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A&P Test 1

First Test of Fall 2012 Semester

Which organ system provides support, protection of soft tissue, mineral storage, and blood formation? Skeletal
Which organ system transports nutrients, metabolic wastes, gases, and defense cells? Cardiovascular
The kidneys and ureters are organs of the ________ system. Urinary
The pituitary gland and thyroid gland are organs of the ______ system. Endocrine
Which organ system removes carbon dioxide from the bloodstream? Respiratory
Skin, hair, and nails are associated with the ________ system. Integumentary
The maintenance of a constant internal environment in an organism is termed _________ homeostasis
When body temperature rises, a center in the brain initiates physiological changes to decrease the body temperature. This is an example of __________ negative feedback
If a response decreases a disturbance, the system is classified as a ______ feedback system. Negative
If a response increases disturbance, the system is classified as a _________ feedback system. Positive
This type of feedback exaggerates the effects of variations from normal Positive
The smallest stable units of matter are ______ Atoms
Ions with a + charge are called _______ Cations
Ionic bonds are formed when ___________ Electrons are completely transferred from atom to another
If a pair of electrons is unequally shared between two atoms, a(n) ________ occurs Polar covalent bond
The reaction A + B energy ------> AB is an example of a(n) _______ endergonic reaction
Chemical reactions that yield energy, such as heat, are said to be _______ Exergonic
All of the following true concerning enzymes, except that they _______ Are consumed during the reaction
Which of the following substances would be most acidic? Stomach secretions, pH = 1
If a substance has a pH that is greater than 7, it is ________ alkaline
Carbohydrate molecules _________ are the body's most readily available source of energy
A polysaccharide that is formed in liver and muscle cells to store glucose is _________ glycogen
Lipids __________ form essential structural components of cells, provide roughly twice the energy of carbohydrates, help to maintain body temperature, and cushion organs against shocks
The most abundant high- energy compound in cells is Adenosine triphosphate
Hydrophilic molecules readily associate with _________ water molecules
Carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins are classified as __________ organic molecules
Of the following choices, the pH of the least acidic solution is _______ 12.0
Identify which of the following is both an anion and a compound: HCO3-
Which of the following is not a cation? Cl-
In hydrolysis reactions, compounds react with ___________ water, causing decomposition
In dehydration reactions, compounds ________ lose water molecules
A(n) ___________ removes hydrogen ions and a(n) ________ releases hydrogen ions. base; acid
The smallest living unit within the human body is The cell
The plasma membrane is composed of _________ a bilayer of phospholipids
Which of the following is NOT a function of membrane proteins? cell nutrient
Functions of the glycocalyx include _________ lubricating and protecting the cell membrane, identifying the cell for the immune system, binding extracellular compounds
Components of the cytoskeleton may include all of the following except __________ microsomes
Most of the ATP required to power cellular operations is produced in the _________ mitochondria
Which of the following consists of a network of intracellular membranes with attached ribosomes? rough endoplasmic reticulum
Organelles that absorb and neutralize drugs and toxins are _________ Peroxisomes
When activated, lysosomes function in ________ digestion of foreign material
The control center for cellular operations is the _________ nucleus
mRNA is needed to synthesize ________ in the cytoplasm proteins
The process of protein formation directed by mRNA is called _________ translation
The process of forming mRNA is called ________ transcription
The movement of oxygen from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration is an example of __________ diffusion
Diffusion of a substance across the cell membrane is influences by all of the following except ___________ hydrolysis of ATP
Water molecules and small ions can enter a cell through __________ channels formed by integral proteins
A solution that contains a lower osmotic pressure than the cytoplasm of a cell is called _________ hypotonic
Facilitated diffusion differs from ordinary diffusion in that the rate of molecular movement is limited by the number of available carrier molecules
A process that requires cellular energy to move a substance against its concentration gradient is called ________ active transport
The intake of small membrane vesicles from the extracellular fluid is called _________ endocytosis
Which of the following about a cell's resting transmembrane potential is false? Inside slightly more positive than outside
The stage in a cell's life cycle in which the cell performs its normal functions and prepares for division is called________ interphase
Membrane proteins perform which of the following functions? Anchoring, receptors, recognition, and enzymes
Many proteins in the cytosol are ______ that accelerate metabolic reactions. Enzymes
Endocytosis is __________ a method for transporting substances into the cell
Some cells contain large numbers of mitochondria which others have relatively few or none. This suggests that ________ Cells with large numbers of mitochondria have a high energy demand
The skin swells and puckers during a long back. This suggests that bath water is a(n) ________ fluid. Hypotonic
Two types of vesicular transport include __________ endocytosis and exocytosis
During mitosis, two daughter cells form, each of which has ________ the same number of chromosomes as the original cell
A substance containing atoms of different elements that are bonded together is called a(n) _________ compound
Which of the following is NOT a function of proteins? storage of genetic information
If the concentration of sodium chloride is the interstitial fluid surrounding cells decreases and the concentration of solutes remains constant, ___________ the cells will swell
Which of the following is not one of the 4 main tissue categories? Osseous tissue
Epithelial cells that are adapted for absorption or secretion usually have _______ at their free surface. microvilli
A type of intercellular junction that stops materials from crossing an epithelium between cells is termed a(n)___________ occluding junction
The epithelia that line body cavities and blood vessels are classified as __________ simple squamous
Simple columnar epithelia are found_______ lining the stomach
Transitional epithelium is found __________ lining the urinary bladder
The heart and blood vessels are lined by __________ simple squamous epithelium
You would find pseudo stratified columnar epithelium lining the _________ trachea
Osseous tissue is also called _________ bone
Cartilage is separated from surrounding tissues by a fibrous _________ perichondrium
Chondrocytes are to cartilage as osteocytes are to _________ bone
Which of the following is a type of secretion in which some cytoplasm is lost with the product? apocrine
Cels that store fat are called _________ adipocytes
Each of the following is an example of dense connective tissue, except _________ areolar tissue
Tissues that provide strength and support for areas subjected to stresses from many directions are ___________ dense irregular connective tissues
Which of the following membranes line cavities that communicate with the exterior of the body? mucous
The reduction of friction between the parietal and visceral surfaces of an internal cavity is the function of _________ serous membranes
The muscle tissue that shows no striation is ________ muscle smooth
Tissue that is specialized for the conduction of electrical impulses is ________ tissue neural
Watery perspiration is an example of a(n) ________ secretion merocrine
The pancreas produces ________ secretions exocrine and endocrine
Cells that engulf bacteria or cell debris within loose connective tissue are __________ macrophages
Characteristics of epithelia include __________ attachment, avasularity, regeneration, and polarity
The junction type that lets neighboring cells exchange small molecules is the _________ gap junction
The 3 types of connective tissue include _________ connective tissue proper, fluid connective tissues, and supporting connective tissues
Two classes of macrophages include ________ fixed macrophages and free macrophages
___________ attach skeletal muscles to bones, and ________ connect one bone to another tendons; ligaments
The 3 types of protein fibers in connective tissue are __________ collagen, reticular, and elastic
Intercalated discs and pacemaker cells are characteristic of ________ cardiac muscle tissue
Created by: HeatherOdom



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