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Revision List 4


countermand to revoke or cancel (a command, order, etc.). Nullify The general countermand the orders issued in his absence.
expropriate to take possession of, esp. for public use by the right of eminent domain The government expropriated the land for a recreation area.
sinecure Office or appointment that requires little responsibility My job is no sinecure; I work long hours and have much responsibility.
assailant One who, or that which, attacks, or assaults
abut to be adjacent; touch or join at the edge or border This piece of land abuts on a street.
opine to hold or express an opinion.
inter to place (a dead body) in a grave or tomb; bury.
retard to make slow; delay the development or progress of; hinder or impede.
scuffle To strive or struggle with a close grapple; to wrestle in a rough fashion The twins briefly scuffled, wrestling to see which of them would get the toy
pugilist boxer The famous pugilist Cassius Clay changed his name to Muhammed Ali.
rebus puzzle in which pictures stand for words A coven of witches beside a tree is a possible rebus for the town Coventry.
gossamer sheer; like cobwebs Nylon can be woven into gossamer or thick fabrics.
toady servile flatterer; yesman
upbraid scold; reproach I must upbraid him for his unruly behavior.
garner gather; store up She hoped to garner the world's literature in one library.
harrow break up ground after plowing; torture I don't want to harrow you at this time by asking you to recall the details of your unpleasant experience.
hermetic sealed by fusion so as to be airtight; obscure and mysterious;occult After these bandages are sterilized, they are placed in hermetic containers.
rapacious excessively grasping; plundering Hawks and other rapacious birds prey on variety of small animals.
supercillious contemptuous; haughty I prefer Jill's modesty to Jack's supercilious and arrogant attitude.
supine lying on back The defeated pugilist lay supine on the canvas.
turpitude depravity; wickedness; corruption A visitor may be denied admittance to this country if she has been guilty of moral turpitude.
impute attribute; ascribe If I wished to impute blame to the officers in charge of this program, I would state my feelings definitely and immediately.
preempt head off; forestall by acting first; appropriate for oneself; supplant Hoping to preempt any attempts by the opposition to make educational reform a hot political issue
pillory punish by placing in a wooden frame; subject to criticism and ridicule Even though he was mocked and pilloried, he maintained that he was correct in his beliefs.
multifarious varied; greatly diversified A career woman and mother, she was constantly busy with the multifarious activities of her daily life.
nadir lowest point the Dow-Jones averages had reached their nadir and would soon begin an upward surge.
excoriate flay; abrade; censure severely These shoes are so ill-fitting that they will excoriate the feet and create blisters.
officious meddlesome; excessively pushy in offering one's services After her long flight, Jill just wanted to nap, but the officious bellboy was intent on showing her all the special features of the deluxe suite.
overweening presumptuous; arrogant His overweening pride in his accomplishments was not justified.
palliate ease pain; make less severe or offensive If we cannot cure this disease at present, we can, at least try to palliate the symptoms.
sundry various; several My suspicions were aroused when I read sundry items in the newspapers about your behavior.
Created by: vipin.jose
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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