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NWHSU Review GA1 T1

NWHSU Review of Bony Landmarks and Arthrology Notes for GA1 Test 1

Which ribs are True or Vertebrosternal Ribs? 1-7
Which ribs are False or Vertebrochondral Ribs? 8-10
Which ribs are Floating or Vertebral Ribs? 11,12
Which ribs are False Ribs? Vertebrochondral and Vertebral Ribs 8-12
Which rib has a single facet on the head? 1,11,12
Which rib has a scalene tubercle? 1
Which rib has grooves for the subclavian artery and vein? 1
Which rib has a tuberosity for the serratus anterior muscle? 2
Which rib has no tubercle (does not articulate with the TP)? 11,12
What is the landmark of the Scapula slightly concave anterior surface? Subscapular Fossa
What is the landmark of the Scapula a ridge of bone on the dorsal surface? Spine
What is the landmark of the Scapula lateral, freely projecting process of the spine? Acromion Process
What is the landmark of the Scapula dorsal surface inferior to the spine? Infraspinous Fossa
What is the landmark of the Scapula dorsal surface superior to the spine? Supraspinous Fossa
What is the landmark of the Scapula thick, curved process attached to the superior border projecting anterolaterally? Coracoid Process
What is the landmark of the Scapula superior border, medial to the coracoid process? Scapular Notch
What is the landmark of the Scapula slightly concave surface of the lateral angle-articulates with the head of the humerus? Glenoid Fossa/Cavity
What is the landmark of the Scapula immediately superior to the glenoid fossa? Supraglenoid Tubercle
What is the landmark of the Scapula immediately inferior to the glenoid fossa? Infraglenoid Tubercle
What is the landmark of the Clavicle with the more rounded end? Sternal Articular Surface
What is the landmark of the Clavicle with the more flattened end? Acromial Articular Surface
What is the landmark of the Clavicle posterolaterally, on the inferior surface? Conoid Tubercle
What is the landmark of the Clavicle laterally, on the inferior surface? Trapezoid Line
What is the landmark of the Humerus articulates with the glenoid fossa? Head
What is the landmark of the Humerus indistinct area immediately distal to the head? Anatomical Neck
What is the landmark of the Humerus anteriorly, inferior to the head-the ridge of bone extending down from the tubercle is the crest of the? Lesser Tubercle
What is the landmark of the Humerus large projection lateral to the head? Greater Tubercle
What is the landmark of the Humerus groove between the tubercles? Intertubercular Sulcus/Bicipital Groove
What is the landmark of the Humerus indefinite area inferior to the tubercles where the bone narrows (fractures are fairly common here) Surgical Neck
What is the landmark of the Humerus on the anterolateral surface, just superior to midshaft? Deltoid Tuberosity
What is the landmark of the Humerus shallow groove on the superior posterior surface passing inferiorly from medial to lateral? Spiral Groove/Sulcus of the Radial N.
What is the landmark of the Humerus round, anterolateral articulating surface -articulates with the head of the radius? Capitulum
What is the landmark of the Humerus pulley-like medial articulating surface-articulates with the trochlear notch of the ulna? Trochlea
What is the landmark of the Humerus slight depression immediately proximal to the capitulum, on the anterior surface - receives the head of the radius in forearm flexion? Radial Fossa
What is the landmark of the Humerus depression immediately proximal to the trochlea on the anterior surface- receives the coronoid process of the ulna in forearm flexion? Coronoid Fossa
What is the landmark of the Humerus large depression immediately proximal tothe trochlea on the posterior surface - receives the olecranon process in forearm extension? Olecranon Fossa
What is the landmark of the Humerus projection medial to the trochlea? Medial Epicondyle
What is the landmark of the Humerus on the posterior, inferior surface of the medial epicondyle? Sulcus of the Ulnar N.
What is the landmark of the Humerus projection lateral to the capitulum? Lateral Epicondyle
What is the landmark of the Radius disk-like proximal end which articulates with the capitulum on its proximal aspect and with the radial notch of the ulna on its medial aspect? Head
What is the landmark of the Radius narrowed region immediately distal to the head? Neck
What is the landmark of the Radius on anterior surface, distal to the neck -an insertion site for biceps brachii? Radial Tuberosity
What is the landmark of the Radius bluntly pointed projection on the lateral, distal surface? Styloid Process
What is the landmark of the Radius depression on the medial, distal surface for articulation with the head of the ulna? Ulnar Notch
What is the landmark of the Ulna large, anterior proximal indentation -articulates with the trochlea? Trochlear Notch/Semilunar Notch
What is the landmark of the Ulna large posterior proximal projection? Olecranon Process
What is the landmark of the Ulna anterior lip of the trochlea notch? Coronoid Process
What is the landmark of the Ulna indentation on the proximal lateral surface for articulation with the head of the radius? Radial Notch
What is the landmark of the Ulna at the base of the coronoid process? Ulnar Tuberosity
What is the landmark of the Ulna distal end? Head
What is the landmark of the Ulna dorsal medial projection off the head? Styloid Process
What is the landmark of the Os Coxa concave lateral articular surface - formed by ilium, ischium, and pubis Acetabulum
What is the landmark of the Os Coxa incomplete wall on the inferior surface of the acetabulum? Acetabular Notch
What is the landmark of the Os Coxa the rough central area of the acetabulum? Acetabular Fossa
What is the landmark of the Os Coxa smooth articulating surface on the periphery of the acetabulum? Lunate Surface
What is the landmark of the Os Coxa large foramen inferior to the acetabulum - bounded by pubis and ischium? Obturator Foramen
What is the landmark of the Os Coxa contributes to the acetabulum Pubis
What is the landmark of the Os Coxa: Pubis, extends from body to articulate with the opposite member? Superior Ramus
What is the landmark of the Os Coxa: Pubis, inferiorly from the medial end of the superior ramus? Inferior Ramus
What is the landmark of the Os Coxa: Pubis, articulation between two pubic bones? Pubic Symphysis
What is the landmark of the Os Coxa: Pubis, projection on cranial border of the medial portion of the superior ramus? Pubic Tubercle
What is the landmark of the Os Coxa: Pubis, medial from the pubic tubercle to the medial border of the pubis? Pubic Crest
What is the landmark of the Os Coxa: Ilium, superior margin of the wing? Iliac Crest
What is the landmark of the Os Coxa: Ilium, anterior terminus of the iliac crest? Anterior Superior Iliac Spine
What is the landmark of the Os Coxa: Ilium, on anterior wing inferior to the anterior superior iliac spine? Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine
What is the landmark of the Os Coxa: Ilium, posterior terminus of the iliac crest? Posterior Superior Iliac Spine
What is the landmark of the Os Coxa: Ilium, on posterior wing inferior to the posterior superior iliac spine? Posterior Inferior Iliac Spine
What is the landmark of the Os Coxa: Ilium, large indentation on the posterior aspect between the posterior inferior iliac spine and the ischial spine - involves both the ilium and ischium but primarily the ilium? Greater Sciatic Notch
What is the landmark of the Os Coxa: Ilium, inner slightly concave surface of the wing? Iliac Fossa
What is the landmark of the Os Coxa: Ilium, posterior "ear shaped" surface which articulates with the sacrum? Auricular Surface
What is the landmark of the Os Coxa: Ilium, roughened inner area superior to the auricular surface - site of ligament attachment? Iliac Tuberosity
What is the landmark of the Os Coxa: Ilium, outer surface of the wing passing posterior from the crest towards the greater sciatic notch? Superior Gluteal Line
What is the landmark of the Os Coxa: Ilium, anterior and inferior to the posterior gluteal line curving from the anterior aspect toward the greater sciatic notch? Middle Gluteal Line
What is the landmark of the Os Coxa: Ilium, begins at the notch between the two anterior spines and curves towards the greater sciatic notch? Inferior Gluteal Line
What is the landmark of the Os Coxa: Ischium, large posterior inferior protuberance? Ischial Tuberosity
What is the landmark of the Os Coxa: Ischium, sharp posterior projection superior to the ischial tuberosity? Ischial Spine
What is the landmark of the Os Coxa: Ischium, indentation between the ischial spine and ischial tuberosity? Lesser Sciatic Notch
What is the landmark of the Femur ball-like articulating surface? Head
What is the landmark of the Femur pit in the head for attachment of a ligament (ligamentum teres femoris)? Fovea Capitis
What is the landmark of the Femur constriction inferior to the head? Neck
What is the landmark of the Femur large lateral projection at the base of the neck? Greater Trochanter
What is the landmark of the Femur depression on the medial side of the greater trochanter? Trochanteric Fossa
What is the landmark of the Femur posterior medial projection at the base of the neck? Lesser Trochanter
What is the landmark of the Femur ridge between the two trochanters on the posterior surface? Intertrochanteric Crest
What is the landmark of the Femur small ridge between the two trochanters on th eanterior surface (for attachment of the iliofemoral ligament)? Intertrochanteric Line
What is the landmark of the Femur prominent longitudinal ridge on ht eposterior surface -having a medial and lateral lip? Linea Aspera
What is the landmark of the Femur roughened area atop the lateral lip of linea aspera (for attachment of the gluteus maximus)? Gluteal Tuberosity
What is the landmark of the Femur smooth, triangular area on the posterior distal femur where the lips of linea aspera diverge? Popliteal Surface
What is the landmark of the Femur distal articulating surfaces? Medial and Lateral Condyles
What is the landmark of the Femur posterior depression between the condyles? Intercondylar Fossa
What is the landmark of the Femur roughened projection on the medial and lateral surfaces of the condyles? Medial and Lateral Epicondyles
What is the landmark of the Femur projection on the medial surface of the the medial epicondyle - for attachment of adductor magnus? Adductor Tubercle
What is the landmark of the Tibia proximal, expanded ends bearing articular surfaces? Medial and Lateral Condyles
What is the landmark of the Tibia roughened area on the anterior surface inferior to the condyle -for attachment of the patellar ligament? Tibial Tuberosity
What is the landmark of the Tibia on superior 1/3 of posterior surface -extends obliquely downward and medial -for attachment of the soleus? Soleal Line
What is the landmark of the Tibia medial projection off the distal end? Medial Malleolus
What is the landmark of the Fibula the proximal end? Head
What is the landmark of the Fibula pointed apex of the head? Styloid Process
What is the landmark of the Fibula expanded distal, lateral end? Lateral Malleolus
What is the landmark of the Calcaneus shelf-like projection on the superior medial aspect -articulates with the talus superiorly? Sustentaculum Tali
Specific joint subtype united by an interosseous ligament? Syndesmosis
Specific joint subtype united by a very small amount of dense fibrous connective tissue? Suture
Specific joint subtype united by hyaline cartilidge? Synchondrosis (usually temporary, replaced by bone later)
Specific joint subtype united by fibrocartilidge? Symphysis
______serrate suture of the skull? Saggital
______denticulate suture of the skull? Lamboidal
Amphiarthrosis joints are slightly movable AND ____ where bones are united by fibrocartlidge Amphiarthrosis joint only used with fibrocartiligigous joint)
BLANK joint SUBtype that is a primary cartilagenous joint Hyaline cartlidge (a.k.a. Synchondrosis)
List 4 characteristics of a syndesmosis. considerable space between bones, united by interosseus ligaments, slightly moveable, synarthrosis (generally fibrous joints are immovable/synarthrosis, the exception is syndesmosis which is slightly moveable BUT STILL classified as a synarthrosis joint)
List 4 characteristics of a synchondrosis (a.k.a. Hyaline cartlidge). bones are united by Hyaline cartlidge, primary cartilaginous joint, immovable, usually temporary (later replaced by bone)
Specific joint subtype that is a peg and socket joint. Gomphosis
specific type of joint where suture denticulate is an example Lamboidal
Created by: AnatomyMash
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