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unit 2

honors geography

primate city a countries largest city
indigenous aboriginal or native ex. the pre Colombian inhabitants of the Americas
NAFTA the free trade area launched in 1994 involving the united states Canada and Mexico
Borderland general term for linear zone that parallels a political boundary
Maquiladoras the term given to modern industrial plants in Mexico's us border zone assemble imported components or raw materials
Land Bridge a narrow isthmian link between two large landmasses they are temporary features
Archipelago a set of islands grouped closely together usually elongated into a chain
Hurricane alley the most frequent pathway followed by tropical storms and hurricanes over the past 150 years in their generally westward movement across the Caribbean basin
Altittudinal zonation vertical regions defined by physical environmental zones at various elevations particularly in the highlands of the south and middle america
Tropical deforestation the clearing and destruction of tropical rainforests
culture health heartland, source area, or innovation center
mestizo derived from the Latin word for mixed, refers to a person of mixed European and Amerindish nationality
hacienda literally, a large estate in a Spanish speaking country
plantation a large estate owned by an individual, family, or corporation and organized to produce cash crop
connectiuvity the degree of linkage between a particular location and other locations.
small island developing economies the additional disadvantages faced by lower-income island estates because of their often small territorial size.
economies of scale the savings that accrue from large scale production wherein the unit of cost of manufacturing decreases as the level of operation changes
economic integration the economies benefits of forging supranational partnerships
acculturation cultural modification resulting from intellectual borrowing
transculturation cultural borrowing and two way exchanges that occur when different cultures of approximately equal complexity and technological level come into close contact
ejidos Mexican farmlands redistributed to peasant communities after the revolution of 1910-1917
biodioversity hot spot a higher world class geographic concentration of plant and animal species
offshore banking term referring to financial heavens for foreign companies and individuals, who channel their earnings into an account in a diff. country
remittances money earned by emigrants that is sent back to family and friends back home
intermodal transport system one that smoothly integrates surface transportation modes
social strafation in a layered or stratified society, the population is divided into a hierarchy of social classes
mulatto a person of mixed African and European ancestry
Created by: pl226851
Popular Geography sets