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What is the singular masculine indefinite article? UN
What is the singular feminine indefinite article? UNA
What is the plural masculine indefinite article? UNOS
What is the plural feminine indefinite article? UNAS
What is the singular masculine definite article? EL
What is the singular feminine definite article? LA
What is the plural masculine definite article? LOS
What is the plural feminine definite article? LAS
Man Hombre
Woman Mujer
Boy Chico
Girl Chica
Car Coche
Flower Flor
Moon Luna
Telephone telefono
Television Television
Calendar Calendario
lamp lampara
calaculator calculadora
computer computadora
map mapa
rose rosa
office oficina
university universidad
radio radio
poster cartel
wall pared
book libro
shelf estante
trashcan basurero
watch or clock reloj
window ventana
backpack mochila
notebook cuaderno
bed cama
pen (begins with b) boligrafo
pen (begins with p) pluma
printer impresora
pencil lapiz
desk escritorio
paper papel
chair silla
blackboard eraser borrador
folder carpeta
bedroom (begins with d) dormitorio
table mesa
blackboard pizarra
writing desk pupitre
dormitory residencia
classroom sala de clase
peice of chalk tiza
There is, or there are hay
There isn't, or there aren't no hay
In, on, at en
Nouns ending in A, D, ION, and Z are usually Feminine
Nouns ending in L, O, N, R, and S are usually Masculine
Words that can be either masculine or feminine end in "ista" or "e"
Artist Artista
When talking (to or about) a person, do NOT use the definite article to
When talking (to or about) a person, DO use the definite article about
How to pluralize a noun ending in a vowel Add S
How to pluralize a noun ending in a consonant Add ES
How to pluralize a noun ending in a Z change the Z to C and add ES
Dentist Dentista
Proffesor Profesor
student (begins with a) alumno/alumna
student (begins with e) estudiante
Patient paciente
friend amigo/amiga
mother madre
father padre
the parents los padres
classmate companero/companera de clase
doctor doctor/doctora
light luz
nose nariz
sun sol
south sur
train tren
truth verdad
comfort comodidad
Donde? Where
height altitud
who quien
which cual
when cuando
why por que
tropic tropico
curiosity curiosidad
what que
how many? cuantos
red rojo
brown marron
white blanco
gray gris
purple morado
green verde
orange anaranjado
yellow amarillo
black negro
pink rosado
blue azul
arrogant arrogante
egoistic or selfish egoista
elegant elegante
emotional emocional
evident evidente
excellent excelente
final final
horrible horrible
important importante
idealistic idealista
interesting interesante
international internacional
national nacional
natural natural
optimistic optimista
original original
persistent persistente
pessimistic pesimista
popular popular
proffesional profesional
realistic realista
terrible terrible
traditional tradicional
transparent transparente
tropical tropical
dependent dependiente
unstable inestable
inflexible inflexable
improbable improbable
impersonal impersonal
possible posible
patient paciente
formal formal
intolerant intolerante
unpopular impopular
enormous enorme
sentimental sentimental
tall alto
short bajo
red-headed pelirrojo
dark-haired moreno
blonde rubio
young joven
old viejo
fat gordo
thin delgado
ugly feo
new nuevo
big grande
small pequeno
fast rapido
slow lento
long largo
short corto
difficult dificil
good-looking guapo
easy facil
boring aburrido
pretty bonito
angel angel
good bueno
house casa
climate clima
thing cosa
intelligent inteligente
very muy
person persona
romantic romantico
timid timida
hot caliente
are son
my mis
is es
tall or high alta
I yo
you (informal) tu
you (formal) usted
He El
We nosotros/nosotrasm
they ellos/ellas
you all (informal spain) vosotros/VOSOTRAS
you all (formal) ustedes
german aleman
chinese chino
spanish espanol
french frances
the language or tongue la lengua
physics fisica
the monday el lunes
the tuesday el martes
the wednesday el miercoles
the thursday el jueves
the saturday el sabado
the sunday el domingo
a typical week una semana tipica
today hoy
tomorrow manana
what day is today que dia es hoy?
what day is tomorrow que dia es manana
the schedule el horario
Natural Sciences ciencias naturales
Social Sciences ciencias sociales
Humanities humanidades
Biology biología
engineering ingeniería
math matemáticas
chemistry química
Anthropology antropología
Archeology arqueología
Political Science ciencias políticas
history historia
the music la musica
art arte
january enero
february febrero
march marzo
april abril
may mayo
june junio
july julio
august agosto
september septiembre
october octubre
november noviembre
december deciembre
the friday el viernes
Created by: REANE
Popular Spanish sets




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