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Health Glencoe

WCHS Health Glencoe Chapter 6

body image the way you view your body
Body mass index (BMI) a ratio that allows you to assess your body size in relation to your height and weight; BMI=weight (in lbs) x 703/height (in ins.) 2
energy equation one pound of body fat equals about 3,500 calories
overweight a condition in which a person is heavier than the standard weight range for his or her height
obesity having an excess amount of body fat
dietary guidlilnes for americans Aim for fitness, build a healthy base, choose sensibly
Underweight a condition in which a person is less than the standard weight range for his or her height
nutrient -dense foods food that are high in nutrients as conmpared with their calorie content
fad diets weight-loss plans that are popular for ony a short time
liquid diets a liquid diet replaces all of his or her food intake with a special liquid formula
fasting to abstain from eating
diet pills work to suppress the appetite
weight cycling the repeated pattern of loss and regain of body weight
eating disorder an extreme, harmful eating behavior that can cause serious illness or even death
Anorecia nervosa a disorder in which the irrational fear of becoming obese results in severe weight loss from self-imposed starvation
Bulimia nervosa a disorder in which some form of purging or clearing of the digestive tract follows cycles of overeating
binge eating disorder a disorder characterized by compuldive overeating
heatstroke a condition in which the body loses the ability to rid itself of excessive heat through perspiration
electrolytes minerals that help maintain the body's fluid balance
rehydration restoring lost body fluids
anabloic steroids synthetic substances similar to the male hormone testosterone
Vegetarian a person who eats mostly or only plant foods
vegan a vegetarian who eats only plant foods
dietary supplement a non-food form of one or more nutrients
megadose a very large amount of a dietary supplement
herbal supplement a chemical substance from plants that may be sold as a dietary supplement
Created by: dmoudy
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