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STAAR 6th vocab

PLOT events that take place in a story
EXPOSITION - introduces background, setting, characters
RISING ACTION conflict develops & tension builds
EXTERNAL CONFLICT what happens to/around a character that contributes to his/her struggle
TURNING POINT CHANGE that happens to the character
CLIMAX point of highest tension in the story RESOLUTION - the finish - how the problem resolves
1st person point of view The character is in the story. Only know their thought/feelings because they tell you them.
3rd person limited point of view The narrator is outside of the story. Only knows thoughts/feelings of ONE person.
3rd person omniscient point of view The narrator has full access to the thoughts/feelings of ALL characters in the story.
FLASHBACK a scene from the past; memory
FORESHADOW a waning or hint of a future event
TONE author's attitude toward the topic
MOOD reader's attitude toward the piece
PROTAGONIST main/leading character (the good guy)
ANTAGONIST the opponent/instigator (the bad guy)
INTERNAL CONFLICT thoughts & feelings within a character that contribute to his/her struggle
THEME overall message, moral, life lesson of the story
Metaphor comparison by renaming (Ex. The point guard is a bulldozer.)
Simile comparison using like or as (Ex. The point guard is like a bulldozer.)
Personification giving non-living things human characteristics (Ex. The wind whistled in the trees.)
Hyperbole extreme exaggeration (Ex. He lived a year in a minute.)
act large section of a play
alliteration the repetition of the same starting sound ( Wally walked to Walmart.)
author's purpose why an author writes a text
autobiography a story about someone's life written by that person
biography a story about someone's life written by someone else
cause the "why"- happens 1st
conflict also known as the problem
dialogue what is being spoken/talking
drama a work that is meant to be preformed on stage
fact can be measured, observed, and proven true
fantasy a genre that has magical/make believe elements
historical fiction a story that is set in the past, but it is fiction
illustration picture or image
inference a decision based on text evidence and your own knowledge
introduction the beginning of the story, where we learn the characters and the problem
line break where the line of text ends
narrator the person telling the story
nonfiction informational text that is true
onomatopoeia the use of words that imitate the words they describe
opinion a personal thought or feeling
playwright the author of a play or drama
plot the events that make up the story
poetry a type of literature that can have stanzas or lines
realistic fiction a story that is fiction, but could happen in real life
repetition lines or words that are repeated showing importance
scene a small section in a play
setting when and where the story takes place
stage directions written in italics and parentheses--tells feelings, settings, or actions of the play
stanza group of lines in a poem, like a paragraph
Synonym a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase
Antonym a word opposite in meaning to another
Central conflict the main problem in the story
Foreshadow a warning or indication of a future event
Speaker The "voice" of the poem or the "person" who is "speaking" the poem (it's from their point of view)
Stance/viewpoint/position attitude of a person or organization towards something
Props the objects or items that are on stage during a play. They always have a purpose for being on stage!
Scenes the minor sections a play is divided into. Each scene often has a DIFFERENT SETTING.
Acts the major sections a play is divided into. The beginning of a new act can be set in a different place and be set further ahead in time.
Selection also know as the passage or article
Diagram A picture that shows the parts of something, has labels
Subheading/subtitle Divides the text into sections and explains what the sections will be about
Main Idea what the text is mostly about--NOT a DETAIL
Italics Letters from the text that are evenly slanted toward the right for emphasis (to show importance)
Suspense feeling excited or anxious uncertainty about what may happen
Imagery author's use of language that appeals to the five senses in order to help the reader paint a picture in their minds
Paraphrase express the same message but in your own words
Text Structures How the author organizes information in an informational text
Chronological It tells the order in which things or events occurred. It is another word for sequential order.
Sequential Order It tells the order in which things or events occurred. It is another word for chronological order.
Cause & Effect It tells what happened and why it happened
Description It is a topic idea, person, place, or thing that is described by listing its features, characteristics, or examples
Problem & Solution It provides a problem and describes how it can be or is solved.
Compare & Contrast It shows the similarities and differences between two or more things.
Informational Text A text, article, or selection that contains true information about people, places, things, events, etc.
drawing conclusions combining several pieces of information to make an inference
prefix a word part that can be added at the beginning of a word to make a new word
suffix a word part that can be added at the end of a word to make up a new word
RESOLUTION the end- how the problem resolves
symbolism a person, place, or thing that represents something beyond its literal meaning. (ex. A heart might represent love.)
author's viewpoint the author's attitude toward or opinion about a subject
Central idea most important point the author makes
Thesis the thesis statement is the sentence that directly expresses the writers opinion, purpose, or position. Their answer to the prompt.
Claim A statement one believes is true, usually supported by evidence
analyze to look at something carefully by attention to its parts
irony A contrast between what is expected and what actually happens.
stanza A group of lines in a poem
context Words, events, or circumstances that help determine meaning.
relevant connected to the topic at hand
cite to quote from the text
emphasis highlight; give special focus to
connotation The feeling behind the word (stupid has a negative connotation)
motivation what moves a character/person to do something
convey/express to communicate something or make it known
Opposing viewpoint An opinion or view that goes against someone else's.
Argument an opinion that must be supported by reasons
Supporting details details or evidence – such as facts, examples, or anecdotes – support an author’s idea
anecdotes brief, personal stories that make a point or a punch line
persuasive writing aims at influencing a reader's opinion and actions
Created by: MrsEsquivel
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