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Oral Path 3


Most common routes of spread of oral carcinoma: Invasion of tumor cells through the epithelial basement membrane into the underlying CT
A clinical term descriptive of a white plaque or patch on the oral mucosa that cannot be scraped off and cannot be classified as any other clinically diagnosable disease: Leukoplakia
Causative organism of herpes zoster: Vericella-zoster virus
Osteosarcoma is a: Osteogenic sarcoma which is a malignant tumor of bone
A salivary gland stone is called a: Sialolith
Injuries to teeth (chemical and physical):_______________ is a pathologic process, _____________ is a physiologic process, and __________ is a pathologic process. Erosion; Attrition; Abrasion
Gentle pressure with movement on clinically normal mucosa causing cleavage of epithelium and a bulla is called: Nikolsky's sign
The soft tissue version of a dentigerous cyst is a(n) eruption cyst
The cyst that develops in place of a tooth is called: Primordial cyst
The soft tissue variant of the lateral periodontal cyst: gingival cyst
Tumor exhibiting rolled borders and caused from the sun: Basal cell carcinoma
The cyst associated with basal cell nevus syndrome: Odontogenic karatocyst
Etiology of hairy tongue Unknown, idiopathic
A lesion that is hard is descriptively defined as indurated
The 3 P's of diabetes 1. Polydipsia (thirst); 2. Polyuria (frequent urination); 3. Polyphagia (hunger)
Cafe au lait spots are seen in what three diseases: Polystotic fibrous dysplasia, neurofibromatosis of Von recklinhaussen, Albright syndrome, Jaffe-Lichenstein
Increased blood calcium, decreased phosphorus, and abnormal bone metabolism are used to diagnose what disease? Hyperparathyroidism
Excess production of growth hormone in an adult: Acromegaly (the adult form of hyperpituitarism, the child form is gigantism)
Koplik's spots are seen in someone who has: measles
1. The initial step for treatment of leukoplakias: 2. If unexplained and persistent what is mandatory? 3. If benign with dysplasia, then what? 1. History, identify cause, remove causative factor; 2. biopsy; 3. remove
Created by: ClarkDH
Popular Dentistry sets




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