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Bert GRE Vocab-Adj

GRE Vocab Adjectives only

sidereal [adj] (1) of, relating to, or concerned with the stars or constellations; stellar (2) measured or determined by means of the apparent daily motion of the stars
ineluctable [adj] not to be avoided or escaped; inevitable
plangent [adj] (1) loud and resounding (2) expressing or suggesting sadness; plaintive
antediluvian [adj] extremely old and antiquated
pusillanimous [adj] lacking courage; cowardly
canonical [adj] conforming to orthodox or well-established rules or patterns, as of procedure
obtuse [adj] (1) lacking quickness of perception or intellect (2) characterized by a lack of intelligence or sensitivity (3) not distinctly felt (4) not sharp, pointed, or acute in form; blunt
perspicacious [adj] having or showing penetrating mental discernment; clear-sighted
solicitous [adj] (1) anxious or concerned (2) expressing care or concern (3) full of desire; eager (4) marked by or given to anxious care and often hovering attentiveness (5) extremely careful; meticulous
truculent [adj] (1) disposed to fight; pugnacious (2) expressing bitter opposition; scathing (3) disposed to or exhibiting violence or destructiveness; fierce
abject [adj] (1) brought low in condition or status (2) being of the most contemptible kind (3) being of the most miserable kind; wretched
anodyne [adj] (1) capable of soothing or eliminating pain (2) relaxing (3) unlikely to cause offense or disagreement; bland
dilatory [adj] intended to or tending to postpone or delay
equipollent [adj] (1) equal in force, power, effectiveness, or significance (2) equivalent
feckless [adj] (1) lacking purpose or vitality; feeble or ineffective (2) careless and irresponsible
gimcrack [adj] cheap and tasteless; gaudy
gnomic [adj] marked by aphorisms; aphoristic
esculent [adj] suitable for eating; edible
obdurate [adj] (1) hardened in wrongdoing or wickedness; stubbornly impenitent (2) hardened against feeling; hardhearted (3) not giving in to persuasion; intractable
quotidian [adj] (1) everyday; commonplace (2) recurring daily
equable [adj] (1) unvarying; steady (2) free from extremes (3) not easily disturbed; serene
salubrious [adj] conducive or favorable to health or well-being
coeval [adj] (1) originating or existing during the same period; lasting through the same era (2) one of the same era or period; a contemporary
refulgent [adj] shining radiantly; resplendent
gelid [adj] very cold; icy
frangible [adj] capable of being broken; breakable
condign [adj] deserved; adequate
captious [adj] (1) marked by a disposition to find and point out trivial faults (2) intended to trap or confuse, as in an argument
tumid [adj] (1) swollen; distended (2) of a bulging shape; protuberant (3) overblown; bombastic
noisome [adj] (1) offensive to the point of arousing disgust; foul (2) harmful or dangerous
arrant [adj] completely such; thoroughgoing (as an example of something disapproved of)
dolorous [adj] marked by or exhibiting sorrow, grief, or pain
endemic [adj] prevalent in or peculiar to a particular locality, region, or people
torpid [adj] (1) deprived of the power of motion or feeling; benumbed (2) dormant; hibernating (3) lethargic; apathetic
saturnine [adj] (1) melancholy or sullen (2) having or marked by a tendency to be bitter or sardonic
chary [adj] (1) very cautious; wary (2) not giving or expending freely; sparing
rebarbative [adj] tending to irritate; repellent
ingenuous [adj] (1) lacking in cunning, guile, or worldliness; artless (2) openly straightforward or frank; candid
immanent [adj] (1) existing or remaining within; inherent (2) restricted entirely to the mind; subjective
apposite [adj] strikingly appropriate and relevant
phlegmatic [adj] having or suggesting a calm, sluggish temperament; unemotional
tendentious [adj] marked by a strong implicit point of view; partisan
nugatory [adj] (1) of little or no importance; trifling (2) having no force; invalid
prurient [adj] inordinately interested in matters of sex; lascivious
turbid [adj] (1) having sediment or foreign particles suspended; muddy (2) heavy, dark, or dense (as smoke or fog) (3) in a state of turmoil; muddled
facile [adj] (1) done or achieved with little effort or difficulty; easy (2) working, acting, or speaking with effortless ease & fluency (3) arrived at without due care or effort; superficial (4) readily manifested, w/an aura of insincerity/lack of depth
sententious [adj] (1) terse and energetic in expression; pithy (2) abounding in aphorisms (3) abounding in pompous moralizing
querulous [adj] (1) given to complaining; peevish (2) expressing a compliant or grievance; grumbling
complaisant [adj] exhibiting a desire or willingness to please; cheerfully obliging
turgid [adj] (1) excessively ornate or complex in style or language; grandiloquent (2) swollen or distended as from a fluid; bloated
parlous [adj] perilous; dangerous
Panglossian [adj] blindly or naively optimistic
lachrymose [adj] weeping or inclined to weep; tearful
choleric [adj] (1) easily angered; bad-tempered (2) showing or expressing anger
maudlin [adj] effusively or tearfully sentimental
scrofulous [adj] morally degenerate; corrupt
impecunious [adj] lacking money; penniless
protean [adj] (1) readily taking on varied shapes, forms, or meanings (2) exhibiting considerable variety or diversity
farinaceous [adj] having a mealy or powdery texture
unregenerate [adj] (1) not spiritually renews or reformed; not repentant (2) sinful; dissolute (3) not reconciled to change; unreconstructed (4) stubborn; obstinate
recondite [adj] (1) not easily understood; abstruse (2) concealed; hidden
abstemious [adj] (1) eating and drinking in moderation (2) sparingly used or consumed (3) restricted to bare necessities
abstruse [adj] difficult to understand; recondite
ad hominem [adj] appealing to personal considerations rather than to logic or reason
aleatory [adj] dependent on chance, luck, or an uncertain outcome
amatory [adj] of, relating to, or expressive of love, especially sexual love
a priori [adj] (1) proceeding from a known or assumed cause to a necessarily related effect; deductive (2) knowable without appeal to particular experience
avant-garde [adj] of, relating to, or being part of an innovative group, especially one in the arts
banal [adj] drearily commonplace and often predictable; trite
baroque [adj] extragavant, complex, or bizarre, especially in ornamentation
benighted [adj] (1) overtaken by night or darkness (2) being in a state of moral or intellectual darkness; unenlightened
boon [adj] convivial; jolly
bootless [adj] without advantage or benefit; useless
bosky [adj] having an abundance of bushes, shrubs, or trees
bumptious [adj] crudely or loudly assertive; pushy
callow [adj] lacking adult maturity or experience; immature
comestible [adj] fit to be eaten; edible
compos mentis [adj] of sound mind; sane
cuneiform [adj] wedge-shaped
demotic [adj] of or relating to the common people; popular
de trop [adj] too much or too many; excessive or superfluous
ebullient [adj] (1) zestfully enthusiastic (2) boiling or seeming to boil; bubbling
ecumenical [adj] (1) of worldwide scope or applicability; universal (2) concerned with establishing or promoting unity among churches or religions
Elysian [adj] blissful; delightful
epicene [adj] (1) belong to or having the characteristics of both the male and the female (2) sexless; neuter
esurient [adj] hungry; greedy
exiguous [adj] extremely scanty; meager
fecund [adj] (1) capable of producing offspring or vegetation; fruitful (2) marked by intellectual productivity
felicitous [adj] (1) admirably suited; apt (2) exhibiting an agreeably appropriate manner or style (3) marked by happiness or good fortune
fictile [adj] capable of being molded; plastic
flagitious [adj] (1) characterized by extremely brutal or cruel crimes; vicious (2) infamous; scandalous
footling [adj] (1) lacking importance or significance; trifling (2) stupid; inept
froward [adj] stubbornly contrary and disobedient; obstinate
frowzy [adj] unkempt; slovenly
fuliginous [adj] sooty
fulsome [adj] offensively flattering or insincere
gravid [adj] carrying developing young or eggs
hortatory or hortative [adj] urging, encouraging, or strongly advising a course of action to somebody
hypogeal or hypogean [adj] located under the earth's surface; underground
inchoate [adj] in an initial or early stage; incipient
incipient [adj] beginning to exist or appear
incondite [adj] badly constructed; crude
indefeasible [adj] that cannot be annulled or made void
ineffable [adj] incapable of being expressed; indescribable or unutterable
inexorable [adj] not capable of being persuaded by entreaty; relentless
inimical [adj] injurious or harmful in effect; adverse
innominate [adj] (1) having no name (2) anonymous
insuperable [adj] impossible to overcome; insurmountable
inveterate [adj] firmly and long established; deep-rooted
invidious [adj] tending to rouse ill will, animosity, or resentment
irenic [adj] promoting peace; conciliatory
irrefragable [adj] impossible to refute or controvert; indisputable
jejune [adj] (1) not interesting; dull (2) lacking maturity; childish (3) lacking in nutrition
labile [adj] open to change; adaptable
lambent [adj] (1) flickering lightly over or on a surface (2) effortlessly light or brilliant
limpid [adj] (1) easily intelligible; clear (2) calm and untroubled; serene
louche [adj] of questionable taste or morality; decadent
lugubrious [adj] mournful, dismal, or gloomy, especially to an exaggerated or ludicrous degree
macaronic [adj] of or involving a mixture of two or more languages
manqué [adj] unfulfilled or frustrated in the realization of one's ambitions or capabilities
mawkish [adj] excessively and objectionably sentimental
mendacious [adj] lying; untruthful
meretricious [adj] (1) attracting attention in a vulgar manner (2) plausible but false or insincere; specious (3) of or relating to prostitutes or prostitution
minatory [adj] of a menacing or threatening nature; minacious
mordant [adj] (1) bitingly sarcastic (2) incisive and trenchant
moribund [adj] (1) approaching death; about to die (2) on the verge of becoming obsolete
multifarious [adj] having great variety; diverse
nocent [adj] causing injury; harmful
nocuous [adj] harmful; noxious
obsequious [adj] full of or exhibiting servile compliance; fawning
orotund [adj] pompous and bombastic
otiose [adj] (1) lazy; indolent (2) of no use (3) ineffective; futile
outré [adj] highly unconventional; eccentric or bizarre
Palladian [adj] of, relating to, or characterized by wisdom or study
Pecksniffian [adj] hypocritically benevolent; sanctimonious
pecuniary [adj] of or relating to money
plausive [adj] showing or expressing praise or approbation; applauding
pointillistic [adj] minutely detailed or particularized
prandial [adj] of or relating to a meal
prelapsarian [adj] of or relating to the period before the fall of Adam and Eve
prepense [adj] contemplated or arranged in advance; premeditated
priapic [adj] of, relating to, or resembling a phallus; phallic
prima facie [adj] true, authentic, or adequate at first sight; ostensible
Procrustean [adj] producing or designed to produce strict conformity by ruthless or arbitrary means
prolix [adj] tediously prolonged; wordy
puerile [adj] belonging to childhood; juvenile
pukka [adj] (1) genuine; authentic (2) superior; first-class
putative [adj] generally regarded as such; supposed
quondam [adj] that was at one time; former
recreant [adj] (1) unfaithful or disloyal to a belief, duty, or cause (2) craven or cowardly
redivivus [adj] come back to life; revived
renascent [adj] coming again into being; showing renewed growth or vigor
rococo [adj] immoderately elaborate or complicated
rugose or rugous [adj] having many wrinkles or creases; ridged or wrinkled
sacerdotal [adj] of or relating to priests or the priesthood; priestly
salacious [adj] appealing to or stimulating sexual desire; lascivious
salutary [adj] favorable to health; wholesome
sanguinary [adj] (1) accompanied by bloodshed (2) eager for bloodshed; bloodthirsty
sanguine [adj] (1) of a healthy reddish color; ruddy (2) cheerfully confident; optimistic
scurrilous [adj] expressed in vulgar, coarse, and abusive language
sedulous [adj] persevering and constant in effort or application; assiduous
sempiternal [adj] enduring forever; eternal
sesquipedalian [adj] (1) given to the use of long words (2) long and ponderous; polysyllabic
Sisyphean [adj] endlessly laborious or futile
somnolent [adj] (1) drowsy; sleepy (2) inducing or tending to induce sleep; soporific
soporific [adj] (1) inducing or tending to induce sleep (2) drowsy
stentorian [adj] extremely loud
stolid [adj] having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; impassive
stroppy [adj] easily offended or annoyed; ill-tempered or belligerent
sui generis [adj] being the only example of its kind; unique
supercilious [adj] feeling or showing haughty disdain
tenebrous [adj] dark and gloomy
thrasonical [adj] boastful
tonsorial [adj] of or relating to barbering or a barber
trenchant [adj] (1) forceful, effective, and vigorous (2) caustic; cutting
ugsome [adj] disgusting; loathsome
unctuous [adj] characterized by affected, exaggerated, or insincere earnestness
uxorious [adj] excessively submissive or devoted to one's wife
venal [adj] (1) open to bribery; mercenary (2) capable of betraying honor, duty, or scruples for a price; corruptible
veritable [adj] being truly so called; real or genuine
vestal [adj] chaste; pure
whilom [adj] having once been; former
winsome [adj] charming, often in a childlike or naive way
yare [adj] agile; lively
zaftig or zoftig [adj] (1) full-bosomed (2) having a full, shapely figure
insipid [adj] (1) lacking flavor or zest; not tasty (2) lacking qualities that excite, stimulate, or interest; dull
teratoid [adj] abnormal in form or development; malformed
aniconic [adj] not portrayed in a human or animal form
bonny [adj] (1) physically attractive or appealing; pretty (2) excellent
antinomian [adj] opposed to or denying the fixed meaning or universal applicability of moral law
soi-disant [adj] self-styled; so-called
pavonine [adj] resembling a peacock's tail in color, design, or iridescence
parietal [adj] dwelling within or having authority within the walls or buildings of a college
ansate [adj] having a handle or a part resembling a handle
Created by: cberteau
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