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SK General Diagnosis

Patient: Anyone, but kids and elderly are prone Symptoms: Red, burning, itching eyes Circumstances: following contact at daycare, work, school Physical: Conjunctival injection, slight pain, purulent discharge (the lids may stick together) Bacterial Conjunctivitis
Patient:Anyone, often kids Symptoms: red, burning, itching eyes Circumstances: previous co-existing URI Physical: conjunctival injection, slight pain Viral Conjunctivitis
Patient: Adult with narrow corneal angle Symptoms: marked pain, photophobia, dimmed vision and halos Circumstances: Physical: Perilimbal injection, dilated pupils, sluggish pupillary response, increased eyeball tension, disc cupping Acute Glaucoma
Patient: Adults >40 yo Symptoms: Slowly progressing tunnel vision in both eyes Circumstances: Insidious tunnel vision over the course of many years Physical: Obvious tunnel vision checking peripheral vision field of vision, enlarged physiological cup Chronic Glaucoma
Patient: Anyone with genetic defect Symptoms: Night blindness followed by progressive tunnel vision Circumstances: progressive dystrophy beginning during youth Physical: "Bone spicule" retinopathy Retinitis Pigmentosa
Patient: Usually an adult over 55 yo Symptoms: central blurred vision gradually progressing to a central scotoma Circumstances: Physical: Diminished visual acuity Central Cataract
Patient: Adult over 50 yo Symptoms: Slowly progressing central vision loss in one or in both eyes Circumstances: Physical: Altered colour & configuration of the macula/fovea Macular Degeneration
Patient: Anyone, but often children under 5 yo who've had an upper respiratory infection Symptoms: Earaches Circumstances: Physical: Fever, diminished hearing, red & bulging eardrum with possible purulent discharge Suppurative Otitis Media
Patient: Adults Symptoms: 1-3 weeks of pain over the affected sinus, possible stained mucopurulent discharge, cervical adenopathy, sometimes fever Circumstances: Secondary to colds and allergies Physical: Sensitive to digital pressure, no transillumin Sinusitis
Patient: Commonly children but anyone Symptoms: Sore throat lasting 7 days more or less Circumstances: exposure in daycare, school or work Physical: Red throat & swollen glands Acute Pharyngitis
Patient: Commonly children but anyone Symptoms: Sudden, sore throat Circumstances: Physical: Fever, red throat, exudate in the tonsillar follicles or covering the tonsils Tonsillitis (Strep Throat)
Patient: Children <15 yo but anybody Symptoms: Sore throat, low grade fever Circumstances: Exposure 2-4 days previously Physical: Grey adherent membrane of the tonsils, pharynx & or nose Diptheria
Patient: Teen or young adult Symptoms: sore throat & listless Circumstances: sometimes after exposure "kissing disease" Physical: Swollen tonsils, lymph glands & spleen What is its two names? Mononucleosis (Epstien Barr Virus)
Patient: Preschoolers mostly, but anyone Symptoms: Fever, dyspnes & cough Circumstances: Often secondary to a URI Physical: Coarse crackles * no other chest findings Acute Bronchitis
Patient: Unimmunized child Symptoms: Persisted, nocturnal cough & fever Circumstances: 1-2 weeks later, the coughing spasms cause the kid to turn red or blue in the face (stridor) Physical: 2 Names Whooping Cough (Pertussis)
Patient: Unimmunized child under 10 yo Symptoms: cough, conjunctivitis and fever before a rash Circumstances: Koplik spots 1-2 days before the onset of a maculopapular rash Physical: Typical rash pattern, may have lung crackles Measles
Patient: Young & old are at greatest risk Symptoms: Sudden onset of high fever, sore throat, dry cough that become productive within a couple of days & intense headache and body ache Circumstances: Physical: Possible crackles & wheezes Influenza
Patient: Young and old Symptoms: Persistent cough, dyspnea, fever, malaise Circumstances: Preceding URI, fever last more that 4 days Physical: Few findings Viral Pneumonia
Patient: Anybody with low resistance Symptoms: sudden cough, rusty sputum, dyspnea, fever and possible pleurisy Circumstances: Worst is over in 7-10 days by antibiotics, full recovery w/i a month Physical: incr. resp & heart rate, consolidation Lobar Pneumonia
Patient: 50 yo Symptoms: chronic productive cough Circumstances: exposure to ciggs/pollution Physical: crackles and wheezes, chronic cough, blood streaked sputum, blue-ish skin Chronic Bronchitis
Patient: >40 yo Symptoms: dyspnea & eventual barrel chest Circumstances: smoking/ chronic lung infection Physical: Decr. fremitus, breath, diaphragmatic mvmnt Hyperres percussion pink face Emphysema
Patient: Pt w/ phlebitis, valvular heart disease, bed ridden, prolonged sitting, post surg Symptoms: sudden chest pain, cough, dyspnea Circumstances: Physical: few crackles Pulmonary Embolus/Infarction
Patient: Middle age/older, overwt, smoker, diabetic, hi BP, hi LDL, claudication, Hx of atheroscl/angina/infarct Symptoms: Severe, continuous substernal pain radiating dwn arms/neck/jaw Physical: Shallow, rapid/irreg pulse, drop in BP Myocardial Infarct
Patient: Middle age/older, overwt, smoker, diabetic, hi BP, hi LDL, claudication, Hx of atheroscl/angina/infarct Symptoms: substernal tightness, epigastric discomfort Circumstances: emotional or exertional stress Physical: nothing notable Angina Pectoris (Coronary Artery Disease)
Patient: Anyone Symptoms: Pain in the center of the chest Circumstances: Usually following viral infection like mono or flu Physical: May radiate into neck & shoulder, friction rub in sync with heart rate Pericarditis
Patient: Adult with phebitis, valvular disease, bed ridden, prolonged sitting, post surgery Symptoms: sudden chest pain, cough and dyspnea Circumstances: lungs return to normal in 2-4 weeks Physical: a few crackles Pulmonary Embolus/Infarction
Patient: 50 or >, overwt, smoker, diabetic, hi BP/LDL, claudication, Hx of atheroscl/angina/infarct Symptoms: sudden excruciating pain across the chest or b/w the shldr blades,described as tearing or rip Circumstances: long hypertension Physical: None Dissecting Anneurysm
Patient:50 or >, overwt, smoker, Hx chronic bronchitis/emphysema, rhematic fever, endo/myocard, Rt heart infarct Symptoms: fatigue, dyspnea, ankle & leg edema Physical: Pitting edema, murmur, precordial heave, displaced apical impulse Rt Sided Chronic Heart Failure
Diastolic Murmurs caused by ARMS & PRTS Aortic Regug Mitral Stenosis Pulmonic Regurg Tricuspid Stenosis
Systolic Murmurs caused by ASMR & PSTR Aortic Stenosis Mitral Regurg Pulmonic Stenosis Tricuspid Regurg
Pain like a heart attack unless patient leans forward Pericardial Friction rub
Patient: 50 or >, ovrwt, smoker, hi BP/LDL, Diabetic, athero, claudication, Hx rheumatic fever, endo/myocarditis, angina, infarct affecting Lt heart Symptoms: fatigue, dyspnea, cough Physical: Bibasilar crackles, precordial heave, displaced apical impul Lt Sided Chronic Heart Failure
Patient: Anybody Symptoms: Mild ache around umbilicus, worsens w/ peristalsis, nausea, vomit, diahrrea Circumstances: 90% due to viral infection, otherwise food poison, inc. alcohol, parasites, preg Physical: Hi clicks and gurgles Acute Gastroenteritis
Patient: 15-35 yo Symptoms: Episodes of diahrrea & abdominal pain that vary with each pt., fever Course and duration: Chronic autoimmune response Physical: Abdominal tenderness, skip lesions, anorexia, no relief w/ defecation 2 Names Crohn's Disease/ Regional Enteritis
Patient: Young adult Symptoms: Reccurent bouts of diahhrea (20-30 days) assoc blood/pus/mucus Course/ Duration: Chronic Physical: Slight Abd pain, wt loss, no relief with defecation, toxic megacolon (Incr. Risk of colon cancer) Ulcerative Colitis
Patient: Anybody Symptoms: Diahrrea w/ pus/vomit/leg cramps Course/Duration: Can be fatal w/i 24 hrs Physical: Dehydration * shock (drop in BP) Cholera
Patient: Male over 50 Symptoms: Insidious onset progressing to colicky abd pain, constipation, stools (pencil thin stool) occasionally diahrrea with mucus/blood Physical: Palpable abdominal mass Gastroesophageal Refulx Disease (GERD)
Patient: Female, Fat, Flatulent, Forty or more Symptoms: Extended period of recurrent, vague feelings of indigestion, bloating, flatulent not relieved by antacids Physical: RUQ tenderness & Murphy's sign, possible jaundice * Worse when eating fatty Chronic Cholecystitis
Patient: over 40 Symptoms: recurrent episodes of sudden, severe LLQ pain w/ assoc diahrrea & rectal bleeding Course: 1-3 days Physical: LLQ tenderness * guarding Diverticulitis
Patient: Any male, overwt, hx of coughing, sneezing, straining Symptoms: report of pain & swelling in the area of internal inguinal ring Physical: cough induced palpable mass against ext inguinal ring, pain and a visible mass eventually Indirect Inguinal Hernia
Patient: Older males, overwt, hx of coughing, sneezing, straining Symptoms: Minimal pain and swelling medial to external inguinal ring Course: slow & silent til its painful or apparent Physical: cough induced palpable mass against ext inguinal ring, pa Direct Inguinal Hernia
Patient: Female, overwt & prev preg Symptoms: pain &/or swelling in area Circumstances: cough induced palpable mass below mid inguinal lig Physical: Femoral Hernia
Patient: Anyone Symptoms: Painless swelling of belly button Circumstances: Congenital Physical: Visible, palpable mass most apparent with incr. abd pressure Umbilical Hernia
Patient: mid aged woman and elderly Symptoms: pain from acid reflux, 1-4 hrs after eating, night time substernal pain & epigastric pain, belching Physical:None * Reclining and heavy meals make symp worse Hiatal (Diaphragmatic) Hernia with Acid Reflux
Patient: more commonly men over 60, smoking, diabetes, hi BP Symptoms: no symptoms unless it is a rapid tear --> boring mid abd pain radiating to back Physical: Careful palpation may reveal wide pulse, decr femoral pulse Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Patient: Women Symptoms: polyuria, nocturia, dysuria, hematuria Circumstances: secondary to urethral contamination with E Coli Physical: Pain over pubis Cystitis (UTI)
Patient: Kids under 5yo, sexually active, elderly women Symptoms: fever, polyuria, nocturia, dysuria, flank pain Circumstances: following cystitis Physical: flank is tender on palpation, costovertebral angle tenderness & positive murphy's Acute Pyelonephritis
Patient: Boys Symptoms: General malaise, oliguria & painless hematuria Circumstances: 1-4 weeks after strep throat Physical: Periorbital edema & hypertension Acute Glomerulonephritis
Patient: Men over 50 Symptoms: Noctuia, polyuria, urgency, hesitancy, decr. force and dibbling Circumstances: Insidious Physical: DRE may reveal posterior lobes to be swollen, tender, nodular Prostatic Hypertrophy
Patient: Sexually Active people Symptoms: Female - dysuria, vaginal discharge, abd/back pain. Males - dysuria, mucoid discharge Circumstances: 1-3 wks post infection Physical: None Chlamydia
Patient: Sexually active people Symptoms:Male - dysuria, yellow discharge. Most women have no symp Circumstances: 5-30 days post infection Physical: NONE Gonorrhea
Patient: Preg women Symptoms: 50% asymptomatic, grayish/yellowish- white discharge w/o inflamm Physical: hx & discharge Bacterial Vaginitis
Patient: Women Symptoms: vaginal itching, odorless, thick, cottage cheese-like discharge PREceding menses Physical: Hx, Inflamed vulva and discharge Yeast Infection
Patient: Symptoms: Circumstances: Physical:
Most common STD Chlamydia
Infection of uterus or fallopian tubed secondary to chlymidia or gonorrhea. Symp: lower abd pain, foul smelling vag discharge, irregular menstrual bleed, painful urination/sex Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
Patient: Women Symptoms: copious, frothy, greenish-yellow discharge, pain & irritation FOLLOWING menses Physical: Hx, Red/Strawberry cervix & discharge Trichomonas (Vaginitis)
Patient: Sexually active ppl Symptoms: Painful vesicle which break, crust and heal over several days, dysuria Circumstances: 7 days post contact Physical: Hx, and vesicles Genital Herpes
Chonic Right sided heart fail symptoms Fatigue Dyspnea Ankle Edema leading to jugular distension and ascites
Chonic Left sided heart fail symptoms Fatigue, dyspnea, cough, orthopnea
Right heart fail is usually caused by Lung problem due to Left heart fail
Recurrent episodes of yeast infection can suggest.... Underlying immunodeficiency or diabetes
Auscultation Level: Aortic 2nd Rt ICS nxt to sternum
Auscultation Level: Pulmonic 2nd Lt ICS nxt to sternum
Auscultation Level: Tricuspid 5th Lt ICS nxt to sternum
Auscultation Level: Mitral 5th Lt ICS at mid clavicular line
Liver: Lumpy border Liver Cancer
Liver: Hard feeling Cirrhosis
Liver Tender Hepatitis
Liver: Tender mass in right mid clavicular line Cholecystitis
1-3 wks after exposure - multiple chancres appear at site of infection (genitals) The chancre is painless but swollen inguinal lymph appears soon after Primary Syphilis
Non-itchy rash (macular-papular) on palms, soles of feetl. Genital warts and spotty alopecia of scalp Secondary Syphilis
20 yrs after onset, organ problems. Skin shows gummas and ulcerations Tertiary Syphilis
Osteoblasts and Osteoclasts working too much Pagets/ Osteitis Deformans
DIP joint is assoc with which node and disease? OA
PIP joint is assoc with which node and disease? OA or RA
MCP joint is assoc with which node and disease? RA
Ulnar N damage causes Clawhand
The Medial Plantar N goes through the Tarsal tunnel
The Mendian N goes through the Carpal tunnel
The Ulnar N goes through the Tunnel of Guyon
The Sciatic N pierces the Piriformis
The snuffbox consists of Extensor Pollicus Longus Extensor Pollicus Brevis Abductor Pollicus Longus Floor - Scaphoid
Right ventricular enlargement secondary to lung malfunction is called Cor Pulmonale
Tetralogy of Fallot Dextrorotation of the aorta Right ventricular hypertrophy Intraventricular septal defect Pulmonary artery stenosis
Macrocytic Normochromic Anemia Decr. B12/Folate
Microcytic Hypochromic Anemia Decr. Iron and chronic hemorrhage
Impaired esophageal peristalsis/lower esophageal sphincter contraction 20-40, dysphagia, chest pain, regurgitation, nocturnal cough Achalasia
Mucosal membrane across lumen Plummer Vinson/Paterson-Kelly
Varicosities in the esophagus, portal hypertension Esophageal Varicies
Incompetence of lower esophageal sphincter, reflux, Barretts esophagus Gastroesophageal Reflux (GERD)
Outpouching of the mucosa and submucosa, fills with food, possible regurgitation when bending or lying down, bad breath Esophageal Diverticula
Laceration of distal esophagus and proximal stomach during vomiting, hiccups, hemorrhage, alcoholics Mallory-Weiss
Most common location for ulcers Duodenal
Gastric ulcers are usually caused by Helicobacter pylori and NSAIDS
Inflammation of liver Hepatitis
Nutmeg liver Cirrhosis
Aggressive peptic ulcer/tumor. Can perforate through lining Zollinger-Ellison
Ptosis, Meiosis (pupil constriction), Anhydrosis (decr. face sweat), pancoast tumor Horners Syndrome
Clubbing of the nails Lung cancer
Causes of Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome Infections, near-drowning, radiation therapy, shock, sepsis, burns, fractures, acute pancreatitis, hemodialysis, bypass, uremia, diabetic ketoacidosis
Goodpasture's Syndrome affects which two organs Lungs and Kidneys
An Increase in Growth Hormone before growth plate closure causes Gigantism
An Increase in Growth Hormone after growth plate closure causes Acromegaly
An Increase in Thyroid Stimulating Hormone causes Hyperthyroidism (aka Grave's Disease)
Enlarged neck glands, wt loss, constant hunger, nervousness, tremors, fatigue, heat intolerance, diarrhea, exopthalmos, hypertension Graves (Hyperthyroidism)
An Increase in Adenocorticotrophic Hormone causes Hyperadrenalism (aka Cushings)
Moon face, hirsuitism, purple striae, wt gain, hypertension, buffalo hump Cushings (Hyperadrenalism)
A decrease in growth hormone causes Dwarfism
A decrease in thyroid stimulating hormone causes Hypothyroidism (aka Addisons)
fatigue, lightheadedness when standing/upright, weakness, fever, wt loss, anxiety, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, sweating, changes in mood and personality, and joint and muscle pains, craving for salty foods, Addisons (Hypothyroidism)
A decrease in MSH Light skin/ Albinism
Immunity cell: Liver Kupfer cells
Immunity cell: Alveoli Alveolar macrophages
Immunity cell: Brain Microglial cells
Immunity cell: Tissue Histocytes
Immunity cell: Lungs Dust Cells
Immunoglobulin: Milk, membrane IgA
Immunoglobulin: 320 000 IgA
Immunoglobulin: Smallest, most numerous IgG
Immunoglobulin: 150 000 IgG
Immunoglobulin: Allergies, parasites IgE
Immunoglobulin: 200 000 IgE
Immunoglobulin: First response, largest IgM
Immunoglobulin: 900 000 IgM
Cell for humoral immunity B cell found in spleen, tonsils, lymph, GI, bone marrow
Cell for cellular immunity T cell found in thymus
WBC: Bacterial infection, acute infection, phagocytic Neutrophil
WBC: Viral infection, chronic disease Lymphocyte
WBC: Chronic infection Monocyte
WBC: Parasitic, allergy Eiosinophil
WBC: Makes heparin and histamine Basophil
Reed sternberg cells, Ivory white vertebra, relapsing fever Hodgkin`s Lymphoma
3 conditions that show ivory white vertebra 1. Mets 2. Pagets 3. Hodgkins
Leukemia: MC in children, starry cell ALL (Acute Lymphocytic)
Leukemia: Children, less common CML
Tumor: Glandular Tissue Benign or Malig? Adenoma
Primary bone tumor of OLD Multiple Myeloma
Primary bone tumor of YOUNG in Metaphysis Osteosarcoma
Primary bone tumor of OLD in Diaphysis Chondrosarcoma
Primary bone tumor of YOUNG in Diaphysis Ewing's Sarcoma
Benign Tumors of the Epiphysis Chondroblastoma Giant Cell Tumor
Giant cell tumor is MC found in Knee
Benign Tumors of the Metaphysis Osteoblastoma Osteochondroma Non-Ossifying Fibroma Osteoid Osteoma Chondromyxoid Fibroma
Benign Tumors of the Diaphysis Enchondroma Fibrous Dysplasia
Malignant Tumors of the Diaphysis Ewing's Sarcoma Chondrosarcoma
Malignant Tumors of the Metaphysis Osteosarcoma
Narrowing jt spaces, subchondral sclerosis, osteoblasitc activity Osteoarthritis/DJD
Female 20-40 yo, symmetrical pannus, ulnar deviation, inflammation of synovium, affects limbs and cervicals, morning stiffness Rheumatoid Arthritis
Adult Male STD, Chlamydia, conjunctivitis, urethritis, arthitis Reiters
Arthritis, peroneal muscle atrophy Charcot Joint
Silver scales, pitted nails, found on extensors, pencil-cup deformity Psoriatic Arthritis
Tophi (ear), Podagra (big toe), Purine metabolism problem, Uric acid crystals Gout
Calcium pyrophosphate crystals, knee Pseudogout (CPPD)
Symmetrical arthritis in SI jts, young males, bamboo spine, HLA-B27, breathing difficulties, shiny corner, trolly tracks, dagger sign Ankylosing Spondylitis
Males over 50, ALL calcification, cervical pain, stiffness, decreased ROM DISH/Forresters
Lesion of the median nerve results in what symptoms Inability to flex the thumb, index and middle finger at MC-Phalangeal jt
Lesion of the median nerve is called Ape Hand
Lesion of the Ulnar nerve results in what symptoms inability to flex distal interphalangeal jts of 4th -5th digits Sensory loss of the medial 1.5 digits
Lesion of the ulnar nerve is called Claw hand
Lesions of the radial nerve results in what symptoms loss of extension
Lesion of the radial n is called Wrist drop
Patient with: Resting tremor/Brady Kinesia/Cog-wheel rigidity/ Shuffling gait/ Masked face Parkinson's
Patient with Lewy Bodies Parkinson's
AKA of Paralysis Agitans Parkinson's
Problem with dopamine in basal ganglia Parkinson's
Patient with: Charcot's triad/ Parasthesia/ Incr DTR/ Vertigo MS
Charcot's Triad Scanning speech, Intention tremor, Nystagmus
Demyelination of the CNS with relapse/remission periods MS
Patient with: Weakness that worseens with exercise/extra-occular weakness/Normal DTR Myasthenia Gravis
Decrease in Ach receptors due to formation of antibodies that block them/ Excess Cholinesterase/ Thymic Enlargement Myasthenia Gravis
AKA of Lou Gherig's ALS
Disease affecting the Anterior horn and corticospinal tracts ALS
UMNL of the lower ext and LMNL of the upper ext ALS
Patient with: Clumsiness/muscle cramps/weakness (esp. thenar eminence)/fasciculations ALS
Patient with: loss of pain and temperature/ cape-like distribution of pins and needles Syringomyelia
Cyst-like formation in in the central canal of the spinal cord Syringomyelia
Disease with deficiency of GABA (Basal ganglia affected) Huntington's Chorea
Condition: Argyll-Robertson pupil – constricts, converges, but no response to light Neurosyphilis
Condition: CT disorder showing proximal muscle weakness; systemic CT disorder Polymyositis/Dermatomyositis
Silver scales, pitted nails, mainly in extensors Psroiatic Arthritis
Quebec Task Force Acute = 0-7d (1 week); subacute = 7-50d (1-7 weeks); chronic = > 50d (> 7 weeks)
The inferior vena cava passes thru the diaphragm at T8
The esophagus passes thru the diaphragm at T10
The aorta passes thru the diaphragm at T12
CREST syndrome – Calcinosis, Raynaud’s, Esophageal abnormality, Sclerodactyly, Telangiectasis; multiorgan disease (kidneys, skin, esophagus, GI); more common in middle-aged females; check ADI on X-ray Scleroderma
CREST Syndrome Calcinosis, Raynaud’s, Esophageal abnormality, Sclerodactyly, Telangiectasis
Swelling of semimembranosus bursa Baker’s Cyst
COndition: Proximal muscle weakness; systemic autoimmune disorder; high ANA levels; commonly affects kidneys – kidney problem + pathological fracture – think SLE; malar rash; ADI! SLE
Condition: Microcephaly, short stature, mental retardation, epicanthal folds, large protruding tongue, simian crease, congenital heart disease (commonly ventricular septum, A-V canal); develop Alzheimer’s in old age Down Syndrome
Trisomy 21 Down Syndrome
Branchial Arches: 1 CN V (mandibular) – malleus/incus (Meckel’s cartilage), mandible, maxilla, muscles of mastication
Branchial Arches: 2 CN VII (hyoid) – stapes, upper hyoid bone, styloid process, muscles of facial expression
Branchial Arches: 3 IX (thyro-hyoid) – lower hyoid, stylopharyngeus ONLY
Branchial Arches: 4/5/6 CN X – thyroid/cricoid cartilage, tracheal rings, pharyngeal muscles
Condition: 1 = dysfunction phase – facet synovitis [circumferential and radial tears in disc] 2 = unstable phase [internal disc disruption & resorption] 3 = stabilization phase – osteophyte formation [ decr disc height] Kirkaldy-Willis Stages
Condition: Glycogen storage disorder; glucose-6-phosphate deficiency; onset birth-3mos Von Gierke’s Disease
Cells that create Testosterone Leydig cells
Cells that create sperm Sertoli cells
Condition: X-linked inheritance; Gower’s sign; in child: late sitting/standing/walking; Incr lordosis; waddling gait; rare to live past early 30s Duchenne’s MD
Condition: X-linked recessive; same proximal weakness as DMD, but prolonged; patients live longer; S/S appear after age 5; calf hypertrophy Becker’s MD
Condition: RV enlargement 2 to a lung disorder (NOT LV hypertrophy, congenital or valve disease) that causes pulmonary hypertension; present with exertional dyspnea, angina-like pain Cor Pulmonale
Acute Cor Pulmonale due to Pulmonary embolus
Chronic Pulmonale due to COPD
Postpartum pituitary malfunction  no lactation or resumption of menstruation Sheehan’s Syndrome
When does this childhood milestone occur? Prone to supine 3.5mo
When does this childhood milestone occur? Supine to prone 4.5mo
When does this childhood milestone occur? Sit unsupported 6mo
When does this childhood milestone occur? Crawl 8mo
When does this childhood milestone occur? Pull-up 8.5mo
When does this childhood milestone occur? Walk 12mo
Severe gastric ulcers; gastric hypersecretion; Incr plasma gastrin; gastrinoma of the pancreas or duodenum Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome
Congenital; 1) pulmonic stenosis 2) ventricular septal defect 3) malposition of aorta 4) RV hypertrophy; primary symptoms are cyanosis and hypoxia; “boot shaped heart” - xray Tetralogy of Fallot
Incr dopamine causes what mental disroder Schizophrenia
Femoral Triangle SUP: Inguinal ligament, MED: Adductor longus, LAT: Sartorius FLOOR, medial to lateral: pectineus, iliopsoas COVERING: fascia lata and cribiform fascia CONTENTS: femoral n. and its branches, femoral sheath, femoral a.
Celiac Trunk/Artery Branches Branches: L. gastric a., splenic a., short gastric a., L. gastroepiploic a.
AKA hepatolenticular degeneration; Decr ceruloplasmin = accumulation of copper in liver, then released and accumulates in other tissues; causes tremors, rigidity, dysphagia, dementia, cirrhosis, hemolytic anemia; Kayser-Fleischer rings (sclera) Wilson’s Disease
Uterine tissue outside of uterus; most commonly on serosa of ovaries but can occur anywhere Endometriosis
Benign tumours seen in young women; circumscribed and mobile to palpation Fibroadenoma
Created by: SanaK
Popular Science sets




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