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325-250 definitions

ascetic one who leads a life of self-denying esp. for religious reason
brigand a bandit esp. on in a roving bsnf
capitulate to give up on prearranged terms
declaim to speak in a studied, dramatic of impassioned way
demur to hesitate because of doubts, object
epitome a summary, a person or thing that typifies a whole class
expatriate to exile, or a person exiled
genre a kind or type
halcyon tranquil, happy idyllic
imminent likely to happen soon (said of danger, evil)
indigent poor, needy
innate inborn, natural
latent lying hidden and undeveloped in a person or hting
malignant having an evil influence, very harmful, causing death
masticate to chew up (food)
moribound dying, coming to an end
mortality the mortal nature of man, death on a large scale
myriad a large number of persons or things
nurtritve nourishing
prelude a preliminary part
prodigy a person with exceptional qualities or abilities
repertoire collection of works an artist can perform
technology the science of engineering, applied science
terminate to form the end or limit of, stop, to come to an end
wheedle to coax
Created by: rangerlove13
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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