Lusitania
In part, America entered the War of 1812 because Democratic-Republicans wanted to annex land in _________. Canada
America entered the Persian Gulf war in response to the _____ invasion of ______. (Put your answers in chronological order and separate them with a comma and a space) Iraqi, Kuwait
Under what document was most power given to the states? Articles of Confederation
What demonstrated the weakness of the national government under the Articles of Confederation? Shays' Rebellion
This convention established a stronger federal form of government. Constitutional Convention of Philadelphia
Settled representation among small & large states with bicameral legislature Great Compromise
Settled representation between North & South states. 3/5 Compromise
Helped persuade Antifederalists with guarantee of rights Bill of Rights
In America's early two parties, ______ wanted a strong government. Federalists
In America's early two parties, ______ wanted states powers. Anti-Federalists
This event demonstrated that the new government under the Constitution was stronger that the government under the Articles of Confederation. Whiskey Rebellion
This treaty with Spain called for the right of deposit at New Orleans & free navigation of Mississippi River. Pinckney Treaty
What did President George Washington warn Americans against in his Farewell Adress? Joining Foreign Alliances
What document did Thomas Jefferson and James MAdison write to protest the Alien and Sedition Acts and introduce the concept of nullification? Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
What contributed most to the rise of political parties during President Washington's administration? Disputes between Jefferson and Hamilton
Why did Southerners defend slavery as a "necessary evil"? The southern economy was based on slave labor
What was the main effect of Eli Whitney's cotton gin invention? The demand for slave labor increased
What group enjoyed voting rights prior to 1820 in the United States? White Male Property Owners
What group had the least political power in America between 1789 and 1820? Women
What American region would have been most opposed to the War of 1812? New England
What was the Ordinance of Nullification, passed by South Carolina in 1832, a reaction to? Growing abolitionist activity
Why is President James Monroe's administration often called the "Era of Good Feelings"? The nation seemed to enjoy political unity
What was the basis for the fighting in "Bleeding Kansas" in 1856? Popular Sovereignty
Why did the Supreme Court decide that slavery would be allowed in the western territories? Slaves were considered property, which is protected by the Constitution
What was the main disadvantage of the Union forces during the Civil War? Less military expertise
Why was Andrew Johnson impeached? He violated the Tenure of Office Act by Edwin Stanton
Fifteenth Amendment Right to vote for former slaves
What was the main source of conflict between railroads and farmers during the late 19th century? Railroads were unfairly charging high prices for shipping goods
What message did William Jennings Bryan convey in his "Cross of Gold" speech? The US should adopt bimetallism
What were buildings that housed large numbers of immigrants in American cities called? Tenements
What was Andrew Carnegie's belief according to the "Gospel of Wealth"? The wealthy had a responsibility to share with the poor
Why did many businesses form trusts during the late 19th century? To eliminate competition
What Mexican bandit invaded Southwestern United States in retaliation for President Wilson's interference in the Mexican government? Pancho Villa
What was the major cause of African American migration north after WWI? Increased job opportunities in northern cities
What was American foreign policy during the 1920s and 1930s? Isolationist
What amendment repealed the Prohibition? 21st Amendment
Resulted in the integration of the Armed Forces Executive Order
What civil rights event occurred when volunteers attempted to register Southern black voters? Freedom Summer
Returning the Panama Canal to Panama was a goal of what president? James Carter
Created by: zbenfield



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