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Forms of Writing

AP language terms

BILDUNGSROMAN/COMING OF AGE novel or story whose theme is the moral or psychological growth of the main character; protagonist is initiated into adulthood through knowledge, experience, or both, often by a process of disillusionment.
BILDUNGSROMAN/COMING OF AGE (CONT.) Understanding comes after the dropping of preconceptions, a destruction of a false sense of security, or the loss of innocence. Some shifts include ignorance to knowledge, innocence to experience, idealism to realism, immature responses to mature ones
CAUSE/EFFECT pattern of writing/speaking which is characterized by its analysis of why something happens, on contrast to Process, which describes how something happens. Cause and effect often links situations and events in time, with causes preceding events
CLASSIFICATION/DIVISION patter of writing/speaking which is characterized by division, which is the process of breaking a whole into parts, and classification, which is the often subsequent process of sorting individual items into categories
COMPARISON/CONTRAST pattern of writing/speaking which is characterized by, in its narrowest sense, how two or more things are similar (compare) and/or how two or more things are different (contrast)
GENRE major category into which a literary work fits. Basic deviations are prose, poetry, and drama.
GENRE (CONTINUED) However, they can be divided into sub-genres. Ex. prose can become novels and short stories or nonfiction. Poetry can be divided into lyric, dramatic, narrative, epic, etc. Drama can be divided into tragedy, comedy, melodrama, farce, etc.
HOMILY literally means sermon, nut can include any serious talk involving moral or spiritual advice
IN MEDIAS RES opening a story in the middle of the action, requiring filling in past details by exposition or flashback (such as in JC's history before he enter Rome)
NARRATIVE telling of a story or an account of an event
PARODY work that closely imitates the style or content of another for comic effect or ridicule. It exploits an author's peculiarities in expression (propensity for parenthesis, certain favorite words, etc.). Ex. south park
DESCRIPTION writing intended to re-create, invent, or visually present a person, place, or event
ELEGY a song or poem of mourning or lamentation
BURLESQUE a humorous imitation of a serious work of literature. The humor often arises from the incongruity between the imitation and the work being imitated
MEMOIR an autobiographical work. Rather than focusing on the author's life, it pays significant attention to the author's involvement in historical events and the characterization of individuals other than the author
SATIRE a work that aims to ridicule the shortcomings of individuals, institutions, or society, often to make a political point. Ex. the Simpsons
ABSTRACT a very brief synopsis of longer work of scholarship or research. The abstract of an entire book may be reduced to a single page. Also something that does not exist in the real world.
CLASSIC a highly regarded work of literature or other art form that has withstood the test of time
EXPOSE a piece of writing, often journalistic, meant to reveal or expose weakness, faults, frailties, or other shortcomings
LAMPOON a violent, satirical attack against a person or institution
Created by: randomosity123
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