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Peds Primitive Refle

Pediatric Primitive Reflex

ROOTING 28 weeks/3 months Stroke cheek at corner of mouth Head turns towards stimulus Absent in depressed babies
MORO 28 weeks/5-6 months Allow head fall back 20-30 degrees in supported sitting Abd/ ext of shoulders, extension of elbows, wrist and fingers Challenges with sitting balance
PALMAR GRASP 28 weeks/4-5 months Pressure to palm. Finger flex voluntary grasp patterns
PLANTAR GRASP 28 weeks/9 months Pressure to foot Flex/curling of toes. Can limit & delay gait pattern
ASYMMETRICAL TONIC NECK REFLEX (atnr) (Archer) Birth-2 months/4-6 months Turn head to one side,Arm & leg on Difficult rolling, no middling, sciolosis, never totally obligatory in full term infant
SYMMETRICAL TONIC NECK REFLEX (stnr) 4-6 months/8-12 months Suspended prone position w/flex or ext of head Head flex: arms flex, leg ext Head ext: arm ext, leg flex Limits reciprocal creeping, walking Integration coincides with crawling
TONIC LABYRINTHINE REFLEX Birth/6 months Observe child in prone & supine Prone: flex posture dominates Supine: ext posture Diff. w/moro coord, planning & crossing midline, head control against gravity
PRIMARY STANDING REFLEX 32 weeks/1-2 months Support infant upright & allow feet to make firm contact Co-contract of flex & ext allow WB Hypotonia, muscle weakness, prerequisite for stepping reflex
STEPPING REFLEX 38 weeks/2 months Supported stand position Reciprocal flex/ext of legs Standing balance, walking,& weight shifting
GALANT REFLEX 30-32 weeks/2 months Positioned in prone, stroke lateral to spine from shoulder to crest, lateral flexion towards side of stimulus Affect sitting balance, lead to scoliosis
LANDAU REFLEX 3-4 months/12-24 months Prone suspension with trunk support Head, upper truck, and hip/legs extended Poor response with hypotonia, breaks overall flexor tone for development of head/ trunk control against gravity
reflexes assist movement before cortical volitional control
generalized before localized movement (whole arm/leg moves before individual joints)
gross before fine motor
proximal before distal (trunk before arms)
cephalad before caudal (head before legs)
primitive reflexes originate in brainstem, 'protection & survival" (breathing)
Involuntary muscle reaction to certain types of stimulation primitive reflexes
persistence of primitive reflexes after typical integration age can be a sign of damage to the CNS or brain
asymmetry with reflexes could indicate injury to one side of the brain
Created by: jklincoln
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