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Psych CH6

Interpersonal and Group Behaviour

attitude a learned idea about ourselves or others, or objects and experiences
tri-component a model that postulates the attitude is formed from the influence of three components: feelings (affective__actions (behavioural) __ and thoughts (cognitive)
affective component how a person feels about various ppl, objects or institutions (how you feel)
behavioural component how a person acts toward various ppl, objects or institutions (what you do)
cognitive component what a person thinks about various ppl, objects or institutions (what you believe and why you believe it)
direct contact personal experience with the object of an attitude
interaction discussion with ppl holding a particular attitude
child rearing parental values, beliefs and practices applied while caring for a child
group membership our association with the ppl with whom we share common characteristics
media providers of info, such as magazines, television, radio
mean worldview regarding the world as a dangerous and threatening place
chance conditioning learning that takes place by chance or coincidence
reference group any group with whom a person identifies and uses as a standard for social comparison
persuasion any deliberate attempt to change attitudes or beliefs through into and argument
consumer psychology a specific area of psychology that seeks to understand why ppl buy the things they do
consumer behaviour all the actions involved in deciding to spend
market research a type of public opinion pollen used to assess consumer views on products
brand image the personal or emotional meanings consumers attach to products
cognitive dissonance contradictory or classing thoughts that cause discomfort
prejudice a negative emotional attitude held towards embers of a specific social group
stereotypes oversimplified images of ppl who belong to a particular social group, causing them to appear more similar than they really are
intergroup contact interactions between the holder of the stereotype and the target of the stereotype
sustained contact prolonged and involved cooperative activity or interaction
superordinate goals shared goals that groups or individuals cannot achieve alone or without the other person or group
mutual interdependence depending on one another to meet each person's goals
equality social interaction that occurs at the same lvl, without obvious differences in power or status
cognitive interventions learned skills and behaviours that can be used to combat prejudice
individuating info knowledge that helps us see a person as an individual, rather than as a member of a group
just-world belief belief that ppl generally get what they deserve
self-fulfiling prophecy an expectation that prompts ppl to act in ways that make the expectation come true
social competition rivalry among groups, each of which regards itself as superior to others
commonalities things ppl share or have in common, increasing cooperation with others and sharing joys and sufferings
cultural awareness awareness of cultural backgrounds different to your own
discrimination unequal treatment of ppl who should have the same rights as others
status inequalities differences in power, prestige or privileges
sexism at attitude that is a mixture or negative thoughts (stereotypes), feelings of fear, envy or hostility and actions of discrimination based on gender
ageism anat attitude that is a mixture or negative thoughts (stereotypes), feelings of fear, envy or hostility and actions of discrimination based on age
racism at attitude that is a mixture or negative thoughts (stereotypes), feelings of fear, envy or hostility and actions of discrimination based on race
scapegoating blaming another person or a group for the actions of others or for conditions not of their making
personal prejudice an attitude whereby members of another racial or ethnic group are perceived as a threat to one's own interests
group prejudice prejudice held out of conformity to group views
authoritarian personality a personality characterised by rigidity, inhibition and prejudice
multiculturalism giving equal status to different ethnic, racial and cultural groups
observation of behaviour recording ppl's behaviour within a specific circumstance or environment
self reports reports in which individuals are asked to freely express attitudes towards a particular issue
open-ended interviews interviews in which individuals are asked to comment freely and without limitation on their attitude towards a particular issue
fixed-response questions questions that restrict a participants response to an interview question to a limited choice of answers
indirect questioning a method in which individuals are asked to write down adjectives that best describe their attitude to a person, object or experience
Created by: 96
Popular Psychology sets




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