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lesson 3 words


Abhor -verb to hate; to shrink from with disgust [i used to abhor spinach, but now i like it.]
Acute -adjective 1. sharp and severe [i felt an acute pain in my side.] 2. keen or sensitive [hawks have acute vision.] 3. very serious [There is an acute shortage of water.]
Bicker -verb to argue over an unimportant matter [Let's not bicker about who's taller.]
Etiquette -Noun the manners and behavior considered to be acceptable [Dining etiquette is different at a picnic than at a formal dinner.]
Foolhardy -Adjective foolishly daring [Jumping off the roof was a foolhardy act.]
Genial -Adjective pleasantly cheerful and kindly [It's a pleasure to have such genial neighbors.]
Imply -Verb to suggest or express without directly saying [I yawned to imply that I was bored.]
Initiative -Noun 1. the ability to see what needs to be done and take a leading role in getting it done [Her initiative makes her a natural leader.] 2. a first step or movement; an act that begins something [I took the initiative by introducing myself to the new student.
Menace -Noun & Verd NOUN: a serious threat [Wolves can be a menace to sheep.] VERB: to threaten [A mother bear will menace anyone who gets near her cubs.]
Persevere -Verb to keep at something even though it is difficult [Success comes to those who persevere.]
Ponder -Verb to consider carefully; to think deeply about, often over a period of time [I need to ponder this decision.]
Quaint -Adjective strange; odd, or old-fashioned in a pleasing way [She had a quaint bed that folded up into the wall.]
Remorse -Noun deep regret and a feeling of guilt over one's wrongdoing [The boy showed remorse when he realized he'd hurt my feelings.]
Vague -Adjective 1. not clear or definite [Not knowing whether I actually wanted to attend the party, I gave a vague answer.] 2. fuzzy or blurred [The house was a vague shape in the darkness.]
Vital -Adjective very important; absolutely necessary [Using seat belts is vital or safety.]
Created by: rawwad040
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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