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Revision List 1


402 expedite Speed up the progress, Do it efficiently "Handle this correspondence expeditiously" edit delete dispute
404 recalcitrant resisting authority or control; hard to deal with, manage, or operate. "Donkeys are reputed to be the most recalcitrant of animals." edit delete dispute
405 histrionic of or pertaining to actors or acting edit delete dispute
406 parched To make extremely dry, especially by exposure to heat "The midsummer sun parched the earth." edit delete dispute
407 anhydrous Without water, especially water of crystallization. edit delete dispute
408 tempestuous tumultuous; turbulent edit delete dispute
409 pedestrian lacking in vitality, imagination, distinction, etc.; commonplace; prosaic or dull edit delete dispute
410 perjure To make (oneself) guilty of perjury by deliberately testifying falsely under oath. edit delete dispute
411 portent An indication of something important or calamitous about to occur; an omen; also a prodigy edit delete dispute
412 glower to look or stare with sullen dislike, discontent, or anger. edit delete dispute
413 arboreal living in trees edit delete dispute
414 veal meat from calf edit delete dispute
415 olfactory of or pertaining to the sense of smell edit delete dispute
416 effusive Unrestrained or excessive in emotional expression; also Profuse; overflowing edit delete dispute
417 traduce malign, slander edit delete dispute
418 incandescent intensely bright; brilliant. Also masterly; extraordinarily lucid edit delete dispute
419 venison meat from deer edit delete dispute
420 ribald vulgar or indecent in speech, language, etc.; coarsely mocking, abusive, or irreverent; scurrilous. edit delete dispute
421 turgid swollen; distended; tumid edit delete dispute
422 iridescent displaying a play of lustrous colors like those of the rainbow. edit delete dispute
423 sidereal related to stars edit delete dispute
424 millinery women's hats and other articles made or sold by milliners. edit delete dispute
425 preamble introduction to the constitute, statute edit delete dispute
426 wanderlust strong desire to travel. edit delete dispute
427 stratus a cloud of a class characterized by a gray, horizontal layer with a uniform base edit delete dispute
428 wane grow small edit delete dispute
429 wax grow big edit delete dispute
430 hone whetstone used for sharpening tools. To sharpen (a skill) edit delete dispute
431 gavel a small mallet used by the presiding officer of a meeting, a judge, etc., usually to signal for attention or order. edit delete dispute
432 shoat young pig edit delete dispute
433 drone to say in a dull, monotonous tone. edit delete dispute
434 taunt to reproach in a sarcastic, insulting, or jeering manner; mock. edit delete dispute
435 prune to cut or lop superfluous or undesired twigs, branches, or roots from; trim. Also a dried plum edit delete dispute
436 flurry light snow shower edit delete dispute
437 lull to soothe or quiet; a temporary calm, quiet, or stillness edit delete dispute
438 doughty Marked by fearless resolution; valiant; brave. edit delete dispute
439 sapid Having taste or flavor, especially having a strong pleasant flavor; agreeable, to one's liking edit delete dispute
440 ruse a trick, stratagem, or artifice. edit delete dispute
441 prig A person who demonstrates an exaggerated conformity or propriety, especially in an irritatingly arrogant or smug manner. edit delete dispute
442 abrade to wear off or down by scraping or rubbing. edit delete dispute
443 dyslexia reading disorder edit delete dispute
444 heckler to harass (a public speaker, performer, etc.) with impertinent questions edit delete dispute
445 bluster to be loud, noisy, or swaggering; utter loud, empty menaces or protests edit delete dispute
446 fallow (of land) plowed and left unseeded for a season or more; uncultivated. edit delete dispute
447 bunglar to do clumsily and awkwardly; botch edit delete dispute
448 reprimand to reprove or rebuke severely, esp. in a formal way. edit delete dispute
449 itinerary a detailed plan for a journey, esp. a list of places to visit; plan of travel. edit delete dispute
450 supplicate to pray humbly; make humble and earnest entreaty or petition. edit delete dispute
451 hobble to walk lamely; limp. edit delete dispute
452 troupe a company, band, or group performers, esp. one that travels about. edit delete dispute
453 jeer to speak or shout derisively; scoff or gibe rudely; taunt "Don't jeer unless you can do better." edit delete dispute
454 underscore to stress; emphasize edit delete dispute
455 inadvertent unintentional edit delete dispute
456 shirk avoid (one's assigned duties); "The derelict soldier shirked his duties" edit delete dispute
457 abstemious sparing or moderate in eating and drinking "an abstemious diet." edit delete dispute
458 ossify to convert into or cause to harden like bone. edit delete dispute
459 inordinate not within proper or reasonable limits; immoderate; excessive "He drank an inordinate amount of wine." edit delete dispute
460 conundrum a riddle, the answer to which involves a pun or play on words, as What is black and white and read all over? A newspaper. edit delete dispute
461 indigence seriously impoverished condition; poverty. edit delete dispute
462 agrarian relating to land, land tenure, or the division of landed property edit delete dispute
463 incentive something that incites or tends to incite to action or greater effort, as a reward offered for increased productivity. edit delete dispute
464 apellation a name, title, or designation. edit delete dispute
465 apparition a supernatural appearance of a person or thing, esp. a ghost "a ghostly apparition at midnight." edit delete dispute
466 undermine to weaken or cause to collapse by removing underlying support; to injure edit delete dispute
467 pry to inquire impertinently or unnecessarily into something "to pry into the personal affairs of others." edit delete dispute
468 roster a list of persons or groups with their turns or periods of duty. As in military edit delete dispute
469 fearsome causing fear, awe or respect edit delete dispute
470 inundate to flood; cover or overspread with water edit delete dispute
471 veneer a thin layer of wood or other material for facing or inlaying wood. edit delete dispute
472 gild to coat with gold, gold leaf, or a gold-colored substance. edit delete dispute
473 emigrate to leave one country or region to settle in another; migrate edit delete dispute
474 decamp to depart quickly, secretly, or unceremoniously edit delete dispute
475 artery A major route of transportation into which local routes; highway edit delete dispute
476 burgeon to grow or develop quickly; flourish "The town burgeoned into a city." edit delete dispute
477 plumb a small mass of lead or other heavy material, as that suspended by a line and used to measure the depth of water or to ascertain a vertical line. edit delete dispute
478 chestnut overused anecdote edit delete dispute
479 seine A large fishing net made to hang vertically in the water by weights at the lower edge and floats at the top. edit delete dispute
480 totter to walk or go with faltering steps, as if from extreme weakness. Or childishly edit delete dispute
481 badger to harass or urge persistently; pester; nag edit delete dispute
482 besiege to assail or ply, as with requests or demands; plead persistantly edit delete dispute
483 gall impudence; effrontery. edit delete dispute
484 confound to perplex or amaze, esp. by a sudden disturbance or surprise "The complicated directions confounded him." edit delete dispute
485 yearn to have an earnest or strong desire; long; to feel moves "to yearn for a quiet vacation.They yearned over their delicate child." edit delete dispute
486 stark sheer, utter, downright, or complete; also extremely simple or severe "stark madness." "a stark interior." edit delete dispute
487 digerati people skilled with or knowledgeable about digital technologies, esp. computers and the Internet. edit delete dispute
488 vainglory excessive elation or pride over one's own achievements, abilities, etc.; boastful vanity. edit delete dispute
489 fleece to deprive of money or belongings by fraud, hoax, or the like; swindle He fleeced the stranger of several dollars. edit delete dispute
490 dissimulate to disguise or conceal under a false appearance; dissemble to dissimulate one's true feelings about a rival. edit delete dispute
491 castigated to criticize or reprimand severely; to punish in order to correct. edit delete dispute
492 inculpate to charge with fault; blame; accuse. edit delete dispute
493 drub to beat with a stick or the like; cudgel; flog; thrash. edit delete dispute
494 adulate to show excessive admiration or devotion to; flatter or admire servilely. edit delete dispute
495 redound to have a good/bad effect or result, as to the (dis)advantage of a person Glory redounds upon the brave. edit delete dispute
496 lionize to treat (a person) as a celebrity to lionize the visiting poet. edit delete dispute
497 confound to perplex or amaze, esp. by surprise; bewilder; confuse The complicated directions confounded him. edit delete dispute
498 adumbrate to produce a faint image or resemblance of; to outline or sketch. edit delete dispute
499 dissuade to deter by advice or persuasion; persuade not to do something She dissuaded him from leaving home. edit delete dispute
500 conviction an unshakable belief in something without need for proof or evidence edit delete dispute
501 exacerbate to increase the severity, bitterness, or violence of (disease, ill feeling, etc.); aggravate. edit delete dispute
502 fluster to put into a state of agitated confusion His constant criticism flustered me. edit delete dispute
503 pepper to pelt with or as if with shot or missiles They peppered the speaker with hard questions. edit delete dispute
504 disseminate to scatter or spread widely; promulgate extensively; broadcast; disperse to disseminate information about preventive medicine. edit delete dispute
505 leer to look with a sideways or oblique glance; a lascivious or sly look. I can't concentrate with you leering at me. edit delete dispute
506 dither a state of flustered excitement or fear; to act irresolutely; vacillate. edit delete dispute
507 malinger to pretend illness, esp. in order to shirk one's duty, avoid work, etc. edit delete dispute
508 ail to be unwell; feel pain; be ill He's been ailing for some time. edit delete dispute
509 lien The right to take and hold or sell the property of a debtor as security or payment for a debt or duty. edit delete dispute
510 florid flowery; excessively ornate; showy florid writing. edit delete dispute
511 embellish to beautify by or as if by ornamentation; ornament; adorn edit delete dispute
512 decry to speak disparagingly of; denounce as faulty or worthless; She decried the lack of support for the arts in this country. edit delete dispute
513 engender to produce, cause, or give rise to Hatred engenders violence. edit delete dispute
514 excoriate remove skin, flay; also to denounce or berate severely, flay verbally edit delete dispute
515 vitiate to impair the quality of; make faulty; spoil edit delete dispute
516 salutary favorable to or promoting health; healthful. edit delete dispute
517 presage An indication or warning of a future occurrence; an omen. edit delete dispute
518 blindside to attack critically where a person is vulnerable, uninformed edit delete dispute
519 efficacy capacity for producing a desired result or effect; effectiveness a remedy of great efficacy. edit delete dispute
520 dissipation to scatter in various directions; disperse; dispel. edit delete dispute
521 repudiate to reject as having no authority or binding force to repudiate a claim. edit delete dispute
522 inchoate not yet completed; rudimentary; also just begun, incipient edit delete dispute
523 rescind to abrogate; annul; revoke; repeal. edit delete dispute
524 occlude To cause to become closed; obstruct occlude an artery. occlude light; occlude the flow of blood. edit delete dispute
525 vile wretchedly vile; menial; of no value edit delete dispute
526 comportment personal bearing or conduct; demeanor; behavior. edit delete dispute
527 supercede To take the place of; replace; To cause to be set aside edit delete dispute
528 contravene to come or be in conflict with; go or act against; deny or oppose: to violate, infringe, or transgress edit delete dispute
529 supplanted To displace and substitute for (another) The word processor has largely supplanted electric typewriters. edit delete dispute
530 ominous portending evil or harm; foreboding; threatening; inauspicious an ominous bank of dark clouds. edit delete dispute
531 contumacious stubbornly perverse or rebellious; willfully and obstinately disobedient. edit delete dispute
532 rue sorrow; repentance; regret. edit delete dispute
533 allay to put (fear, doubt, suspicion, anger, etc.) to rest; calm; quiet; to lessen or relieve; mitigate; alleviate edit delete dispute
534 wield To exercise (authority or influence, for example) effectively. edit delete dispute
535 scathe to attack with severe criticism. edit delete dispute
536 beguile to influence by trickery, flattery, etc.; mislead; delude. edit delete dispute
537 augur to divine or predict, as from omens; prognosticate. edit delete dispute
538 asseverate to declare earnestly or solemnly; affirm positively; aver. edit delete dispute
539 baleful full of menacing or malign influences; pernicious. edit delete dispute
540 assay to examine or analyze to assay a situation edit delete dispute
541 bilge to bulge or swell out edit delete dispute
542 blandish to coax or influence by gentle flattery; cajole They blandished the guard into letting them through the gate. edit delete dispute
543 bedizen to dress or adorn in a showy, gaudy, or tasteless manner. edit delete dispute
544 burnish to make smooth and bright. edit delete dispute
545 revel to take great pleasure or delight (usually fol. by in) to revel in luxury. edit delete dispute
546 upheaval strong or violent change or disturbance, as in a society edit delete dispute
547 percolate to pass through a porous substance; filter; ooze; seep; trickle. edit delete dispute
548 parlance a way or manner of speaking; vernacular; idiom legal parlance.
mendicate to beg
cauterize to burn with a hot iron, electric current, fire, or a caustic, esp. for curative purposes; treat with a cautery.
transgress to pass over or go beyond (a limit, boundary, etc.) to transgress bounds of prudence.
exhorbitant exceeding bounds of custom, propriety, or reason, esp. in amount to charge an exorbitant price
despoil to strip of possessions, things of value, etc.; rob; plunder; pillage.
proclivity natural or habitual inclination or tendency; propensity; predisposition a proclivity to meticulousness.
luminosity the quality of being intellectually brilliant, enlightened, inspired, etc. The luminosity of his poetry is unequaled.
vitriol Bitterly abusive feeling or expression.
virtuosity the character, ability, or skill of a virtuoso;a fondness for or interest in virtu.
cavil to raise irritating and trivial objections; find fault with unnecessarily He finds something to cavil at in everything I say.
cabal a small group of secret plotters, as against a government or person in authority. the plots and schemes of such a group.
cachinnate to laugh loudly or immoderately.
cadge to beg or obtain by begging.
calumniate to make false and malicious statements about; slander.
aspersion a damaging or derogatory remark or criticism; slander casting aspersions on a campaign rival.
caparison rich and sumptuous clothing or equipment. to dress richly; deck.
arrant inpudent; downright; thorough; unmitigated; notorious
celerity alacrity; swiftness; speed.
felicity the state of being happy, esp. in a high degree; bliss; pleasing manner marital felicity.
denigrate to speak damagingly of; sully; defame; also to make black rain clouds denigrating the sky.
contemn to treat or regard with disdain, scorn, or contempt.
defalcate To misuse funds; embezzle.
quotidian usual or customary; everyday; also ordinary; commonplace paintings of no more than quotidian artistry.
deposition removal from an office or position.
expunge to strike or blot out; erase; obliterate; to efface; wipe out or destroy.
denouement The outcome of a sequence of events; the end result.
phlegmatic not easily excited to action or display of emotion; apathetic; sluggish. Also calm, or composed
decorous characterized by dignified propriety in conduct, manners, appearance, character, etc.
acarpous not producing fruit; sterile; barren.
descant to comment or discourse at great length.
infelicitous inapt, inappropriate, or awkward; malapropos an infelicitous remark.
deprecate to depreciate; belittle. to express earnest disapproval of.
continence self-restraint or abstinence, esp. in regard to sexual activity; temperance; moderation.
dissemble to put on the appearance of; feign to dissemble innocence.
cozen to cheat, deceive, or trick.
sanctimonious making a hypocritical show of religious devotion, piety, righteousness, etc
decrepit weakened by old age; feeble; infirm a decrepit man who can hardly walk.
lassitude weariness of body or mind from strain, oppressive climate, etc.; lack of energy; listlessness; languor.
descry to see (something unclear or distant) by looking carefully; discern; espy The lookout descried land.
wry twisted; humorous twist
gumption common sense; shrewdness. Also courage; guts. also initiative; aggressiveness; resourcefulness
eschew to abstain or keep away from; shun; avoid
concomitant existing or occurring with something else, often in a lesser way an event and its concomitant circumstances.
demure characterized by shyness and modesty; reserved. Usually false/affected She was not the whore who lurks under the demure exterior of even the most respectable wife and mother.
desuetude the state of being no longer used or practiced.
dilatory tending to delay or procrastinate; slow; tardy. Your dilatory tactics may compel me to cancel the contract.
discomfit To make uneasy or perplexed; disconcert.To thwart the plans of; frustrate. To be discomfited by a question.
distrait inattentive because of distracting worries, fears, etc.; absent-minded.
dulcet pleasant to the ear; melodious. pleasant to the eye or the feelings; the dulcet tones of the cello.
dissemble to put on the appearance of
welter to roll, toss, or heave, as waves or the sea. or tumble about; wallow pigs weltering about happily in the mud.
insinuate to suggest or hint slyly He insinuated that they were lying.
provenance place or source of origin The provenance of the ancient manuscript has never been determined.
implore to beg urgently or piteously, as for aid or mercy; beseech; entreat They implored him to go.
affront deliberate act or display of disrespect; intentional slight; insult an affront to the king.
cornucopia an abundant, overflowing supply.
ineffable incapable of being expressed or described in words; inexpressible ineffable joy
grotesque odd or unnatural in shape, appearance, or character; fantastically ugly or absurd; bizarre.
fusillade a simultaneous or continuous discharge of firearms.
motile moving or capable of moving spontaneously motile cells
canvass to solicit votes, subscriptions, opinions etc. Also to examine carefully; investigate by inquiry; discuss; debate.
amok In a frenzy to do violence or kill rioters running amok in the streets.
consequential self-important; pompous.
chafe to wear or abrade by rubbing; to irritate; annoy The dripping of the faucet chafed her nerves.
finicky excessively particular or fastidious; difficult to please; fussy.
entreat to ask (a person) earnestly; beseech; implore; beg to entreat the judge for mercy.
pert lively; sprightly; in good health. Also boldly forward in speech or behavior; impertinent; saucy.
flaccid soft and limp; not firm; flabby flaccid biceps.
penumbra a shadowy, indefinite, or marginal area.
abominate to regard with intense aversion or loathing; abhor.
pall to make dull, distasteful, or unpleasant.
coy artfully or affectedly shy or reserved; slyly hesitant
extrude to thrust out; force or press out; expel
diadem a cloth headband, sometimes adorned with jewels, formerly worn by Oriental kings.
avid enthusiastic; ardent; dedicated; keen an avid moviegoer.
subterfuge something intended to misrepresent the true nature of an activity
mirth amusement or laughter He was unable to conceal his mirth.
dock to deduct from (wages)
philistine smug and ignorant and indifferent or hostile to artistic and cultural values
onus a difficult or disagreeable obligation, task, burden, etc.
Created by: vipin.jose
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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